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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Anyone who consider Indo-Guyanese as Dirty Indians and Chammar Indians for not supporting the PPP is detrimental to our young democracy. In other words, they believe in an autocrat state ruled by the PPP government only. They want Guyana to return to a dictatorship state where people have no choice to chose any other party but the PPP. These two individuals are wrong to represent the Guyanese people. They're wrong to represent a democratic government, and they're wrong to infringe on the people's right to chose freely in a democratic society. 


You seem to have a distorted view of how democracy works. People are free to choose PNC, PPP or any other party. We have a democratic right to freedom of speech.




Chammar is a Sanskrit word for Leather workers, shoe and bag makers.  


Yuji, you're a good person, but you have to let go of your dislike for people with different political views. It's like cursing people because they worship different from you and that's not right. Despite what's going on here, Guyana will always belong to all Guyanese. It will be a constant turmoil to divide the people through politics, but you will see peace by uniting them. It's your choice to step above politics and show some class for your people, bro. I've been there, done that and get some senses knocked into me. It's a losing battle to go dong that road.


Good people speak the truth which is like harsh medicine. The PNC must never be allowed to rule Guyana again. The entire Black Caribbean countries remain silent while Indo Guyanese were almost exterminated and had to endure 28 years of rigged election, racism and a list of injustices that can fill this entire post.


To date, the PNC never apologized to Indo Guyanese for the injustices committed.  


Yuji has no problem with people's choice. They can vote with free choice thanks to the PPP. I will forever speak out against PNC injustices until the last day of my life. Burhnham and Hoyte were thugs and dictators and Granger is equally responsible for Indo Guyanese suffering.


I will NEVER forget in 1973 when I was six years old and a GDF truck stopped in front of our home and I saw and heard the Ballot Box Heroes begging for water as the PNC GDF kicked them to death. 


Yuji made a vow to see that the PNC is destroyed. Today, our own people are working 24/7 to bring back the same PNC to office.


History can and will repeat itself. We must forever be vigilant. Those who are fearless always speak the truth. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

No one bothers to be angry with you.

* Stop lying Danyael.




* The Rev has burned you up---you are all enraged and maddened by the CUFFY LOVER label.






what  a laugh! One can hardly grasp any sense in your posts. It is all your own hallucinations about race never different!


Yuji, I was quite young during the riots but I do remember leaving my home after a teargas canister was thrown to the house behind us and it landed on our porch, that was no fun. Fights erupted all around us.

We were nearly blown up by thugs and the house behind us was fire bombed, a family I had just recently been introduced (Abrams) they were bombed, the children died in that explosion.

Yes yuji we all saw some type of violence while growing up but to carry that around and at the same time accept a Govt that treat their people like shit, a government you know that is so dam corrupt, it's sickening.

You and others like yourself back that corrupt Government all because it's about colournothing more... they get your blessings.

After the PPP got into power I really thought things would change for the better but they have become worse than I ever imagined.







Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:


After the PPP got into power I really thought things would change for the better but they have become worse than I ever imagined.


* When is the last time you visited Guyana cain ?


* Listen! In 1992 when the PPP took over Guyana was broke, impoverished, destitute and bankrupt.


* Today Guyana is progressing quite nicely.


* Sure there are problems---crime, poverty, corruption, etc


* But no honest person will say Guyana is worse off today than during the PNC days.


* I'll bet you have forgetten the days when Guyanese had to line up for food---and you had shortages in everything---those were the PNC days.


* Listen! If you are pi$$ed off at the PPP ministers for filling their pockets---I have no quarrels with you.


* But like I have said hundred of times---while the PPP officials have been corrupt and deceitful and helped themselves to millions------Guyana has continued to make progress----growth and development continues.


* Just don't tell me things are worse than you imagined---STOP LYING.


* Take a break from freezing your balls in Canada and go visit the old country.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:


After the PPP got into power I really thought things would change for the better but they have become worse than I ever imagined.


* When is the last time you visited Guyana cain ?


* Listen! In 1992 when the PPP took over Guyana was broke, impoverished, destitute and bankrupt.


* Today Guyana is progressing quite nicely.


* Sure there are problems---crime, poverty, corruption, etc


* But no honest person will say Guyana is worse off today than during the PNC days.


* I'll bet you have forgetten the days when Guyanese had to line up for food---and you had shortages in everything---those were the PNC days.


* Listen! If you are pi$$ed off at the PPP ministers for filling their pockets---I have no quarrels with you.


* But like I have said hundred of times---while the PPP officials have been corrupt and deceitful and helped themselves to millions------Guyana has continued to make progress----growth and development continues.


* Just don't tell me things are worse than you imagined---STOP LYING.


* Take a break from freezing your balls in Canada and go visit the old country.





Guyana is worse. It is now an infestation of thieves. Everywhere the destitute and the poor are ignored. This is not the dictatorship where the US had a stranglehold on investment. The western power have been supremely generous. We know what Cuba is like because of US sanctions. The PNC experienced something no less because they like he PPP leaned communist and went rogue.


I do not want to live in the past and reflect on an era that should be covered by dust. I want better. I want democracy. Black people seeded what we have and their rejection of the PNC set the conditions that Hoyte followed albeit unwillingly.


The PPP promised to extend that hard earned democracy. That is their compact with us and it is what they are being asked to answer for. They broke faith with the people in general and as the PNC went to dictatorship these went crooked. They turned our nation into a feeding ground strewn with the carcass of our destitute poor as the PPP coven become obscenely wealthy. 


Yes I remember the Burnham years. I cannot say I punished because my family had money and most of the time I was abroad. What I remember clearly of the Burnham years is the courage, the tenacity of black people rejecting the dictatorship.


I remember how they resisted while Cheddi and his crew cowered in their respective caves lacking in balls to fight and tentatively  and licking the dictators testicles with critical support. Note, that revolution in the black middle class died because Burnham was smart. Had Rodney not been killed, black people would have had his head on a pike.


The PPP may like to sell the crap that they removed the dictator and returned the nation to democracy but that is a lie. They inherited a movement initiated in the streets of Georgetown and spreading to the country side.


When bigots like you generalize on black people I ask that you remember Rodney. When you use Cuffy as a tool for your venom, reflect on who he was and what a moronic useless prick you are to him even with his faults. When you say Black people can never govern guyana, remember what they were about to do to one of their own had Rodney not die. Race bating does not win any fight and it does not diminish anyone but the racist. Eventually, your own hate speech will act as a mobilizing tool to initiate change.




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