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May 19, 2021


Retired Commissioner Clinton Conway speaking to News Source from the Brickdam Police station where he was detained, said he is surprised and shocked by the move to arrest him and other senior Officers.

Retired Assistant Police Commissioner Clinton Conway and retired Senior Superintendent George Fraser were arrested by the Police today on the orders of the Special Organised Crime Unit as the Unit probes allegations of fraud against a number of senior retired Police Officers.

The allegations are related to payments made to the retired Officers by the Police Force for consultation services and the reviewing and revision of the Standing Orders of the Police Force.

Retired Commissioner Clinton Conway speaking to News Source from the Brickdam Police station where he was detained, said he is surprised and shocked by the move to arrest him and other senior Officers.

Mr. Conway explained that back in 2019, he was invited along with other senior retired Officers to a meeting with the then Police Commissioner Leslie James at the Police Force’s Headquarters.

He said other Senior Police Officers were part of the meeting.

Conway explained that at the meeting, the retired Officers were asked to review and revise the Standing Orders of the Police Force and make recommendations.

The group was given an office in the Strategic Management Unit of the Force to do the work. The retired Senior Officers were paid a monthly stipend for their services and were monitored by the Strategic Management Unit.

The engagement came to an end in the run-up to last year’s elections as the same facility was needed for the housing of officers during the elections.

Clinton Conway

“They said they would be paying us $3000 an hour for the work we were doing and there was no deadline in terms of the project…we got payment several times…this morning SOCU came to me at my workplace and told me they were investigating me for fraud. I told them they have to tell me exactly what they are investigating me for. The Officer said I am inviting you to the SOCU office and I said well since you are inviting me, I’ll turn down the invitation and he then said that is arresting me. He arrested me and took me down to SOCU where they took my photographs and they sent me to the Brickdam Police station and brought me here where I am still”, Conway explained.

The former Assistant Commissioner said two other former Assistant Police Commissioners including the current Chairman of the Police Service Commission Paul Slowe were part of the Standing Orders review team.

He believes efforts will also be made to arrest them.

Mr. Conway, who is also a member of the Police Service Commission said he believes the allegations and the investigations are meant to get back at him and the Chairman of the Police Service Commission Paul Slowe over their decision to block the promotion of some senior Police Officers.

“I feel that they want to get at me and Paul Slowe. We are members of the Police Service Commission, he (Slowe) is the Chairman and we had denied Karimbash who is the head of SOCU and Brutus who is in charge of Administration, promotions and they took us to Court and one of the cases is on Monday for ruling…and so apparently they are looking at me and Paul Slowe”, Conway said.

The former Assistant Police Commissioner who served the Guyana Police Force for 39 years without any issue said he is shocked at the treatment now being meted out to him by the same Police Force.

“I am shocked and its only because I don’t want to get on like Ryan Crawford but I am shocked. I gave 39 years of unbroken service, quality service to the Police Force…and this is our reward for helping to revive the Police Standing Orders”, Mr. Conway told News Source.

He said all of the work and recommendations completed during the review and revision of the Police Force’s Standing Orders was was left with the Police Force and it is quality work that was done by a team of quality professionals who served the Force.

Conway said his Attorneys are already looking into the matter and he has received calls from around the region and North America from persons who expressed their worry about the arrests and the allegations being made against the former Senior Officers.

