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Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:


 Did this child here deserve to pay the price of your free "milk and honey"?


 --Jagdeo and Gajraj exterminated the murderers of that innocent child---of course Guyanese N*GGER INDIANS  were horrified and aghast by Jagdeo and Gajraj's bold actions--it pained them to see black criminals and murderers eliminated.



If you want your beloved AFC to feast on the milk and honey---urge them to form a coalition with the PNC.


By the way joker--were you one of the N*GGER INDIANS who was deeply saddened when fineman and his gang of murderers were eliminated by Jagdeo, Gajraj and company ?





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

A N*GGER INDIAN you say? What pray tell is that? Explain for me




It was explained in another thread:


Read carefully:


N*GGER INDIANS are Guyanese East Indians who are deeply ashamed of their culture and heritage---they are jealous and envious of successful East Indians--- they take pride in berating, castigating and hatefully criticizing East Indians---and most would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Hughes of Guyana.


Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.



I see the N*GGER INDIAN characterization really touched a nerve in you, but look in the mirror Farouk---that's what you are---a N*GGER INDIAN.



Go read the description of a N*GGER INDIAN again---that's you joker--and a few others here on this forum.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.



I see the N*GGER INDIAN characterization really touched a nerve in you, but look in the mirror Farouk---that's what you are---a N*GGER INDIAN.

Go read the description of a N*GGER INDIAN again---that's you joker--and a few others here on this forum.




You are a damn mal educated ass. It is not the term that is offensive but the intent in its use. It assumes a bastardization of the Indian when it is a reflection of the bastardization of your intellect and your impoverished understanding or our world


For the most discerning mind, the works of  les trois pÃĻres, Leon Damas, AimÃĐ CÃĐsaire, LÃĐopold SÃĐdar Senghor etc the those of Harlem renaissance comes to mind.  The so called negritude movement and other neo colonialist thinkers ie Said  dissected what confused  minds like yours reflect in your world view and Naipaul's famous diagnosis of  of the half made person comes to mind. It is about deformed thinking


You, wallowing in the confines of your morbidly shallow intellectual space you come to know very little of life except as it is fed by the baseness of your grovelling ignorant racism. You affect no one. You simply tell us an subaltern space the white people speak of exists and that is where we find vermin like you. You  are the way the elites in the PPP want Indians to be.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You are a damn mal educated ass. It is not the term that is offensive but the intent in its use.




It is patently obvious that male menopause has been grossly unkind to you--you are clearly the most petulant, irritable, cranky, fretful and grouchy poster on this forum!


The Rev empathizes with your dilemma Stormy. Hopefully in your next life will will learn to be pleasant, easy going and good natured like the Rev.hahahahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


You are a damn mal educated ass. It is not the term that is offensive but the intent in its use.




It is patently obvious that male menopause has been grossly unkind to you--you are clearly the most petulant, irritable, cranky, fretful and grouchy poster on this forum!


The Rev empathizes with your dilemma Stormy. Hopefully in your next life will will learn to be pleasant, easy going and good natured like the Rev.hahahahahaha





 Inventing a disability is exactly as inventing ****** Indians...shallow if not sub moronic.


You would want my life...I do not want yours ever were I poorer than a drunk on skid row. At least I would still have a mind that can think beyond the confines of my ears,

Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

Baseman if you can take off your Racial Blinders will see the Issue is not about Abee and Dem......or Coolie and Blackman.....or PPP and PNC...

it is About the Thiefing and Corruption ....... and if we support it.


Those who do not Support the Thiefing and Corruption ....... refuse to stand in line with those who support it.....Thiefing and Corruption is evil it by any name.....even the your Favourite Milk and Honey.


And ....Baseman I am surprised you cannot draw the line or distance yourself from the PNC Thugs,Indian Killers and Rapist......  Lamumba, Nascimento, Kwame, Hamilton, Tapps, Bynoe and McClean.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

Baseman if you can take off your Racial Blinders will see the Issue is not about Abee and Dem......or Coolie and Blackman.....or PPP and PNC...

it is About the Thiefing and Corruption ....... and if we support it.


