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Return State lands or face legal proceedings – AG tells ex-lands director

Feb 14, 2021 News, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-ex-lands-director/

Kaieteur News – Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall S.C., has issued an ultimatum to businessman and ex-Director of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC), Wilfred Bransford, for him to return two valuable parcels of State lands, which he acquired as a member of the GLSC or face prosecution. General, Anil Nandlall, S.C.

According to a letter seen by this newspaper, the AG, in his capacity as the State’s legal representative, outlined that Bransford, the owner of Car Care Enterprises, benefitted from the sale of ‘severely undervalued’ lands located at Plantation Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

In his letter dated February 10, 2021, the AG highlighted a number of irregularities with the transaction between Bransford and the GLSC.

Ex- Director of GLSC, Wilfred Bransford.

According to Nandlall, the businessman capitalized on the relationship with the former GLSC Commissioner, Trevor Benn, and his position of influence as a member of the GLSC Board, to secure the plots of land at $13.5M when in fact the lands cost $150M – 10 times the amount which he paid.

The Attorney General noted too that the parcels of land comprising 0.710 and 0.0887 acres respectively, were compared with the purchase price for similar plots sold by Government, which were valued for as much as $150M.

“Indeed, this relationship exacted a higher standard of care from both you and the Commissioner. That the Commissioner contained two valuations for the said parcels, an initial valuation of $60M and a later one $13.5M but chose the lower valuation as the mutually agreed purchase price, simply aggravated the egregious nature of the misconduct, illegality and conspiracy which permeated this transaction,” the AG said in his letter.

Added to this, Nandlall said it has not escaped his notice that the sale took place three weeks after the March 2 Regional and General Elections.
He continued, “You were issued with a Certificate of Title no. 2020/1111 for parcels 4725 and 4805 Plantation Ruimveldt dated the 15 day of April, 2020.”

Given the circumstances of the transaction, the Attorney General noted, “The evidence on record consistently and cogently establishes that the businessman entered the agreement with full knowledge of these matters severely disadvantageous to the State and correspondingly beneficial to you.”

“No doubt, it will be inferred that you relied on your relationship with the Commissioner and your position of influence on the Board to secure a transaction favourable to you,” Nandlall emphasized, adding that the act surrounding the issuance of the title constitute a clear and egregious fraud.

“There is overwhelming evidence that the title which you now hold was obtained by fraud and is liable to be set aside on that ground. Therefore, the titles issued to you is contrary to the Land Registry Act and State Lands Act and is therefore null, void and of no effect,” he added.

While in the circumstances, Bransford is entitled to face the law, in the interest of avoiding legal proceedings, the Attorney General said that the State is prepared without prejudice to refund an appropriate sum of money to the former GLSC member on condition that he relinquishes all purported rights and interest in the said parcels of land over to and in favour of the State.

In this same vein, Bransford was asked to make contact with the GLSC within 14 days to finalize the settlement. Failure to do so, the AG warned, will result in civil proceedings instituted against him to reclaim the lands. Additionally stereotypes will be taken for a criminal investigation to be launched into the transaction by the Guyana Police Force.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Return the land suh dat an Indian can have it. Anil should recite Ali's Poem, "We came in Chains."

How can a race of people allow themselves to be belittled by a come lately chatrie. I find this mans behaviour revulsive. He seems to have his own private government. That is common with the PPP, many have their lil government. No cohesive plans.

@seignet posted:

Return the land suh dat an Indian can have it. Anil should recite Ali's Poem, "We came in Chains."

How can a race of people allow themselves to be belittled by a come lately chatrie. I find this mans behaviour revulsive. He seems to have his own private government. That is common with the PPP, many have their lil government. No cohesive plans.

Don't be silly! The PPP plan is well-integrated; unified and they are a cohesive organization. Their 2020 Budget and their 2020 Election Manifesto proved that.

Anil does not have a sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.  Wilfred Bransford must return the lands or face jail time. He is like all Coalition crooks who like to steal and then accuse the PPP of doing it.

