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Former Member

Lets Exaamine him closely


Before the 2011 Election he Boasted as being de Numbers Expert.

He had De Numbers and Results in his Bag.

As it turned out....both... he and his Numbers ..... Bogus.... Conman.



He want us to believe his Bogus Numbers then and Now.


The 2011 Elections Came and went....where is Rev Al and his Numbers.


Jagdeo & Ramotar and their Lies, Dishonesty & Ignorance has turned the PPP into a Party of Pimps, Prostitute & Poom Poom Shorts.


Jagdeo & Ramotar and their Lies, Dishonesty & Ignorancecaused the PPP to lose the Election, lose the Parliament......and just clinging on to power because of Burnhams PNC Constitution.

Rev Al has reduced gove today just one thing.....

Corrupt Power

Here is the Proof of the Fraud this Rev AL  has evolved into today. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Quote...TK: Three independent polls conducted in the past two months show PPP = 40%, PNC = 32% and AFC = 28%.


Quote...Rev Al ;If that's how the next election pans out TK--40/32/28--that means the PPP will retain control the executive branch---

and as you are fully aware,


it's in the executive branch where the milk and honey resides---

the US$50 million Marriot,

the $100 million CJIA expansion,

the $25 million speciality hospital,


the US$800 million amaila falls hydro, etc, etc---

there are millions in payoffs elite PPP politicians will be receiving---

and you can bet your house TK---

Ramotar will get his fair share---

it will be deposited in an offshore account----

after 2 terms in office---

Ramo will build the biggest mansion in Guyana.



Now lets rewind the tape

and look closely at this Fraud & King Liar.


Rev Al was comfortable with Jagdeo giving Ramotar Daughter a Big Job in Washington for over US$10,000 per Month.


Rev Al was comfortable with Jagdeo give Ramotar Son a Big Job at office of the President in Guyana for over US$10,000 per Month.... just to write trash on GNI.


Rev Al was even Happier when Ramotar became President and give his Son a Big Pay Increase at office of the President in Guyana .....over US$16,000 per Month.... just to continue writing trash on GNI.


Rev Al enjoying things so much....

he does not see anything wrong with PNC thugs like Lamumba who stripped Ramotar's wife on Main Street.. 15 years ago....enjoying the milk of the PPP Executive Branch TODAY.


he does not see anything wrong with Alexi ignoring the Sexual Harassment his mother experienced at the hands of PNC thugs like Lamumba, Hamilton & long as the Milk of the PPP Executive Branch is shared ....and keep flowing to the Dishonest Jagabats & PNC Thugs...


Rev Al only purpose to protect the Control of Executive Power in it remains in the hands of the Poom Poom they can continue to share the Milk and Honey with the Funny Fellas and the PNC thugs......and keep eating  and enjoying their Poom Poom Cheese.


Why is Rev Al upset with Moses Nagamatoo joining the AFC????

Rev Al see Moses Nagamootoo as the only person alive who can shutdown the Pipe Line built by Jagabattie .....

which allows free flow of Milk & Honey...... 

for Jagdeo, Ramotar, De Poom Poom Panties and a few PNC thugs.



The AFC sees things different ......from De Rev Al

AFC will destroy the pipeline that Jagdeo, Ramotar, De Poom Poom Panties and de PNC thugs feeding and Living Large with.



AFC message is simple.....

and different from Rev Al message.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jalil seems to have a lot of time on his hand and immense dedication to be just a regular poster. His presentations with pictures and meticulous attention to detail shows that he is being financed by his handlers. What is troubling though is that what he says is mostly nonsense so his handlers are wasting their money.  But even more curious is his reference to old calypsonians, it indicates that he is out of touch with reality, who listens to these people or even know they existed?

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Lets Exaamine him closely


Before the 2011 Election he(Rev Al) Boasted as being de Numbers Expert. He had De Numbers and Results in his Bag.

As it turned out....both... he and his Numbers ..... Bogus.... Conman.