The Guyana Police Force has not offered any information on the arrests and the investigations.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Media release
For immediate release Wednesday, May 19, 2021
PPP hell bent on converting Guyana Police Force into political weapon
- arrests of Retired Assistant Police Commissioners signals Guyana has
sunken into naked dictatorship
The APNU+AFC Coalition is outraged at the continuation and intensification of the campaign of vulgar political persecution of professionals in Guyana.
The latest episode being the arrest of former senior police officers and members of the Police Service Commission (PSC) – Assistant Commissioners (Rtd) Clifton Conway and Ivelaw Whittaker and retired senior officer George Fraser.
It is reported that there is a plan to also arrest PSC Chairman and distinguished and internationally respected Assistant Commissioner (Rtd) Paul Slowe.
These are frightening and chilling developments which signal, beyond debate, that Guyana has sunken into a state of naked dictatorship.
The charges are spurious, vexatious and without merit or basis. They are trumped up and designed to intimidate these former senior police officers who have been executing their work as Chairman and members of the PSC with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity.
The PPP is clearly now attempting to tarnish their impeccable reputations and dismantle the professionally constituted PSC to install their cronies, who will in turn, do their bidding and promote pliant and favoured officers to the hierarchy of the Police Force.
The PPP is hell bent on completely eroding all vestiges of professionalism within the Guyana Police Force and completely render it into a political weapon to target and persecute political opponents and the citizens of Guyana who oppose their authoritarianism.
This is the PPP’s well known modus operandi – to destroy constitutional and other institutions and to install their own cronies who will execute their political directives and bidding.
The PSC serves as a critical guardrail of democracy in Guyana and the independence of the police force from political interference. The PPP is now attempting to demolish this guardrail and render democracy in Guyana comatose.
The PPP regime is fully aware that the Honourable Chief Justice Roxann George is set to rule on matters before her regarding the PSC on Monday, May 24th. It is evident that the regime has come to the realisation that the ruling is likely to uphold the professional and lawful conduct of the PSC and as such they are seeking to take pre-emptive and alternative action to otherwise discredit the PSC and its members.
This will not work and the APNU+AFC Coalition stands in solidarity with the professional members of the PSC.
We call on all regional and international law enforcement bodies, governments, human rights organizations and law-abiding and right thinking citizens to condemn these reprehensible actions by the PPP as they seek to dominate and impose their singular will on the Guyanese society.
The rule of law and the tenets of democracy must be restored and zealously upheld and
maintained in Guyana.

Mr. Slowe not only stood up to the authorities, he stood tall and made us proud

Dear Editor,
On reading the news story, “Slowe delivers fiery farewell speech,” (Kaieteur News, June 2), I have to admit I became teary eyed at one point. I don’t know Mr. Paul Slowe, Assistant Police Commissioner who is retiring after 37 years of service to the force, but I have read quite a bit about him, especially in the last decade.
Mr. Slowe claimed that although he did a lot of wicked things in his younger days, corruption was not one of them. “Having served for almost 37 years, there is not a single person in this country or in the world who can point their finger at me and say that I was involved in any corruption. I never asked anybody for any bribe.” It really takes great courage and confidence to say this, because it is not so much a boast as much as it is a powerful testimony for a senior police officer in a country where cops and politicians are more corrupt than ever before, thanks to a political culture that openly facilitates corruption.
Unlike two of his former bosses (Messrs. Henry Greene and Floyd McDonald), who had their foreign visas revoked, Mr. Slowe can afford to talk about possible job offers overseas, maybe because he stood tall when others caved and bowed. Given the vindictive nature of this government, however, I caution him to tread cautiously.
There’s nothing more this government would like than to ensnare and smear people with whom it disagrees.
But I also liked the part where he stood up to former Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Ronald Gajraj, by refusing to comply with the Minister’s orders for him to return a gun to a criminal suspect.
They say if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything, and Mr. Slowe not only stood up to the powers that be; he stood tall and made us all proud.
For refusing to comply with the order, the Minister then ordered that he return to Georgetown to a non-existent job in the Finance Ministry.
That’s how powerful Mr. Gajraj had become, yet the President knew nothing about Roger Khan and any Phantom Squad operation.
Obviously, had Mr. Slowe obeyed and taken that job, he would have been eventually fired without benefits.
On reading that aspect of his revealing remarks, and that he could always sleep peacefully at night, I have to wonder aloud how Mr. Gajraj is sleeping at night. In fact, how do many of the people who hold leadership positions in the Jagdeo government sleep at night? Not that every person at leadership levels aren’t sleeping comfortably, but those that aren’t ought to know themselves.
Editor, beside whatever former GDF Major David Clarke has to share in any book on what he knows relative to Roger Khan and the Phantom Squad, as well as the so-called Freedom Fighters, I look forward to a more detailed reading on Mr. Slowe’s life in the police force, but especially in the last 15 years.
Truly, it’s hard to imagine that the amount of stuff that happened during the Jagdeo presidency alone outweighs everything else that happened under the Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte and Cheddi Jagan presidencies combined.
To Mr. Slowe, I say thanks and congratulations on your retirement. Since you are still relatively young, I hope you come out of retirement after a well-deserved rest and consider serving in some other capacity on Guyana’s behalf, even not under this corrupt government.
Emile Mervin