Lock him up!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Don't be silly! The PPP plan is well-integrated; unified and they are a cohesive organization. Their 2020 Budget and their 2020 Election Manifesto proved that.

Anil does not have a sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.  Wilfred Bransford must return the lands or face jail time. He is like all Coalition crooks who like to steal and then accuse the PPP of doing it.

Lock him up!

Explain the mansions! IF, you can! Or Anus' illegal use of government funds! Law books?

But then again, Braninfurd blakur dan Anus! Doant badur!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Explain the mansions! IF, you can! Or Anus' illegal use of government funds! Law books?

But then again, Braninfurd blakur dan Anus! Doant badur!

I am not the one talking about mansions. You are the one accusing them of using government funds. Why don't you explain where you got your info from or shut up?


Why do you think Pompeo came to shit-hole Guyana? It was just to warn Jagdeo that now the US helped his party.regain power, he had better.not.allow the drug business to restart! Jagdeo knew this, that's why he went somewhere else. He couldn't face Pompeo. He knew Khan had. squealed!

@Former Member posted:

Not from government, dawg! From Roger Khan! Why do you think Pompeo came to shit-hole Guyana! To warn.Jagdeo now that they.helped his party regain power, he better not allow the drug business to restart, you PPP mule!

You are a bloody liar.  Which Government in the world has ever stopped the drug trade.  Don't you ever call me dawg again! Roger Khan worked with the Columbians and did not have anything to do with the members of the government.  The PNC COP however was closely associate with Roger Khan.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Don't be silly! The PPP plan is well-integrated; unified and they are a cohesive organization. Their 2020 Budget and their 2020 Election Manifesto proved that.

Anil does not have a sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.  Wilfred Bransford must return the lands or face jail time. He is like all Coalition crooks who like to steal and then accuse the PPP of doing it.

Lock him up!

You didn't.write this! Anus did!

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are a bloody liar.  Which Government in the world has ever stopped the drug trade.  Don't you ever call me dawg again! Roger Khan worked with the Columbians and did not have anything to do with the members of the government.  The PNC COP however was closely associate with Roger Khan.

OK! How about ass-licking dawg! Better?

Khan and.Jagdeo are good.friends! Khan looked Jagdeo up as soon as he.came Guyana, ass-licking dawg!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

You are shallow.  Who is Anus? It shows that you agreed with what I posted.  Thank you!

Who is Anus? Your legal god! I never claimed.that the PPP stole government funds so how have I

@Former Member posted:

You are impossible'! Just like shifting sand, huh?

You are attacking me again without any consideration for your own demise. I will entertain you if you attack the policies of the government that you do not agree with.


Brandford defends South Ruimveldt land deal

Wilfred Brandford

Wilfred Brandford

February 15 ,2021


Businessman and former Guyana Lands and Surveys (GL&SC ) Board member  Wilfred Brandford says that the $13.5M he paid for lands at the entrance to South Ruimveldt that the government wants returned was too high a figure since he has spent tens of millions developing it over a 17-year period.

He feels that the current bid by the government to recover the spot is targeted at a black businessman which it knows has been “fighting for the spot” since prior to 2015 and which the PPP/C at one time had supported.

“When one will leave out the 17 years I spent and the millions upon millions and millions to develop that spot, the fact that I had at one time PPP/C support and that I was one of the first to be there, to single me out? You must have” an agenda, Brandford said when contacted by Stabroek News yesterday.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall in a letter to Brandford pointed to the sale of state lands by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC), which he noted was in itself out of the legal portfolio of former GL&SC Head Trevor Benn.

Brandford, according to Nandlall’s letter, paid for the lands 20 days after the 2020 General Elections on 23rd March 2020. He would receive the title, 2020/1111, less than one month after on 15th April 2020.

Nandlall told Brandford that the $13.5 million paid for the 0.710 and 0.887 acres were significantly lower than others sold to other applicants, with one person paying some $150M for a similar size in a location not far away.