The 2011 Elections Came and went....where is Rev Al and his Numbers.





It obviously took quite some effort by my friend jalil bai to compose the lead post---I'll praise him for that. But jalil bai has stretched the truth---actually he lied---check this:


* Jalil claims that before the 2011 Guyana elections the Rev boasted about being a numbers expert.


* Guess what folks--the Rev registered on this forum on Jan 6th, 2012---check the record---so jalil has been exposed as a liar--the Rev did not post here in 2011 during the Guyana elections.


Rev Al online
Joined: 1/6/12 11:47 AM
The Rev will admit to being dead wrong in predicting the US elections in 2012---his numbers were farcical---the Rev was dead wrong---and has no qualms admitting his failings.
No need to apologize jalil bai---just admit that like most supporters of the AFC you are gullible and naive---easily fooled and duped.hahahahaha
13 hours ago
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King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....

Rev Al is a Nasty, Shameless, Dirty Liar......


some of Dem other Poom Poom Cheese...

Now....trying to keep far from he and he lies.....


You Rev 18 hours more





Where is Rev Al???

Last edited by Former Member

King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....

Rev Al is a Nasty, Shameless, Dirty Liar......


some of Dem other Poom Poom Cheese...

Now....trying to keep far from he and he lies.....


You Rev 11 hours more






Where is Rev Al???

King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....


If Rev Al come up with De Picture of Moses Driving De Bentley.....

EEE gon mek Nuff abee lefing the AFC......

It look like De Rev Al is a Big & Important man in Guyana Politices...

Or suh eee feel with eee Poom Poom Panty/Cheese.



Where is Moses???? Is he home?

Last edited by Former Member

King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....

Rev Al is a Nasty, Shameless, Dirty Liar......


some of Dem other Poom Poom Cheese...

Now....trying to keep far from he and he lies.....


You Rev 6 hours more


King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....

Where is this picture of Moses & the Bentley


Is he here?????


On De Gold Boat????


Check Malaysia????

Rev Al....Honey & Milk so much...

now being shipped & Repackaged

in Malaysia......

Remember Rev Al Famous words....

"it's in the executive branch where the milk and honey resides---"



If Poom Poom Cheese Rev 10 AM today.....

can just produce the picture of Moses.......

in any part of the world Driving his Benteley.......

10 of us here on GNI will withdraw our support of AFC.....

These are the Quality of persons who  supporter AFC



Rev Al said he is a Businessman in America.....

Roger  too......

Fip Too......

Ed Too....

Sonny Too...

All Poom Poom Cheese

Vultures living Large.....and.....enjoying the milk .....

of the Ramotar & Jagdeo executive Branch.

Last edited by Former Member


You Rev 4 hours more




King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....


Where is this picture of Moses & the Bentley






Now lets rewind the tape

and look closely at this Fraud & King Liar.


Rev Al was comfortable with Jagdeo giving Ramotar Daughter a Big Job in Washington for over US$10,000 per Month.


Rev Al was comfortable with Jagdeo give Ramotar Son a Big Job at office of the President in Guyana for over US$10,000 per Month.... just to write trash on GNI.


Rev Al was even Happier when Ramotar became President and give his Son a Big Pay Increase at office of the President in Guyana .....over US$16,000 per Month.... just to continue writing trash on GNI.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Jalil seems to have a lot of time on his hand and immense dedication to be just a regular poster. His presentations with pictures and meticulous attention to detail shows that he is being financed by his handlers.

now . . . tek off the KLOWN dress, inhale deeply and tell us what this 'analysis' tells U about your antiman fren - the [fake] numbers man  "rev"


no rush

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Jalil seems to have a lot of time on his hand and immense dedication to be just a regular poster. His presentations with pictures and meticulous attention to detail shows that he is being financed by his handlers.

