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This project will be a big plus for the tourism sector in Guyana---as Guyana continues to grow and prosper there is an increased need for world class accomodations.


The PNC/AFC coalition is dead set against the Marriott being built----Guyanese politicians can bawl and scream all they want---but the Mariott will become a reality.








At Xmas, Roleen struggles to put meal on table, care for grandson

Posted By Shabna Ullah On December 25, 2012 @ 5:10 am In Local | No Comments

As everyone was busy preparing for Christmas, Roleen Alexander of Rosignol, West Bank Berbice who is caring for her 10-year-old grandson, Shemmar Simon is worried about where the next meal would
come from.

Life had always been a struggle for Roleen, 48, and when her son-in-law, Anderson Nicholson brutally murdered her daughter, Trevlyn Kingston-Nicholson on October 14, 2008, her situation became worse.

The man also dealt Roleen serious injuries. Her fingers on her left hand were punctured with a fork and she suffered chops to her forehead with a chopper.

She was treated first at the Fort Wellington Hospital and then transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Her fingers have been left permanently disabled and she is unable to do much. She also still suffers pain in her forehead at times.

She has also been tasked with taking care of Trevlyn’s son, Shemmar Simon, 10, and said sadly, “If he didn’t kill she, she woulda be here to look after she son.”

At the time of her injuries she earned a living by “cleaning drains and washing [doing laundry] for people.” But now she can only use her right hand to perform chores.

She currently works as a security guard at the nearby Rosignol Secondary School but her income is barely enough.

Many days there is hardly any money left for food after she pays the bills and takes care of other expenses. But “sometimes when I go out on the road somebody I know would give me a $100 or $200 or something to cook.”

Relatives would send her a little money “whenever dem get but I can’t depend on dem.” She also gets a “little public assistance [for the child] but the book sharing till January.”

Roleen Alexander hugs her grandson, Shemmar Simon

His grandfather [Roleen’s husband] “used to help me and give him money to buy something at school but he grandfather died… And when I don’t have to give him he would he would say ‘grandmother ah going without’”.

According to her, “I deprive myself of a lot of things just to take care of him… I have to find lesson fee and all kinda things and it hard.”

She said too that the other day she took him into a store “just for a walk and he tell me ‘grandmother, buy something for me na’ and I tell he I din have money… and he understand.”

Pausing during the interview as tears streamed down her face, Roleen said sadly that she did not plan to do anything special for Christmas because “I don’t have any money.”

As for presents, the child would not be getting any, or at least not from her. He was able to attend the party at the school without paying because “I explained my situation to the teacher.”

She gave him “his same old clothes to wear to the party. Right now his pants and everything getting short and I cannot afford to buy more.”

The house she lives in belongs to her in-laws and she would have to move sometime.

They will assist her to build a smaller house at the back of the yard though, but she also has to try and raise some money on her own.

Right now she also she has to find money to buy a new mattress for a bed that someone gave to her.

Roleen was still disturbed at the fact that while she was hospitalized after the chopping, her relatives went into her daughter’s house and removed her belongings, including clothing, wardrobe, a gas stove, bed and mattress.

They also took away Shemmar’s clothing, school bag with books and his toys. They have never returned any of the items.

She was sad too that her other children “don’t give me anything. Strangers does help me more than my own.”

Although four years have passed, she is finding it difficult to put the memories of the horrible ordeal behind. She had watched in horror as her daughter’s life was cold-bloodedly snuffed out right before her eyes.

She had prayed that Nicholson would face the full brunt of the law and was glad that he had admitted to the crime and had been remorseful for his actions. But she was not at all satisfied with the outcome of the just concluded trial.

At the Berbice High Court, Justice Roxane George sentenced him to 13 years in jail. He had changed his plea to guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter in November and it was accepted by Senior State Prosecutor Prithima Kissoon.

The judge informed him that she would “start off with 23 years” but she knocked off 10 years; taking into consideration the four years that he had already spent, a favourable probation report and his guilty plea.

Given a chance to speak before the sentence was passed, Nicholson said he regretted what happened and knew he had to face the consequences of his actions.

He had described the event as a “contrary triangle” and said he and his wife shared a happy marriage but felt provocation caused the devil to come between them.

Roleen is also aware of the fact that Nicholson had changed his life and had become a practising Christian while on remand.

She told this newspaper that she would “leave everything to God. I go to church too and the Bible said to forgive…” She has forgiven him because “the Father does forgive us but he gat to answer fuh wah he do.”

She recounted that her daughter met her demise following an argument with Nicholson over a text message that was sent to his phone.

Before that, Roleen who had returned to her daughter’s house at D’Edward Village after taking Shemmar to the health centre, said her son-in-law left to go to Cotton Tree school with a fork to assist his brother with some work.

Trevlyn had gone to the seaside to check on their cows and when her husband returned home and learnt that she was there he went in search of her. A few minutes later she got a message that he was beating her and she went and brought her home.

Nicholson followed them and attempted to plunge the fork into Trevlyn but Roleen jumped between them and the fork connected with three fingers on her left hand.

The enraged man then reached for a chopper and dealt Roleen the wounds to her forehead.

As this was happening, her daughter took the opportunity to run out of the yard and through a short alleyway. Her husband pursued her after grabbing a cutlass.

By the time she crossed the church bridge and reached on the PNC Dam she could not run anymore and fell. She was unable to get up as he rained chops on her.

With blood trickling from her wounds, especially one on her right temple, Roleen, too, screamed for mercy.

The distressed mother said she watched helplessly from a resident’s yard and listened to her daughter pleading for life with every chop until she took her last breath.

The attacker then calmly walked away with the murder weapon before starting to run as he was halfway towards the sea-dam. The following day he surrendered in the company of his lawyer.

His Excellency Donald Ramotar’s Christmas messagePDFPrintE-mail

On behalf of my wife and I, and the rest of my family, I extend best wishes for a very merry Christmas to all my fellow Guyanese. May the spirit of this beautiful holiday see us through the New Year as we work towards building a strong and prosperous Guyana for all our people. 
Once again, I embrace you all, and extend the wish for a very merry Christmas.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

At Xmas, Roleen struggles to put meal on table, care for grandson

Posted By Shabna Ullah On December 25, 2012 @ 5:10 am In Local | No Comments




The United States of America is the richest country in the world, yet 47 million Americans need government help to put food on the table---47 million Americans are receiving food stamps monthly.


In Guyana there are many poor folks like Roleen struggling to put a meal on the table. There is poverty in every country on the planet.




No politician will impede the economic progress being made in Guyana.













CAPTAIN Gerald Gouveia of the Roraima Group of Companies noted that he is very optimistic about business during this Christmas season, which he described as “amazing” because of the several flights booked to visit several resorts in Guyana’s hinterland. At a party hosted at the Duke Lodge Restaurant & Bar in Kingston last Thursday, Captain Gouveia described business during this Christmas season as “ram jam”, with three/four tours to different places, such as the Kaieteur Falls, Mount Roraima and in the Rupununi, among other places.


* The only people in Guyana who are pessimistic about Guyana are the PNC/AFC politicians.


* The private sector in Guyana is booming


* Businessmen who support the AFC and are deathly afraid of competition have been complaining.


* But on the whole most businessmen are like Gouveia--optimistic.






OK Folks!


* The first quarter of 2013 is about to be completed, and the Guyanese economy is doing remarkably well.


* Conscience says the 2013 budget will serve the Guyanese masses well.


* The private sector is firing on all cylinders.


So far so good in 2013.




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