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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Oh don't worry. The components must equal the whole annual GDP. We shall educate the people of this big lie Ashni is trying pass off. 




This is what you wrote:


Ok Folks pick sense from nonsense. For Guyana's GDP to reach US$2.8 bill today from US$371 in 1992 compound annual growth rate had to be 11.22% per year over 19 years.  How many of you believe Guyana grew at 11.22% compound annual rate since 1992? 


Ashni said that Guyana's GDP was 371 million in 1992 and 2.7 billion in 2012.


Are you disputing those numbers ? Aren't those the numbers the world bank list on their site for Guyana ?

If those GDP numbers are, indeed, correct, then the compound growth rate doesn't lie---it is 11.22% as you stated.





The World Bank's data is what the country supplies. That used to be my job for 4 years. 

Originally Posted by TK:


The World Bank's data is what the country supplies. That used to be my job for 4 years. 

So you are quite aware that a significant portion of the goods and services produced in Guyana is not reported in the official GDP number for Guyana----the actual GDP is higher than the official 2.7 billion number.


Anyway, the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) ought to be re-named the Government Domestic Product----a lot of the figures presented are made up and bogus.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


The World Bank's data is what the country supplies. That used to be my job for 4 years. 

So you are quite aware that a significant portion of the goods and services produced in Guyana is not reported in the official GDP number for Guyana----the actual GDP is higher than the official 2.7 billion number.


Anyway, the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) ought to be re-named the Government Domestic Product----a lot of the figures presented are made up and bogus.




As I said Ashni has given the second greatest barrel of SNAKE OIL.

Originally Posted by TK:

As I said Ashni has given the second greatest barrel of SNAKE OIL.


The Rev is a fair man! I give credit where it's due and you might be onto something regarding the GDP numbers---when I saw that 11.22% compounded growth rate I said---Hmmmmm! Interesting.


I then checked the compounded growth rate in gold prices since 1992---it was 8.6% I believe---didn't get a chance to check sugar, bauxite, rice, etc, etc




You get no argument from me if you are trying to unearth how the $2.7 billion figure was arrived at---but I have a feeling the books were cooked.



Originally Posted by Rev Al

So you are quite aware that a significant portion of the goods and services produced in Guyana is not reported in the official GDP number for Guyana----the actual GDP is higher than the official 2.7 billion number.



Wow! Illegality is in the blood for some. Our Minister of Finance is now doing analysis with unofficial/unrecorded/underground GDP data. Only in Guyana this happens. 


Originally Posted by cain:


You get no argument from me if you are trying to unearth how the $2.7 billion figure was arrived at---but I have a feeling the books were cooked.





HAHAHAAAAAAA!! Find us some figures deh Rev.


Oi TK, you wanna tell me about the #1 Snakeoil job?

LCDS financing. That one said we can get US$580 mill forever and ever for not cutting down the forest. And according to the LCDS document the US$580 mill will go into a special account that OP will manage. This is no was in the original LCDS document. OP gets it! 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al

So you are quite aware that a significant portion of the goods and services produced in Guyana is not reported in the official GDP number for Guyana----the actual GDP is higher than the official 2.7 billion number.



Wow! Illegality is in the blood for some. Our Minister of Finance is now doing analysis with unofficial/unrecorded/underground GDP data. Only in Guyana this happens. 


Well, assumptions are always a big part of modelling economic and financial data.


Another thing-- Minister Ashni Singh and the PPP have chosen to use remittances in their GDP numbers.


remittances ought to be included in the GNP numbers---all prodution/services by citizens at home or abroad---but inorder to make the GDP(all production/services at home--not abroad) numbers look good---remittances are included.


I believe the IMF had remittances to Guyana around 475 million in 2006---its higher now.




After the books are cooked---assumptions for good and services not reported + remittances---the 2.7 billion GDP figure seems OK.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al

So you are quite aware that a significant portion of the goods and services produced in Guyana is not reported in the official GDP number for Guyana----the actual GDP is higher than the official 2.7 billion number.



Wow! Illegality is in the blood for some. Our Minister of Finance is now doing analysis with unofficial/unrecorded/underground GDP data. Only in Guyana this happens. 


Well, assumptions are always a big part of modelling economic and financial data.