Jagdeo says Slowe has “too many baggage” to head Police Commission


July 19, 2018

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo is not in agreement with Paul Slowe being elected to serve as Head of the Police Service Commission on the grounds that he was an active member of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) election campaign along with the fact that he was appointed by President David Granger to head a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into an alleged assassination plot against him.

Jagdeo has since informed President David Granger of his reservations at a meeting the two had on Thursday at State House to discuss Slowe and other nominees for that Commission and the Public Service Commission.

The Opposition Leader believes that Slowe, a former Assistant Commissioner of Police, has too many “baggage” to head such an important commission which is responsible for disciplining and promoting police officers.

“I believe that his conduct in the COI reinforces the partisan nature of his thinking and now that he’s going to head the PSC.

“I think he will bring two sets of baggage with him; the political approach to job – judging people on the basis of politics – and secondly, he has a lot of interpersonal problems with many members of the Police Force and old scores, I believe to settle, and therefore that could harm his judgement,” Jagdeo told reporters at a news conference following his meeting with the Head of State.

He said President Granger has committed to speaking with Slowe about these concerns to ensure that he [Slowe] acts impartially in executing his duties after being sworn in.

The President is required by the Constitution to consult with the Opposition Leader before swearing in the nominees.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, who was also at the meeting, made it clear that the Constitution does not require the “agreement” of the Opposition Leader in selecting the nominee for the post.

The other persons recommended to serve on the Police Service Commission are Clinton Conway and retired Woman Assistant Commissioners Vesta Adams and Claire Jarvis.

The nominees for the Public Service Commission are Vibert Bowman and Mortimer Livan.

Meanwhile, the Opposition Leader described the meeting as “cordial” and noted that President Granger offered to lead discussions with the PPP in the areas of crime, environment and oil and gas.

According to Jagdeo, he will discuss this proposal with the Executive of his Party before a decision is made.


Chairman of the PSC, Paul Slowe

May 19 ,2021


Opposition sees sinister plot in move against police service commission

….force issues wanted bulletin for chairman

Chairman of the Police Service Commission and Former Asst. Commissioner Paul Slowe has been accused of fraud and sexual assault, a statement emanating from Guyana Police Force’s Corporate Communications Unit (CCU) said. But the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), in expressing outrage, said the attack on the former Assistant Commissioners and women and men in uniform is another attempt at politicizing the Police Force.

According to the CCU, the investigation into the crimes allegedly committed by Slowe forms part of a larger investigation into financial irregularities within the Guyana Police Force.

“Mr. Slowe is required to present himself for questioning at the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) and at the Gender Based Unit of the Guyana Police Force for Conspiracy to Defraud and Sexual Assault respectively,” a section of the statement read.

It is alleged that Slowe along with five former retired senior officers, all of whom were taken into custody on Wednesday; one current Assistant Commissioner; one former female Finance Officer and a male officer attached to the Police Finance Office, conspired with each other to defraud the Guyana Police Force of in excess of $10M.

“The money was allegedly paid to revise the entire Guyana Police Force’s Standing Orders but Mr. Slowe and the others have so far failed to present to the Guyana Police Force with a completed revised Standing. The Guyana Police Force has a Standing Order which comprises of 104 Standing Orders. The entire 104 Standing Orders of the Guyana Police Force was completely revised by Civilian Police Analysts that work at the Strategic Planning Unit of the Guyana Police Force between July 2018 and March 2019. However, Slowe and others were paid to do the same revision when it was already done,” the CCU contended.