now . . . tek off the KLOWN dress, inhale deeply and tell us what this 'analysis' tells U about your antiman fren - the [fake] numbers man  "rev"


no rush

Let us analyze you, a former PNC reject who ran to the US after soup dried up when the PPP was elected to power. Now you long for the days of PNC crookedness and have found a convenient allegiance with the PPP rejects in the AFC.  Despite all your crying about how the PPP has ruined the nation, the Guyanese economy forges ahead surpassing its Caribbean counterparts year after year and land values continue to increase making many of you who got land from the PNC rich. In fact it turned out that the PPP has been good for you financially. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Jalil seems to have a lot of time on his hand and immense dedication to be just a regular poster. His presentations with pictures and meticulous attention to detail shows that he is being financed by his handlers.

now . . . tek off the KLOWN dress, inhale deeply and tell us what this 'analysis' tells U about your antiman fren - the [fake] numbers man  "rev"


no rush

Let us analyze you, a former PNC reject who ran to the US after soup dried up when the PPP was elected to power. Now you long for the days of PNC crookedness and have found a convenient allegiance with the PPP rejects in the AFC.  Despite all your crying about how the PPP has ruined the nation, the Guyanese economy forges ahead surpassing its Caribbean counterparts year after year and land values continue to increase making many of you who got land from the PNC rich. In fact it turned out that the PPP has been good for you financially. 

owww meh pakoo . . . your fantasies interest nobody but the dancin antimen in your head


now, stop running around like a lil biatch and deal with the issue @ hand


i did say "no rush" . . . but my patience is not eternal


You Rev 2 mins more




King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....


Where is this picture of Moses & the Bentley



Now lets rewind the tape

and look closely at this Fraud & King Liar.


Rev Al enjoying things so much....

he does not see anything wrong with PNC thugs like Lamumba who stripped Ramotar's wife on Main Street.. 15 years ago....enjoying the milk of the PPP Executive Branch TODAY.


he does not see anything wrong with Alexi ignoring the Sexual Harassment his mother experienced at the hands of PNC thugs like Lamumba, Hamilton & long as the Milk of the PPP Executive Branch is shared ....and keep flowing to the Dishonest Jagabats & PNC Thugs...


Rev Al only purpose to protect the Control of Executive Power in it remains in the hands of the Poom Poom they can continue to share the Milk and Honey with the Funny Fellas and the PNC thugs......and keep eating  and enjoying their Poom Poom Cheese.



Rev Al has reduced the Ramotar/Jagdeo govt today just one thing.....

Corrupt Power


Here is the Proof of the Fraud this Rev AL  has evolved into today.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Quote...TK: Three independent polls conducted in the past two months show PPP = 40%, PNC = 32% and AFC = 28%.


Quote...Rev Al ;If that's how the next election pans out TK--40/32/28--that means the PPP will retain control the executive branch---

and as you are fully aware,

it's in the executive branch where the milk and honey resides---

the US$50 million Marriot,

the $100 million CJIA expansion,

the $25 million speciality hospital,

the US$800 million amaila falls hydro, etc, etc---

there are millions in payoffs elite PPP politicians will be receiving---

and you can bet your house TK---

Ramotar will get his fair share---

it will be deposited in an offshore account----

after 2 terms in office---

Ramo will build the biggest mansion in Guyana.




King Liar seh Moses Driving a Bentley in Guyana.....


Where is this picture of Moses & the Bentley.....


Remember over 10 of us here on GNI were going to walk 10 AM from AFC....if Rev al could prove that he is not a Nasty Poom Poom Cheese Liar......

Now look how the Poom Poom Panty/Cheese Fellas are losing support.....


they lost 10 of us and 100 more from GNI are convinced only the thiefmen and vultures who live  off the Milk and Honey from the executive branch will support them








Rev Al said he is a Businessman in America.....


Roger  too......


Fip Too......


Ed Too....


Sonny Too...


All Poom Poom Cheese



Vultures living Large.....and.....enjoying the milk .....


of the Ramotar & Jagdeo executive Branch.



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