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Originally Posted by Prashad:

Stormborn I would like to warn you and your interracial loving ways to be careful in public.  You are lucky so far.  But there is a possibility that you and your interracial loving ways will eventually run into a good old southern racist redneck or a neo nazi in the United States or in the case of Canada a good old racist Alberta country come to town redneck or a British Columbia interior racist woodsman.  Then you will know what I am taking about when they bash your face in.  Don't come running to me for help then.

Mr 'Prashad' . . . are you confused, blinded by ideological hate of Black people, or just terminally stupid?


Aren't these the same characters that YOU and the 'Rev' were reaching to embrace and emulate just a few posts ago??


Crawling on your knees and volunteering to service these types will not save you from their scorn . . . U TOO are 'cursed' with the BLACKNESS!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:


I see many of the immigrants on this thread are pi$$ing mad---they can't imagine that the blue collar white Americans will send their hero, the failed black guy, packing in November.





* EMPTY SEATS(in his Ohio campaign launch event)


* EMPTY STATS(the 8.1% unemployment rate went down only because 342,000 folks left the job market)


* EMPTY SUIT--Obama has no ideas. He is just running against Bush.





Who vex, vex!



You will be chewing on your fingertips come November. He will win and by a handsome margin. Romney baggage is Romney. He is as black as he is white. Of course you can focus on the side of him that appeal to your prejudices but you do not matter.




The French people just kicked out Sarkozy---the black guy in America will be sent packing in November. The white blue collar Americans were deceived in 2008---41% voted for the Black Guy---thank heavens they will not allow themselves to be duped and deceived again in 2012.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:





The French people just kicked out Sarkozy---the black guy in America will be sent packing in November. The white blue collar Americans were deceived in 2008---41% voted for the Black Guy---thank heavens they will not allow themselves to be duped and deceived again in 2012.



So what? They got the republican caricature of Obama the socialist. America has the real measured one instead.


The race is for college of electors and not head count. He  has multiple paths to victory. Romney has no such option. You may be voting against the "black guy" but America will be voting for the best man

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
The race is for college of electors and not head count. He the has multiple paths to victory. Romney has no such option. You may be voting against the "black guy" but America will be voting for the best man

Of course it's the electoral college that will determine the winner---270 electoral votes needed. No one becomes President without winning Ohio---Ohio has picked the winner in 10 of the last 10 elections--Obama won Ohio by 207K votes in 2008---Romney needs to flip only 104K votes in 2012---he will---thanks mainly to white blue collar Americans---they will not be voting for the black guy in 2012.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
The race is for college of electors and not head count. He the has multiple paths to victory. Romney has no such option. You may be voting against the "black guy" but America will be voting for the best man

Of course it's the electoral college that will determine the winner---270 electoral votes needed. No one becomes President without winning Ohio---Ohio has picked the winner in 10 of the last 10 elections--Obama won Ohio by 207K votes in 2008---Romney needs to flip only 104K votes in 2012---he will---thanks mainly to white blue collar Americans---they will not be voting for the black guy in 2012.



Ohio is not lost yet and in any event it has to be in conjunction of many mid western states and VA. Ohio does not pick the winners no less than the winners lead Ohio to vote with the winner.  Do not misuse statistics in these mumbo jumbo interpretations. Is there other possibility or combinations of states favorable to Obama that can nullify a loss in Florida and Ohio or even VA...yes. Undeniably yes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Storm does not understand that electoral map that you posted. He will now write a long paragraph of nonsense.


Fact remains, Romney will win.

What makes you so much an expert on the electoral map? While I never felt the urge to fully analyze the permutations to a democratic victory I am sufficiently convinced from contact with those who know that Obama has a better chance than Romney.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Ohio is not lost yet and in any event it has to be in conjunction of many mid western states and VA. Ohio does not pick the winners no less than the winners lead Ohio to vote with the winner.  Do not misuse statistics in these mumbo jumbo interpretations. Is there other possibility or combinations of states favorable to Obama that can nullify a loss in Florida and Ohio or even VA...yes. Undeniably yes.



The fact is Ohio is the only state in the union to pick the winner of the last 10 Presidential election. Come November Ohio will pick the winner in 11 of the last election---and the white blue collar Americans in Ohio will not support the black guy like they did in 2008----so Ohio will vote Republican in 2012.




Sure that possibility exists!


If the Republicans win Ohio, Florida and Virginia---Obama will have to win all the states in the North East---all the states on the West Coast---plus Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico---and in the mid west he'd have to win Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan----his total electoral votes would be 272.





Obama won NH by 67K votes in 2008---NH has 4 electoral votes---if Romney were to flip 34,000 votes---he'll win NH---and Obama will end up with 268 electoral votes----the black guy will be sent back to Chicago.




Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok Guys,


Setting emotions aside, based on the state of the economy. Obama will not win the next election.


Let the debate continue.

President Barack Obama will be elected again in November, 2012.


Alyuh tink sing sang an sweet talk a run kontry nah.  Rememba we Burnham, da wah waan sweet talk man.

Originally Posted by mighty exposer:

Rev. I thought you are a man of GOD. Why do you hate Obama so much? While I agree with you that he is a failure, lets keep our comments stictly to politics and don't attack his religion or his race/ethnicity.




When the Rev puts on his political hat he ceases to be a man of God, instead he becomes a mighty exposer like you, and let's be truthful and expose Obama--he has been a stunning failure as President---American now needs an intelligent, hardworking, pragmatic problem solver in the white house--not a lazy clown who is great at reading a teleprompter and deceiving blacks, hispanics and gullible Guyanese immigrants like many of the pitiful souls on this forum.



Originally Posted by TI:
Either way, the USA is doomed. With trillions in debt, and no sustainable future, I am brushing up on my Mandarin and Kung Fu.

Alyuh bettah brush up alyuh Guynglish.  Nuff nuff alyuh gon come bak donk hay an' plant rice an' bora.  Alyuh come bak bu leff alyuh yankee aksent and bring alyuh yankee paisa, wah evva leff.  Abie pon tap donk hay.


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