It contended that about eight of these officers, including Slowe conspired with each other to give themselves a job that clearly should have gone to the Tender Board by Law because of the quantity.

“In addition, Mr. Slowe  and Retired Assistant Commissioner Clinton Conway– being  members of the Police Service Commission, which overlooks the Police Force as the disciplinary body – cannot take contracts and enter into agreements that they are getting substantial monetary rewards for. They reportedly draw this money knowing that this work was completed,” the CCU said.

Further, it is alleged that during the months of March and April 2019, a female Assistant Superintendent, who worked along with Slowe, was allegedly sexually assaulted by Slowe three times. “These alleged sexual assaults were reported to an Assistant Commissioner who failed to take proper action. He allegedly told the female Assistant Superintendent ‘…is I have to promote you,’” CCU reported, noting that the investigations are still continuing.

It said since the commencement of these investigations, Slowe has left the jurisdiction. However, Conway, and four other retired police officers were taken into custody on Wednesday. Conway and a number of the other retired officers are expected to appear in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.

But the APNU+AFC, on Wednesday evening, expressed outraged at the continuation and intensification of what it described as a campaign of “vulgar political persecution of professionals in Guyana.”
“The latest episode being the arrest of former senior police officers and members of the Police Service Commission (PSC) – Assistant Commissioners (Rtd) Clifton Conway and Ivelaw Whittaker and retired senior officer George Fraser,” APNU+AFC said in a statement.

It said the arrests of the senior officers, and the added plan to arrest, Slowe, a distinguished and internationally respected Assistant Commissioner (Rtd), are frightening and chilling developments which signal, beyond debate, that Guyana has sunken into a state of naked dictatorship.

“The charges are spurious, vexatious and without merit or basis. They are trumped up and designed to intimidate these former senior police officers who have been executing their work as Chairman and members of the PSC with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity,” the APNU+AFC Coalition said.

It added: “The PPP is clearly now attempting to tarnish their impeccable reputations and dismantle the professionally constituted PSC to install their cronies, who will in turn, do their bidding and promote pliant and favoured officers to the hierarchy of the Police Force. The PPP is hell bent on completely eroding all vestiges of professionalism within the Guyana Police Force and completely render it into a political weapon to target and persecute political opponents and the citizens of Guyana who oppose their authoritarianism.”

The coalition said the PPP/C, in keeping with its “modus operandi” is to destroy constitutional and other institutions and to install their own cronies who will execute their political directives and bidding.
“The PSC serves as a critical guardrail of democracy in Guyana and the independence of the police force from political interference. The PPP is now attempting to demolish this guardrail and render democracy in Guyana comatose,” the coalition said.

APNU+AFC said the arrests come at a time when the Chief Justice Roxane George is preparing to rule on matters before her regarding the PSC on Monday, May 24th.

“It is evident that the regime has come to the realisation that the ruling is likely to uphold the professional and lawful conduct of the PSC and as such they are seeking to take pre-emptive and alternative action to otherwise discredit the PSC and its members,” APNU+AFC contended.

APNU+AFC Coalition said it will continue to stand in solidarity with the professional members of the PSC, and called on all regional and international law enforcement bodies, governments, human rights organizations and law-abiding and right thinking citizens to condemn attacks on the men in uniform.

“The rule of law and the tenets of democracy must be restored and zealously upheld and maintained in Guyana,” APNU+AFC emphasized.

@Django posted:

Paul Slowe and few others arrested blocked promotion of few policemen, so the PPP hatched plan to get them out of the way. This will back fire stay tuned.

How do you know that was a PPP's Plan? That was the doings of the Police themselves. they are bloody well corrupt.

@Django posted:

Directed by the PPP.

That's a lie.  The PPP has nothing to do with the crimes committed by the senior Police Officers. The arrest was done by the Police crime unit.  Not all police officers are corrupt.