Those who do not Support the Thiefing and Corruption ....... refuse to stand in line with those who support it.....Thiefing and Corruption is evil it by any name.....even the your Favourite Milk and Honey.


And ....Baseman I am surprised you cannot draw the line or distance yourself from the PNC Thugs,Indian Killers and Rapist......  Lamumba, Nascimento, Kwame, Hamilton, Tapps, Bynoe and McClean.

Well, you seem very near-sighted.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

 You are so smart that you are able to  contradict yourself in two sentences! That is indeed a unique feat!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

 You are so smart that you are able to  contradict yourself in two sentences! That is indeed a unique feat!

You are a big mouth shallow man.  A Simpleton, as TK would say.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

 You are so smart that you are able to  contradict yourself in two sentences! That is indeed a unique feat!

You are a big mouth shallow man.  A Simpleton, as TK would say.

 Dummy, pretending you are smart wont cut it. Your slip in the above.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

 You are so smart that you are able to  contradict yourself in two sentences! That is indeed a unique feat!

You are a big mouth shallow man.  A Simpleton, as TK would say.

 Dummy, pretending you are smart wont cut it. Your slip in the above.

Disprove my point.  No amount of cassava bread gon help you.  You talk too damn much, you clown.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

I am just curious. How come only the PPP refuses to initiate constitutional reforms if the constitution is so bad for Indians? 

Mr Simpleton, the constitution is not bad or good for anyone.  It's bad for anyone caught in the Opposition seat.

 You are so smart that you are able to  contradict yourself in two sentences! That is indeed a unique feat!

You are a big mouth shallow man.  A Simpleton, as TK would say.

 Dummy, pretending you are smart wont cut it. Your slip in the above.

Disprove my point.  No amount of cassava bread gon help you.  You talk too damn much, you clown.

 Disprove what point idiot?


You are the classic moronic, intellectually stunted and calcified, racist fool. You cannot see beyond the confines of your own shallow prejudices. Again what am I to disprove?  You only have to read the two sentences above to see its logical contradiction.


You are such a moron that even in a simple post you cannot restrain your craven compulsion to be a racist ass. You define what it is to be a clown.

Originally Posted by cain:

You guys are too much into yourselves and too stupid to notice.


Have either of you who feel the need to criticize ever tried to understand Joker's posts or just because he's assisting in tearing the ignorant bimbos apart, you're all gettin nervous?


If they took the time to both read and understand they'll know that I'm just laying out the unvarnished truth of the state of things.


We are witnessing the destruction of Indians by their Mudhead elite.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.


As my sagacious grandfather would say: "you're too big to be wan boy and too schupid to be wan man"

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.



I see the N*GGER INDIAN characterization really touched a nerve in you, but look in the mirror Farouk---that's what you are---a N*GGER INDIAN.



Go read the description of a N*GGER INDIAN again---that's you joker--and a few others here on this forum.





My Dear Mudhead,


Don't flatter yourself to think that you can rise from your muddy trench to pierce my soul. My soul and sense of worth are both too well developed and rooted in solid life experiences to ever be touched by your leprous hands and verbal excretions


I pray that your innate humanity one day transcends your appalling ignorance and dangerous stupidity.


Your stupidity will one day lead to the eradication of the Indian presence in Guyana.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.


As my sagacious grandfather would say: "you're too big to be wan boy and too schupid to be wan man"

Yes, alyuh katahars smart, no wonder Indians "smell a rat" at the last minute and denied the PNC a victory.  While you, Redux, Storm, Caribj and the rest made your plans for a triumphant return, the "mudheads" gave you a good slap and sent you and your "smart-ass" buddies, back to the drawing board.  Next time, it will be a good kick in the balls for you low-life katahars.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Yes, alyuh katahars smart, no wonder Indians "smell a rat" at the last minute and denied the PNC a victory.  While you, Redux, Storm, Caribj and the rest made your plans for a triumphant return, the "mudheads" gave you a good slap and sent you and your "smart-ass" buddies, back to the drawing board.  Next time, it will be a good kick in the balls for you low-life katahars.