”A review of this transaction and similar such transactions reveal that similar sized parcels of land in that very vicinity were sold by the Government of Guyana for as much as one hundred and fifty million (150,000000) more than 10 times the price you paid,” the letter stated.

“This was a fact within the peculiar knowledge or ought to have been within the peculiar knowledge of both you and then Commissioner as both of you served on the Board of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission,”

Nandlall told Brandford that as a former member of the Board of the GL&SC when former President David Granger granted certain powers to Benn, he should have known that Benn was not given powers to sell state lands.

“Moreover, as a former member of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Com-mission Board, you were also well aware at the time you entered into the aforesaid agreement that by the Delegation of Functions Order No.9 of 2016, His Excellency President David Granger did not confer a power on the Commissioner to sell state lands. That power remained vested in the President. Therefore the Title issued to you is contrary to the provisions of the State Lands Act and is therefore null, void and of no effect,” the letter stated.

Brandford was told that while he was not entitled to recover his monies, government was willing to issue him with a substantial refund if he chose to not go through with looming litigation.

And if he refused, the Attorney General said that “civil proceedings will be instituted against you for compensation, cancellation of the Certificate of Title and for possession of the land”.

Additionally, “the documents will be transmitted to the Guyana Police Force for the commencement of criminal investigations.”

Brandford was asked about his next move and he said that he will “take things one day at a time” believing that “everything has a way of sorting itself out”. However he was quick to point out that he has always, as a businessman, had  legal representation on retainer.

He said that the public should ask why after him being there for nearly two decades that he was not forced out.

“They (the PPP/C) supported my fight and it is why I am still there. I [had] approached people from the PPP. The lands there were filled in and one of the developers lost a bulldozer because it was sucked in. And by the time they got it out, it was too costly to repair. Do you know how much I spent on that land? he questioned.

“I was there before Estwick Northe, there before Morse Archer there before…all those people. Check with other people before you come to me because I have facts and documents. So it is not that like last year I applied for this land and got through. I have been fighting for this thing for years and years. Last year or when the government changed wasn’t when I was interested. I was interested all the time. Everybody there so not just only me. Everybody wants to make a living,” he emphasized.

And asked about his role on the board and if he had a friendship with the former GL&SC Commission-er, Brandford replied, “If I was friends with Benn I would have gotten it long time ago and not now. Don’t you think? I am businessman and I support everybody. I have friends in both parties and I support them all because none of them can dare tell me about the friends on the other side and they know that…,” he added.

He said that whichever government is in power he still has to fend for himself and sustain his business like most in the country and doesn’t have time with politics. As such he will continue to do all he can to safeguard his assets.

And given that he doesn’t foresee returning the lands to the state, Brandford said that, “When it comes a case for the lawyer, we deal with that.”

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are attacking me again without any consideration for your own demise. I will entertain you if you attack the policies of the government that you do not agree with.

My own demise? Why should I care about that? Ready or not, there will be a time when that.happens! I posit that the only frightening aspect of dying is thinking about it! But whether you think of dying or not, whether you're afraid of it or not, whether you want to die or not, you still have to fing die! So, what's to think about, fool?

Besides I, a spirit.or intangible living energy which even now directs my brain and fingers to.write this post, NEVER die, in other words, becomes non-existing! You are a.slave to stupid, misleading religion and materialism, matter! Go watch your pandit grow richer and fatter through his ignorant exposition of the Vedas! I don't need any Vedas or pandits for my thinking!

Does your car disappear when you park and leave it? Does your body disappear when you leave it?  Can you see energy? Why should energy, the user, be non-existing because it has left.the body, a tool?

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are attacking me again without any consideration for your own demise. I will entertain you if you attack the policies of the government that you do not agree with.

l attacked the government on this gas project which will turn out to be a waste.of money! Except for the kickbacks your PPP masters are hoping to receive out of the estimated $200 to $500 million! Why don't you 'entertainment' me on that? I need some laughs! A refinery would still. be in business if Guyana's oil runs out because you can buy oil from other countries. If there is no oil from any, we would all be in the same boat, but we would still have our developed agri business!