Paul Slowe to face sexual assault charges

Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police and Chair-man of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Paul Slowe has been accused of sexually assaulting a female member of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) back in 2019.

Stabroek News was informed that Slowe will be charged with three counts of sexual assault.

The first allegation stated that on March 26, 2019, at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Slowe allegedly touched the victim in a sexual way by rubbing her left leg and foot without consent.

The second allegation states that on March 29, 2019, at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Slowe allegedly touched the victim in a sexual way by rubbing her left leg and foot without consent.

The third allegation states that on April 2, 2019, at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Slowe allegedly touched the victim in a sexual way by rubbing her left leg and foot without consent.

Sources told Stabroek News that the complainant reported the incidents to her superior but no actions were taken.

After time elapsed, this newspaper was told that the complainant followed up on the report and learnt that nothing had been done. As such, she raised her concerns with her superior who ordered the police to launch an investigation.

An investigation was conducted and the case file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice. This newspaper understands that the file was returned to the police yesterday with the advice that Slowe be charged.

Slowe is currently overseas and was up to yesterday afternoon making arrangements to return to Guyana.


Slowe among retired senior cops to be charged with fraud

Several retired officers of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) including the Chair-man of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Paul Slowe are expected to be charged today in relation to a multi-million dollar fraud investigation.

The accused are retired Assistant Commissioners of Police Slowe, Clinton Conway and Ivelaw Whittaker along with former Senior Superintendents, Mark Gilbert, George Fraser and Michael Sutton.

All of them except for Slowe are presently in police custody. Slowe is currently overseas and is expected to return to Guyana today.

The former ranks are accused of defrauding the state of more than $10M.

Stabroek News was reliably informed that the retired ranks claimed that they were forming a committee to revise the Stand-ing Orders of the GPF.

Given the amount entailed, the project was supposed to go to tender but instead the men allegedly collected the money in portions to avoid going to tender.

The alleged fraud was unearthed during an investigation conducted by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU).

The former cops are scheduled to appear at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court  today to answer to the charge.

Contacted, yesterday afternoon, Slowe told Stabroek News that the allegations leveled against him are false and malicious and are designed to tarnish his “unblemished” reputation.

He declined to comment any further.

Meanwhile, in an invited comment last evening, Conway expressed shock at the allegations.

Conway said that sometime in 2019, then then Commissioner of Police Leslie James invited him and a number of other retired officers to a meeting at the GPF Headquarters.

“……And he (James) said he wants us to review the police standing orders – 106 but they are mostly outdated….We agreed. Nothing about money….we on our own thought that it was a good idea for us to do some work for the police,” Conway said.

He said he and the other former ranks commenced the work at the police Strategic Management Office.  “….We did a total of 68 (standing orders),” he added.

During the process, Conway explained that an Assistant Commissioner of Police, who was at the time in charge of the unit, told them that James and his management team made a decision that those conducting the revision should be paid a “stipend”.

“….We continued the work….$3,000 per an hour. They at the Strategic Management Unit monitored our activities….We worked and then when the date for National and Regional elections was announced, the management team said that we cannot use the office anymore because they were preparing it for elections,” Conway related.

He added that after elections, the country experienced a COVID-19 outbreak.

“We were not recalled to do any other work. All the work that we did we saved and we put them on the computers that is at the Strategic Management Unit. We had no deadline when to complete all the Standing Orders. We did not negotiate for any payment,” Conway stated.

He said yesterday morning, he was arrested by SOCU.

“He (rank) said for fraud. Tell me specifically what you are arresting me for. A man must be told in simple language, in a language what he understands what you are investigating. He said fraud, he took me to SOCU headquarters and then to Brickdam Police Station,” Conway said.

Up to last night, Conway said his lawyers were trying to secure bail for him.

The police force in a statement last night gave its own version as it relates to the standing orders revision.

The statement said “It is alleged that Mr. Slowe, five former retired senior officers, one current Assistant Commissioner, one former female Finance Officer and a male officer attached to the Police Finance Office conspired together with each other and other persons to defraud the Guyana Police Force of in excess of ten million Guyana dollars.

