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OK Folks!


Let me begin by praising the AFC. Their fiscal prudence and watchfulness in Parliament has confounded and startled the PPP. The AFC is making sure that the PPP's wastefulness, recklessness, extravagance, squandering and overspending come to a halt. This is very good for Guyana and the Guyanese people.







The AFC's austerity and fiscal vigilance in parliament will guarantee a PPP majority in the next general election. The AFC will not be able to paint the PPP as wasteful, corrupt and reckless. They would have helped the PPP restore fiscal sanity in government spending. And with Guyana's economy continuing to experience significant growth and development, Donald Ramotar and the PPP will win the next election by a significant majority----55%---thanks to the thrifty and vigilant AFC.





What says you good folks ?



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



OK Folks!


Let me begin by praising the AFC. Their fiscal prudence and watchfulness in Parliament has confounded and startled the PPP. The AFC is making sure that the PPP's wastefulness, recklessness, extravagance, squandering and overspending come to a halt. This is very good for Guyana and the Guyanese people.







The AFC's austerity and fiscal vigilance in parliament will guarantee a PPP majority in the next general election. The AFC will not be able to paint the PPP as wasteful, corrupt and reckless. They would have helped the PPP restore fiscal sanity in government spending. And with Guyana's economy continuing to experience significant growth and development, Donald Ramotar and the PPP will win the next election by a significant majority----55%---thanks to the thrifty and vigilant AFC.





What says you good folks ?




These cuts will end up being a blessing in disguise for the PPP. The AFC indirectly helped the PPP with most of the cuts. Some cuts were vindictive but in the end it is a win win political situation for the PPP. Keep em honest AL. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
These cuts will end up being a blessing in disguise for the PPP. The AFC indirectly helped the PPP with most of the cuts. Some cuts were vindictive but in the end it is a win win political situation for the PPP. Keep em honest AL. 

The reality is the PPP under former president Jagdeo had become too arrogant, high-handed, and autocratic. The AFC is doing a good job keeping them honest in Parliament.





As in 1952, there is a WIND OF CHANGE in the country today.


The APNU will continue to demonstrate maturity and it actions will redeem itself from the label as an arm of the PNC. Their support of the Blacks will increase in the next election-their support base rally to their call.


Guyana is a racist society and that will not change until a charismatic leader arrives on the scene.


For the AFC, they need be creative and woo a seizeable percentage of the PPP support base.


Minority government is better suited for Guyana.


On the political landscape, the AFC is really the party of the future. For that burden, they have to be talented, charismatic and nuture the organization as a party democratic ideals. THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR CURRENT SYSTEM BEFORE THE NEXT ELECTIONS.

Originally Posted by seignet:

On the political landscape, the AFC is really the party of the future. For that burden, they have to be talented, charismatic and nuture the organization as a party democratic ideals. THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR CURRENT SYSTEM BEFORE THE NEXT ELECTIONS.

The subject of this thread is:




and this was the argument made:


The AFC's austerity and fiscal vigilance in parliament will guarantee a PPP majority in the next general election. The AFC will not be able to paint the PPP as wasteful, corrupt and reckless. They would have helped the PPP restore fiscal sanity in government spending. And with Guyana's economy continuing to experience significant growth and development, Donald Ramotar and the PPP will win the next election by a significant majority----55%---thanks to the thrifty and vigilant AFC.





Do you agree or disagree that the AFC is paving the way for a majority PPP victory in the next election ?



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
These cuts will end up being a blessing in disguise for the PPP. The AFC indirectly helped the PPP with most of the cuts. Some cuts were vindictive but in the end it is a win win political situation for the PPP. Keep em honest AL. 

The reality is the PPP under former president Jagdeo had become too arrogant, high-handed, and autocratic. The AFC is doing a good job keeping them honest in Parliament.




Too bad Gerhard is not in Parliament. He stands out as being an honest man and will be a good candidate for parliament. It is sad that the AFC pushed him aside for less hard working MP's.


I agree with you that the actions of the AFC will help the PPP win a majority. Politics is funny sometimes.


Jagdeo had his faults but we must also not forget that he stood toe to toe against PNC thugs.


President Donald must clean out any skeleton from the Jagdeo's era. We all want to see a fair and just Guyana but we must never forget the dark days of PNC dictatorship.