Another thing-- Minister Ashni Singh and the PPP have chosen to use remittances in their GDP numbers.


remittances ought to be included in the GNP numbers---all prodution/services by citizens at home or abroad---but inorder to make the GDP(all production/services at home--not abroad) numbers look good---remittances are included.


I believe the IMF had remittances to Guyana around 475 million in 2006---its higher now.




After the books are cooked---assumptions for good and services not reported + remittances---the 2.7 billion GDP figure seems OK.





Why are you talking about modeling economic and financial data? That is academic bullshit, remember? (BTW...I saw you used the British spelling...kind of unusual for someone who worked in investment banking in the US for 20 years; and who is living here for much longer. You would have been fully socialized by now had you been into investment banking). Anyhow, remittances are not GDP. GDP is production/income. Remittance is a transfer/gift.  

Originally Posted by TK:


TK: Why are you talking about modeling economic and financial data? That is academic bullshit, remember?


Rev: Well, how do you think the GDP numbers are derived ? There are models that are used. In investment banking, we used financial models all the time in the LBO's and M&A deals the Rev worked on decades ago.



(BTW...I saw you used the British spelling...)


Rev: The Rev may have lived in the US for 31+ years---but he went to high school in Guyana---up to A levels--QC---so once in a while the British spelling may creep in.



TK:kind of unusual for someone who worked in investment banking in the US for 20 years;


Rev: I worked in investment banking only 4 years--not 20 years----I have been running my own business 22 years and counting.



TK: Anyhow, remittances are not GDP. GDP is production/income. Remittance is a transfer/gift.  


Rev: I stated that remittances may be included in GNP---services produced by nationals abroad---but maybe the PPP cooks the books and include remittances in GDP---I wasnt sure.





You can make all the noise you want about how the GDP is calculated---the fact is standard of living in Guyana is higher than at any time in Guyana's history--Guyana is on the road to prosperity.









The lies regarding Guyana's public debt by AFC's psychopath and congenital liar Moses Nagamootoo have been exposed by Finance Minister Ashni Singh.



Since the standards are beeing allowed to be set By Rev ....

lets hope no one is offended when we present the facts about the "Funny Fellas"


 #1......Is this a Fact

Did De Bu@@er Battie Junior Minister of Finance  conspire with ......

De Chief Rapist Pundit........


to fool dem PPP Hindu supporters.........

that they perform a Fake Hindu wedding....

sultan bharrat jagdeo one last backball with the gdf

and it is fair to assume all the Bu@@ering will stop....

All dem aunti-m@n runnings will be stopped

and now Bhart will lead a Clean Life with a good wife.....

and Hindus in the PPP must trust him.....

Do u think this Rape Pundit believe eee fooling Bhagwan again????

Do u think Bu@@er Battie Bharat believe De Rape Pundit is Bhagwan????





39th Independence Flag raising ceremony attracts huge crowd- President recommits Government to vision of a modern nation

Georgetown , GINA, May 26, 2005

President Jagdeo, First Lady Varshnie Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Gail Teixeira join top officials of the Joint Services in reciting the National Pledge just after the Golden Arrow Head was hoisted to mark Guyana’s 39 th year as an independent nation.


With elections around de Corner (Picture taken May 2005)

PPP try to show Hindus,

Bharat geting over de Bu@@ering thing,

EEE have a Nice Devoted Hindu wife,

Vote fuh eeeee....and pray.....eeee too gon become a Bhagwan....



After De Elections.....

With Help from Nandababa.....and...

Burnham Constitution.....

eee Throw Varshnie.... out pon de road.

set eee self up with a big pension....

and wan de Hindu Girl pick fare


Dear Editor, 

When President Jagdeo steps down as President after November 28th, he leaves with retirement benefits which have raised eyebrows. But he needs to leave office of the Presidency and keep his considerable reputation intact. He urgently needs to approve and ensure a pension for the former First Lady, Varshnie Singh. I am appalled that the women of Guyana, moreso Hindu women from organizations including the Dharmic Sabha, the Maha Sabha, the WPO, Red Thread etc, have not met President Jagdeo to iron out this gross treatment of a Guyanese woman.