“The money was allegedly paid to revise the entire Guyana Police Force’s Standing Orders but Mr. Slowe and the others have so far failed to present to the Guyana Police Force … a completed revised Standing (Orders). The Guyana Police Force has a Standing Order which comprises of 104 Standing Orders. The entire 104 Standing Orders of the Guyana Police Force was completely revised by Civilian Police Analysts that work at the Strategic Planning Unit of the Guyana Police Force between July 2018 and March 2019. However, Slowe and others were paid to do the same revision when it was already done.

“About eight of these officers, including Mr. Slowe, conspired together and gave themselves a job that clearly should have gone to the Tender Board by law because of the quantity. In addition, Mr. Slowe and Retired Assistant Commissioner Clinton Conway– being members of the Police Service Commission, which overlooks the Police Force as the disciplinary body – cannot take contracts and enter into agreements that they are getting substantial monetary rewards for. They reportedly (drew)  this money knowing that this work was completed”.

The main opposition APNU+AFC yesterday condemned the arrests of the former senior policemen.

In a statement, it said: “These are frightening and chilling developments which signal, beyond debate, that Guyana has sunken into a state of naked dictatorship.

“The charges are spurious, vexatious and without merit or basis. They are trumped up and designed to intimidate these former senior police officers who have been executing their work as Chairman and members of the PSC (Police Service Commission) with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity.

“The PPP is clearly now attempting to tarnish their impeccable reputations and dismantle the professionally constituted PSC to install their cronies, who will in turn, do their bidding and promote pliant and favoured officers to the hierarchy of the Police Force.

“The PPP is hell bent on completely eroding all vestiges of professionalism within the Guyana Police Force and completely render it into a political weapon to target and persecute political opponents and the citizens of Guyana who oppose their authoritarianism”.


Harmon wants to go back to the days of Burnham and Hoyte, which GNI apologists would like very much.  It is not going to happen.  The PPP is clearing the swamp and all PNC criminals will be caught and prosecuted to the extent of the law.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Harmon wants to go back to the days of Burnham and Hoyte, which GNI apologists would like very much.  It is not going to happen.  The PPP is clearing the swamp and all PNC criminals will be caught and prosecuted to the extent of the law.

How do swamp rats drain a swamp?


Paul Slowe, others implicated in Police Force’s $10M fraud -Slowe also accused of sexual assault

May 20, 2021 News, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...d-of-sexual-assault/

Kaieteur News- Nine persons – six of them retired high-ranking policemen and three senior officers still serving the Guyana Police Force (GPF) – have been accused of conspiring to defraud the Force of over $10M. The alleged fraud was uncovered by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU).

One of implicated individuals has been identified as the current Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Paul Slowe. Not only is it alleged that he was one of the conspirators in the fraud but he is also being accused of sexually assaulting a female Assistant Superintendent who worked with him, on three occasions.

Police Service Commission Chairman and Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Paul Slowe.

Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Clinton Conway.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Royston Andries-Junor.

Slowe, according to a police release, sexually assaulted the woman during the months of March and April 2019. She had reported the matter to an Assistant Commissioner who failed to take “proper legal action,” the release added.

Slowe, the Force informed, had left the jurisdiction since an investigation was launched into the matter. He is however required to present himself for questioning to SOCU and at the Gender Based Violence Unit of the Force for fraud and sexual assault, respectively.

Meanwhile, the five other former high-ranking lawmen who are implicated in the fraud matter have been identified as: retired Assistant Commissioner, Clinton Conway; retired Assistant Commissioner, Claude Whittaker; retired Senior Superintendent, Mark Gilbert; retired Senior Superintendent, George Fraser, and retired Senior Superintendent, Michael Sutton.

The three senior ranks still serving the Force who have been implicated are: Assistant Commissioner of Police, Royston Andries-Junor; a former female finance officer and a male officer attached to the police finance office.

Kaieteur News was able to confirm that five of the retired lawmen were arrested yesterday. Director of the Force’s Corporate Communications Unit (CCU), Mark Ramotar, informed media operatives that the men have since been released and are expected to appear in court today.