Attack me on the money being wasted on the sugar business as well! To keep the voters happy for next time around! Singh is rightly looking out for Singh!

@Former Member posted:

l attacked the government on this gas project which will turn out to be a waste.of money! Except for the kickbacks your PPP masters are hoping to receive out of the estimated $200 to $500 million! Why don't you 'entertainment' me on that? I need some laughs! A refinery would still. be in business if Guyana's oil runs out because you can buy oil from other countries. If there is no oil from any, we would all be in the same boat, but we would still have our developed agri business!

Attack me on the money being wasted on the sugar business as well! To keep the voters happy for next time around! Singh is rightly looking out for Singh!

You are putting the horse before the cart.  A refinery will be built after the oil and gas project is completed. You have a good idea but a bit premature.

PS: They have to think about voters.  In the long term sugar will again be king.  They have to fulfill their campaign promises. That is why they won the election and will win again in 2025.


Generators can use refined oil to provide light. Why the concern for gas which will come, like the oil, from the depths of the ocean which Guyana won't be able to extract itself? The cost of a more or less known! Jagdeo is telling us from $200 to $500 million for the gas project. Seems a wide range for allowing corruption!

No doubt they are thinking about voters in the DEAD (as far as Guyana is concerned. Guyana can't compete with India, Brazil and others) sugar industry! When reality hits them the voters will despise them for misleading them! The PPP is the party that started closing sugar estates and only reopened them because of the money now available from the oil.Subsidies are dependent on the money received from the oil. A continual drain on the economy! The money would be better spent on involving the sugar workers in other agricultural projects. They are taking steps to make sugar more efficient. Do you think the other countries will stand still while Guyana does this? The PPP's world is Paradise, huh? A fool's Paradise! It is shameful that Guyana only uses a small percentage of the usable land! All wealth comes from the land!

I repeat, sugar sweetens, other agricultural products satisfy hunger!


They could be involved in cattle or sheep raising, fish, ground provisions, bananas, rice, exotic fruits, whatever there is a.MARKET for! Will there be a sure market for Guyana's sugar! I don't think so! But convince me! Or at least try!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Generators can use refined oil to provide light. Why the concern for gas which will come, like the oil, from the depths of the ocean which Guyana won't be able to extract itself? The cost of a more or less known! Jagdeo is telling us from $200 to $500 million for the gas project. Seems a wide range for allowing corruption!

No doubt they are thinking about voters in the DEAD (as far as Guyana is concerned. Guyana can't compete with India, Brazil and others) sugar industry! When reality hits them the voters will despise them for misleading them! The PPP is the party that started closing sugar estates and only reopened them because of the money now available from the oil.Subsidies are dependent on the money received from the oil. A continual drain on the economy! The money would be better spent on involving the sugar workers in other agricultural projects. They are taking steps to make sugar more efficient. Do you think the other countries will stand still while Guyana does this? The PPP's world is Paradise, huh? A fool's Paradise! It is shameful that Guyana only uses a small percentage of the usable land! All wealth comes from the land!

I repeat, sugar sweetens, other agricultural products satisfy hunger!

Dey shoud distribute the land to everyone. Why the PPP wants to hang onto it. The Americans use to give lands to their people by thousands of acres. Before Maduro tek it dey should give it to the people. The PPP behaving like colonials.

@seignet posted:

Dey shoud distribute the land to everyone. Why the PPP wants to hang onto it. The Americans use to give lands to their people by thousands of acres. Before Maduro tek it dey should give it to the people. The PPP behaving like colonials.

That's not true.  They didn't give lands to blacks. 

If you want to own land in Guyana you have to buy it. You can tell how Maduro will take lands in Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

They could be involved in cattle or sheep raising, fish, ground provisions, bananas, rice, exotic fruits, whatever there is a.MARKET for! Will there be a sure market for Guyana's sugar! I don't think so! But convince me! Or at least try!

Which planet are you living on?


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