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Former Member


OK Folks!


Nearly a billion people are signed up on Facebook around the world, but the stock which started trading yesterday was a FLOP--it had to be propped up by underwriters. Are any of you good folks planning on buying shares in Facebook ? I believe the masses know that facebook is a potemkin business---hugely impressive but a sham or artificial. Only suckers would jump in and but shares in facebook. Listen up! Facebook is a fad--worth bupkus! GM recently pulled $10 million in ads from facebook---GM said the ads dont work. Bottom line---facebook is a time waster--not a business---but right now the stock is priced at a valuation of nearly $100 billion---like the Rev said---only suckers would buy now.




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I dont think it was a flop, it was offered fully valued with little left on the table.  Furthermore, the late decision to expand the float placed ample shares to be traded, unlike many other IPOs where only a small slither of shared were floated.  Go back and look at how many opening day high-flyers quickly came down.  You can expect FB to drop further, maybe to 20 before a sustained upside.  FB still have to prove it's model for monetizing and Google will be their nemesis.  I personally believe Google is a better buy in the long run.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

Some of the stock savvy people made money, those who lined up early, bought millions worth at the starting price $38.00 and sold off when it spiked at $48.00....  

Yes, but you can rest assure, those were not Joe public but those who were offered shared, the under-writers etc.  They held back, when it surged, they sold.  I'm sure very few "Buy" limit orders placed by the open market were filled, maybe they were on the way down.




Facebook shares [FB  34.03    -4.2018  (-10.99%)   ] sank on Monday without the full support of the company's underwriters, leaving some investors down 25 percent from where they were Friday afternoon


Like the Rev said in the lead post---only suckers would buy facebook shares---Facebook is a fad company selling advertising to people who hang around posting pictures of themselves doing a lot of crazy stuff.




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