Lots of the Burnham's era thugs are still around including Mr. Donkey Cart economics Carl Greenidge. This sends chills down my spine since he is the PNC finance critic.


Government waste and corruption must come to an end sooner than later. PPP must also return to grassroots politics to win back the confidence of disgruntled PPP voters in Berbice who felt that the politicians in Georgetown were not paying attention their interests.


PPP MP's must get their buts off their chairs from Georgetown and reconnect with the people across Guyana like Dr. Jagan did during his political era.


Keep em honest Al.


Originally Posted by seignet:

In plain language the PPP will NOT have a majority in the next elections. The AFC will swing their supporters.

Berbicians are not SWINGERS. They will return to their PPP base in the next election. Jagdeo's government was seen as a Georgetown government.


Donald's government has so far shown that they are listening to the people. That is the difference. Berbice will remain the PPP stronghold.


We might end up seeing the AFC gaining in PNC stronghold places like Linden. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


These cuts will end up being a blessing in disguise for the PPP. The AFC indirectly helped the PPP with most of the cuts. Some cuts were vindictive but in the end it is a win win political situation for the PPP. Keep em honest AL. 

If dah wah abie geh from AFC, denn Guyana win.  See if AFC mek PPP become moo accountable, fiscally prudent and transparent then is abie Guyanese wah win di war.  Alyuh muss rememba, if was AFC givin PNC haad time in Govt, abie wah gon see HoI bicycle chain gang, GDF boots, riot squad battons, nuff nuff bruk teet, bruk foot and haan, swell up face, chop peeple and headless bodies.


Wid all dem lil wutlissness, dem PPP bais tek dem liks from di AFC.  Now ah Propaganda war an' if AFC/PNC natt ready fuh datt, denn dont blame di PPP, dah how di system wuk.  Juss aass Ginger bread man up deh wah Rumney do to am in di Republican race.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Too bad Gerhard is not in Parliament. He stands out as being an honest man and will be a good candidate for parliament. It is sad that the AFC pushed him aside for less hard working MP's.
That's Gerard Ramsaroop's mantra.


Yuji Bhai:


If Gerard were,indeed, honest he would admit that AFC's MP Trevor Williams is getting a free ride.


No way Williams should be MP ahead of Gerhard---no way!


Gerhard is putting in the effort---he is a hard worker---a clear asset to the AFC---Trevor Williams is on a joy ride.


Another AFC MP getting a free ride is Kathy Hughes.


Gerhard will likely come here defending Hughes and Williams----if he does that---then you'll know that he is not as honest as you perceive him to be.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Too bad Gerhard is not in Parliament. He stands out as being an honest man and will be a good candidate for parliament. It is sad that the AFC pushed him aside for less hard working MP's.
That's Gerard Ramsaroop's mantra.


Yuji Bhai:


If Gerard were,indeed, honest he would admit that AFC's MP Trevor Williams is getting a free ride.


No way Williams should be MP ahead of Gerhard---no way!


Gerhard is putting in the effort---he is a hard worker---a clear asset to the AFC---Trevor Williams is on a joy ride.


Another AFC MP getting a free ride is Kathy Hughes.


Gerhard will likely come here defending Hughes and Williams----if he does that---then you'll know that he is not as honest as you perceive him to be.



Time for Gerhard to stand up and be counted. You are right about him coming clear and stating his real position and feelings on deadbeats in the AFC.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney is but a measly flower shop owner with little understanding about public service, legislation and the like. Cathy Hughes is more qualified. 


Can you please expound on why you believe Kathy Hughes is more qualified than Gerhard to be an AFC MP ?


By the way, dont disparge Gerhard's flower business---the Rev would rather have a small businessman like Gerhard represent the Guyanese people in Parliament than blowhards like Khemraj and Moses---2nd rate lawyers.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

gmoney is but a measly flower shop owner with little understanding about public service, legislation and the like. Cathy Hughes is more qualified. 

Di man tekkin risk donk hay going gainst dem PPP bais.  Yu deh stick yuh raass up deh laka lil flowah bai shake yuh finga pon peeple donk hay wah fite foa justice evan if you nah gree.  Fack is dem deh hay, yu deh deh an yuh staay rite deh.


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