The alleged fraudsters are being accused of conspiring to defraud the GPF of $10,056,000 to do a complete review of the GPF’s Standing Orders, which had already been reviewed in July 2018 and completed in March 2019 by the Force’s Strategic Planning Unit.
The GPF detailed that even if they had used the cash to review the Standing Orders, Slowe and the others have so far failed to present the evidence that it was completed.
It also pointed out that the alleged fraudsters conspired to give themselves a job that clearly should have gone to the National Procurement and Tender Board by law because of the quantity.

Retired Senior Superintendent, George Fraser.
Additionally, it was noted that Slowe and retired Assistant Commissioner Conway, are both members of the PSC, which overlooks the GPF as the disciplinary body, and cannot take contracts or enter agreements where they are benefitting from substantial monetary rewards.

Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, Conway, while under arrest, disclosed that he was taken to the Brickdam Police Station around 10:00 hrs. yesterday by two SOCU ranks.

Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Claude Whittaker.

“When I reached to the station they told me I was arrested for committing fraud,” he said.

Questioned about his involvement in the alleged fraud, Conway said that in March 2019 the then Commissioner of Police, Leslie James, had invited him, Slowe, Whittaker, Fraser and Gilbert to a meeting in the Commissioner of Police’s Conference Room, Eve Leary.
He went on to say that, several other senior police officers were also present.

“We were told that the Executive Leadership Team of the Guyana Police Force decided that myself and persons previously mentioned were selected to revise over 130 woefully outdated Police Standing Orders,” Conway said.

He related that at that time, no salary was mentioned and they all agreed to revise the Standing Orders and started that very day after the meeting ended.

Conway disclosed that they were granted access to the Strategic Management Unit (SMU) to carry out their work. “We did several sessions (reviews) on Tuesday and Fridays,” he recounted.

A few weeks later, according to Conway, Assistant Commissioner, Andries-Junor, was in charge of the SMU and had informed him and others that they will be paid a stipend of $3,000 per hour.

Andries-Junor reportedly had related to Conway and others that the decision to pay them the stipend was made by James, the then Commissioner of Police and the Executive Leadership.

Retired Senior Superintendent, Michael Sutton.

According to Conway, an account was created by a SMU staffer and submitted to the Police Finance Department where he and others uplifted their payments.

In terms of the work they completed, Conway said that they had reviewed 68 Standing Orders and had saved them in a computer file.

The intention, he said, was that the reviewed Standing Orders would have been forwarded to the Commissioner of Police by Andries-Junor for approval by the Executive Leadership Team.

Conway related too that a female Assistant Superintendent, Nicola Kendall, had informed him and others that they would no longer have access to the SMU because ranks had to use it in preparation for the 2020 general and regional elections.

When COVID-19 struck, he continued, “We were instructed not to do any more work on the Standing Orders until the pandemic is over.”


Slow in. name and nature! De womun leh e rub sheh laig.3 times an e wont go furder! E doant kno e way hoam! Iz ah wunda e fine e way bak tuh Guyana!

Ah wunda iz wen dem gun chaag SOCU fuh inkumpeetunce?


All the retired PNC persons are corrupt as the Police are arresting them one by one.  This brings me to the question. What happened to the missing billions during the Coalition's watch?

Good job PPP/C in bringing the Coalition crooks to justice.

This is why the Crooks in the Coalition have to be removed and jailed.

@kp posted:

Jail them rass. For too long the Forces have been a political ARM of the PNC.

That is my objective.  More prisons will be built and the existing ones repaired. Prison reforms and crime-fighting techniques will be made simple.

@Ramakant-P posted:

All the retired PNC persons are corrupt as the Police are arresting them one by one.  This brings me to the question. What happened to the missing billions during the Coalition's watch?

Good job PPP/C in bringing the Coalition crooks to justice.

This is why the Crooks in the Coalition have to be removed and jailed.

Judge not, kunt, lest you be judged!


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