So you admit that the PPP is an "Indian party" that is designed FOR Indians with some token inconsequential blacks?


Since thats true then what's wrong with the blacks having a black party that represents them?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

It really doesn't take much to unmask you PPP paid posters for the illiterate embarassments to Indian People that you all really are.


One day there will be a reckoning. Godwilling, I will live long enough to see it.

I enjoy the remarks by PPP posters as they expose how racist and anti black that IndoNazi organization is.


When they seek to criticize those Indians who they despise they use a racist epithet, demeaning to blacks.  Thus indicating the low respect that they have for AfroGuyanese.

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.


As my sagacious grandfather would say: "you're too big to be wan boy and too schupid to be wan man"

Yes, alyuh katahars smart, no wonder Indians "smell a rat" at the last minute and denied the PNC a victory.  While you, Redux, Storm, Caribj and the rest made your plans for a triumphant return, the "mudheads" gave you a good slap and sent you and your "smart-ass" buddies, back to the drawing board.  Next time, it will be a good kick in the balls for you low-life katahars.

Who are you to speak for Indians? You are an odious fellow and I am sure you do not speak for my family and I am sure others will insist also that you do not speak in their family name. You are a despicable racist fellow with sub par intellect and a good measure of mean and those are exactly the kinds of ingredients that makes you unfit to speak for Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

What trickery are you whining about?  The AFC isnt doing anything unexpected.  Clearly they would ally with the larger opposition party to get the govt to behave?  Did you expect them to be PPP lap dogs.  Those who voted for them did so in order that the crass corruption of the PPP be stopped.


The PPP behaves as if they have a God given right to have to do what ever they wish to do w/o being accountable to any.  They useed to scream that they had a mandate and that no one can tell them what to do.  Well this time Guyanese deprived them of control over parliament.  In any normal society a post election alliance would have been allowed.  This more than likely would have been an APNU/AFC alliance.


Guyana needs a break from the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Guyana needs a break from the PPP.


It's time for your beloved PNC to get a chance at feasting on the milk and honey in the executive branch, right carib bai ?


We all know that only a PNC/AFC coalition can uproot the PPP from their piggy bank(the executive branch).


But the horrible news for 51% of Guyanese who voted for the PNC and AFC in the last election is Moses Nagamootoo, the likely AFC presidential candidate in the next election, has bluntly said, "over my dead body--there will be no coalition between the PNC and AFC."


AFC's Nigel Hughes and Raphael Trotman are deeply saddened by Moses stance---Nigel and Trotty have been longing to return home to their beloved PNC via a coalition---now they are stuck with Moses and the AFC.


Hey carib--work some of your voodoo---pray for Moses to kick the bucket---then your dream of seeing the PPP booted from office will likely become a reality.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

After the 2011 election trickery, any Indian who directly of indirectly, overtly or covertly back the PNC taking power with the current constitutional framework is a traitor, back-stabber and selfish and a danger to all Indians.  The are probably hoping to be petted and become trophies, and surely they may, while the masses are thrown back into bondage and oppression.

What trickery are you whining about?  The AFC isnt doing anything unexpected.  Clearly they would ally with the larger opposition party to get the govt to behave?  Did you expect them to be PPP lap dogs.  Those who voted for them did so in order that the crass corruption of the PPP be stopped.


The PPP behaves as if they have a God given right to have to do what ever they wish to do w/o being accountable to any.  They useed to scream that they had a mandate and that no one can tell them what to do.  Well this time Guyanese deprived them of control over parliament.  In any normal society a post election alliance would have been allowed.  This more than likely would have been an APNU/AFC alliance.


Guyana needs a break from the PPP.

What Guyana needs is to return all the Jagans to power to make things right for the country.  They were never corrupt.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Guyana needs a break from the PPP.

Well, that's for the people in Guyana to the ballot.



You need to accept the fact that they already did.  The PPP does not control parliament.


Tell your PPP to focus on Local Govt elections (not held for almost 20 years, even though most of these authorities have now collapsed), instead of attempting to create a race war by holding an uneccessary snap election.


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