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Former Member

In respect to what may be described as a spat between the Guyana Administration and the former Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Brent Hardt, it is important to recognise that although Article 37 of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana is not without considerable relevance, this provision is not determinative.


What is determinative is the customary rule of international law which precludes a diplomatic envoy from interfering in the domestic affairs of the receiving state, a primordial obligation encapsulated in Article 41.1 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1963) and also reflected in Article 2(7) of the United Nations Charter.


It must be borne in mind that even though Article 8 of the constitution establishes this instrument as the supreme law in Guyana, it is trite international law that the laws of a state may not be invoked as a ground for non-compliance with an international obligation: Article 27 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969).


As a matter of law, a state may not even invoke its constitution as a ground for non-compliance with an international obligation: Article 13 of the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Rights and Duties of States.


In this context, reference may be made to Oppenheim’s International Law, 9th Edition, at p. 1068 where it is stated: “(i)t is universally recognised that envoys (or other diplomatic agents) must not interfere with the internal political life of the state to which they are accredit.


It certainly belongs to their functions to watch political events with a vigilant eye and to report their observations to their home state.
But they have no right whatever to take part in that political life, to encourage one political party or to threaten another. It matters not whether an envoy acts thus on his own account or on the instructions from his home state.


If he does so, he abuses his position, and the receiving state will either protest, or, in a more serious case, request his home state to recall him and appoint another individual in his place, or, if his interference is very flagrant, dismiss him”.


Oppenheim, an authoritative publicist on international law, further stated: “a line must, however, be drawn between functions which it is proper that a diplomatic mission may exercise, and those which it may not, although it has to be recognised that it is not always easy to draw such a line”(at p. 1067).


Ambassador Brent Hardt was due to leave Guyana on July 6, 2014 on determination of his assignment to this country.

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That could have been possible but the fact is the PPP invited the Americans to intervene in Guyana's politics in 1992 and today the opposition has adopted the same position as a pre 92 PPP and they have also invited the Americans to intervene. Not only one opposition party but all of them have asked the Americans to intervene so on that Note this professor can take his letter and shove it up his ass.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

That could have been possible but the fact is the PPP invited the Americans to intervene in Guyana's politics in 1992 and today the opposition has adopted the same position as a pre 92 PPP and they have also invited the Americans to intervene. Not only one opposition party but all of them have asked the Americans to intervene so on that Note this professor can take his letter and shove it up his ass.

HM_Redux, would you like me to take to task? You know that's a lot of bull shit coming from your mouth. Isn't it?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

That could have been possible but the fact is the PPP invited the Americans to intervene in Guyana's politics in 1992 and today the opposition has adopted the same position as a pre 92 PPP and they have also invited the Americans to intervene. Not only one opposition party but all of them have asked the Americans to intervene so on that Note this professor can take his letter and shove it up his ass.

HM_Redux, would you like me to take to task? You know that's a lot of bull shit coming from your mouth. Isn't it?

Sure give it a shot, lets hear what bs you have to warble about.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

That could have been possible but the fact is the PPP invited the Americans to intervene in Guyana's politics in 1992 and today the opposition has adopted the same position as a pre 92 PPP and they have also invited the Americans to intervene. Not only one opposition party but all of them have asked the Americans to intervene so on that Note this professor can take his letter and shove it up his ass.

HM_Redux, would you like me to take to task? You know that's a lot of bull shit coming from your mouth. Isn't it?

Sure give it a shot, lets hear what bs you have to warble about.

The PPP invited the Americans in 1992 to oversee that the election is free and transparent as any democratic state would want to be. In every part of the world, the American are happy to see countries that were under dictatorship to be free from the communist regime. The Jimmy Carter center is well know for that. Every country that are liberated and somewhat fee to join the nations of free societies has joint ambassadors as a good will gesture to have better understanding of both nations. This does not mean that an ambassador has legal authority to meddle in a country's affairs. He/she can make recommendation with caution that he/she does cross the boundary to insult a sovereign government at anytime of his hospitality in that country.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

That could have been possible but the fact is the PPP invited the Americans to intervene in Guyana's politics in 1992 and today the opposition has adopted the same position as a pre 92 PPP and they have also invited the Americans to intervene. Not only one opposition party but all of them have asked the Americans to intervene so on that Note this professor can take his letter and shove it up his ass.

HM_Redux, would you like me to take to task? You know that's a lot of bull shit coming from your mouth. Isn't it?

Sure give it a shot, lets hear what bs you have to warble about.

The PPP invited the Americans in 1992 to oversee that the election is free and transparent as any democratic state would want to be. In every part of the world, the American are happy to see countries that were under dictatorship to be free from the communist regime. The Jimmy Carter center is well know for that. Every country that are liberated and somewhat fee to join the nations of free societies has joint ambassadors as a good will gesture to have better understanding of both nations. This does not mean that an ambassador has legal authority to meddle in a country's affairs. He/she can make recommendation with caution that he/she does cross the boundary to insult a sovereign government at anytime of his hospitality in that country.

One could easily dispatch your bullshit without even a wink.


First of all the majority of the Guyanese electorate has endorsed the Ambassador's comments via their elected representatives in parliament.


Second, The Ambassador in no way insulted the Government or the President what he did do was speak the truth. Call local government elections was his comment and also he pointed out correctly I might add that Ramotar selectively chooses when to ignore the constitution and when not to. He is basically again repeating comments made by the majority of citizens in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

OK, he said, she said. We may never get anyway no matter how hard we try. I called that very unproductive.




Leave them alone. You were correct about the opposition complaining. They can do nothing and cannot fight their own battles. They are useless. I repeat useless. 


Priya revealed the truth. As Al Gore said, inconvenient truth. An the opposition are a bunch of whiners and complainers. They can talk and talk is cheap.


The PPP has many faults, but when one compares them them to useless opposition, they are a better alternative. This ambassador will be replaced with one who will respect and honours his responsibilities. The PPP has now declared that they will draw a red line when required.


Kudos to Priya. She makes the entire opposition look like traitors and unpatriotic. BenShi* and Nigel are alleged terrorists instigators. They worship the feet of these traitors. 


Gerhard ketch sense and ran for his dear life from the sinking AFC ship. The opposition are in a state of wreck.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

OK, he said, she said. We may never get anyway no matter how hard we try. I called that very unproductive.




Leave them alone. You were correct about the opposition complaining. They can do nothing and cannot fight their own battles. They are useless. I repeat useless. 


Priya revealed the truth. As Al Gore said, inconvenient truth. An the opposition are a bunch of whiners and complainers. They can talk and talk is cheap.


The PPP has many faults, but when one compares them them to useless opposition, they are a better alternative. This ambassador will be replaced with one who will respect and honours his responsibilities. The PPP has now declared that they will draw a red line when required.


Kudos to Priya. She makes the entire opposition look like traitors and unpatriotic. BenShi* and Nigel are alleged terrorists instigators. They worship the feet of these traitors. 

Ambassadors has a time limit to serve in a foreign country. Some are better than others. By saying this, let's remember Venezuela crises, and the the Benghazi attack that kill one of US ambassador. Should we praise Guyana to be a more liberal and democratic nation where US ambassadors feel safe?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

OK, he said, she said. We may never get anyway no matter how hard we try. I called that very unproductive.




Leave them alone. You were correct about the opposition complaining. They can do nothing and cannot fight their own battles. They are useless. I repeat useless. 


Priya revealed the truth. As Al Gore said, inconvenient truth. An the opposition are a bunch of whiners and complainers. They can talk and talk is cheap.


The PPP has many faults, but when one compares them them to useless opposition, they are a better alternative. This ambassador will be replaced with one who will respect and honours his responsibilities. The PPP has now declared that they will draw a red line when required.


Kudos to Priya. She makes the entire opposition look like traitors and unpatriotic. BenShi* and Nigel are alleged terrorists instigators. They worship the feet of these traitors. 

Ambassadors has a time limit to serve in a foreign country. Some are better than others. By saying this, let's remember Venezuela crises, and the the Benghazi attack that kill one of US ambassador. Should we praise Guyana to be a more liberal and democratic nation where US ambassadors feel safe?


Guyana has and will always be a friend of the USA and all Americans.


It was this ambassador who appeared to have fanned a flame of discontent to topple the PPP. This will make anyone who loves and respect democracy upset. I am upset at this type of bullying.


As the retired judge said, this ambassador violated international law.


I call a spade a spade.

Last edited by Former Member

- Washington is “deeply concerned” by kingdom’s demand that US official leave after he met with Shia Opposition group

WASHINGTON has said that it is “deeply concerned” by Bahrain’s demand that a top U.S. diplomat leave the country after he met with a leading Shia Opposition group.Bahrain’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Monday that U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour Tom Malinowski is not welcome in the country.


I guess only Guyana has problem with Americans. I guess Baharin don't know what they are doing either.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Great post. 


Them white mouth bastard need two bitch slap and sent to bed, especially that HM_Redux. He need a good booth in his freaking hiney.


This Retired Judge is a Po-key Hole

US to continue calling for local govt elections

US Embassy, Georgetown, Guyana.

US Embassy, Georgetown, Guyana.


The United States (US) government is not about to let up on its public advocacy for local government elections, despite the recent spat with the Guyana government over then Ambassador, Brent Hardt’s remarks, according to a senior Western Diplomat.

“We have a US Government policy, not an Ambassador’s policy and that policy is articulated not only by the Ambassador,” said the diplomat at a briefing for editors.

From all accounts, the US intends to continue making the Guyanese public aware of Washington’s position in the context of the Obama administration’s foreign policy on matters such as human rights and democracy.

The official stressed that his government’s view is that local government elections are important. “That’s not going to change. These are international obligations,” he said.  The US has said that Guyana’s refusal to hold the polls since 1997 has amounted to not only a violation of the constitution and law but also the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Commonwealth Charter. The United Kingdom has said that no local government poll for such a long time was a stain on this former British colony’s democracy.

On whether the forthright remarks about glaring inconsistencies and excuses by President Donald Ramotar and the governing Peoples Progressive Party’s (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee amounted to interference in Guyana’s internal affairs, the Western Diplomat said “we never contemplated heading in that particular direction.”

The diplomat sought to rubbish assertions that Guyana-US relations sank to an all-time low when the Guyana government, through its Acting Foreign Minister Priya Manickchand, humiliated Hardt for meddling in Guyana’s internal affairs by strongly advocating for local government elections. “The relationship is very much on track,” said the diplomat who pointed to cooperation in security, health and the environment.

Describing the Manickchand-Hardt clash as a “historical fact,” the Western diplomat emphasized that it was time for the two countries to move forward. “I think if you want to look at the significance of our cooperation, we are at one of the closest periods of cooperation we have ever had,” he said.

The US, UK, Canada and European Union have taken a unified position that Guyana must hold the long-overdue elections.


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