The President married his wife in a traditional Hindu-rites wedding ceremony, in full view of hundred of witnesses and under the eyes of Bhagwan [God], walking around the sacred fire, committing himself to serve and defend her till death parted them. So the marriage did not work out. It happens all the time. This is not the issue which I am peeved about. The treatment of his ex-spouse can be misinterpreted by his critics. He needs to compensate her according to religious law which has no quibbling in our scriptures. Her reputation is forever damaged. Using a technicality to dismiss his marriage responsibilities because the marriage was not recorded with the government registry is not fair and comes across as arrogant and uncaring. Is he? Western colonial customs introduced the government registry to deprave and dismiss Hindu and Muslim religious rites.  This explains why many Hindus/Muslims chose to ignore colonial laws and marry under the bamboo (Hindu), dismissing colonial Christian laws and requirements. So now the population has been regularized. The Hindu has always considered a man and woman married once their wedding was sanctified by a Hindu Pandit performing the traditional rituals. Where is Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud in all this mess?  Does that mean all the weddings he (and other Pandits) has performed are illegal in the sight of man and God? All Guyanese women, especially Hindu women, should help Ms.  Varshnie Singh let the President know what he has done is wrong. Nullifying our respected age-old Hindu marriage traditions is an insult to Hinduism. In New York City, a similar case resulted in the judge ruling that, even though the marriage was not registered the traditional Hindu wedding rites were performed in God’s presence and witnessed by the guests, the marriage is considered legal and binding. I am very upset and angry at President Jagdeo. He needs to act to avoid losing those of us prefer to see him in a better light. Mr. President, please do not hide behind civil laws and please honor your moral Hindu religious responsibilities. Vassan Ramracha

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


TK: Why are you talking about modeling economic and financial data? That is academic bullshit, remember?


Rev: Well, how do you think the GDP numbers are derived ? There are models that are used. In investment banking, we used financial models all the time in the LBO's and M&A deals the Rev worked on decades ago.



(BTW...I saw you used the British spelling...)


Rev: The Rev may have lived in the US for 31+ years---but he went to high school in Guyana---up to A levels--QC---so once in a while the British spelling may creep in.



TK:kind of unusual for someone who worked in investment banking in the US for 20 years;


Rev: I worked in investment banking only 4 years--not 20 years----I have been running my own business 22 years and counting.



TK: Anyhow, remittances are not GDP. GDP is production/income. Remittance is a transfer/gift.  


Rev: I stated that remittances may be included in GNP---services produced by nationals abroad---but maybe the PPP cooks the books and include remittances in GDP---I wasnt sure.





You can make all the noise you want about how the GDP is calculated---the fact is standard of living in Guyana is higher than at any time in Guyana's history--Guyana is on the road to prosperity.




Yeah that's exactly how a senior Government person posting from Guyana will respond. There is no way on this planet you can even have 3 mths experience in investment banking. 

Originally Posted by TK:

TK:Yeah that's exactly how a senior Government person posting from Guyana will respond. 


Rev: Are you that naive ? Do you believe the Rev is a member of the PPP government ?



TK:There is no way on this planet you can even have 3 mths experience in investment banking. 


Rev: The Rev worked 4 years in Investment banking back in the 1980s.


As you are clearly aware, 3rd rate intellects like you who graduated from 3rd rate schools(UG, Manchester, New School) don't make it into the elite Wall Street Investment banks---you'll be shocked if you ever got to know the Rev---but this is an anonymous board---I dont come here to brag and boast like you do---I love Guyana and find her politics interesting---and I wish the country well---you and I have one thing in common--we are both Guyanese---but that's it---you want to see Guyana ruined under the PPP---the Rev wishes Guyana success.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:

As you are clearly aware, 3rd rate intellects like you who graduated from 3rd rate schools(UG, Manchester, New School) don't make it into the elite Wall Street Investment banks---you'll be shocked if you ever got to know the Rev---but this is an anonymous board---I dont come here to brag and boast like you do---I love Guyana and find her politics interesting---and I wish the country well---you and I have one thing in common--we are both Guyanese---but that's it---you want to see Guyana ruined under the PPP---the Rev wishes Guyana success.




Rev, i am positive TK nor any of us here wants to see Guyana ruined by the PPP, the PPP is ruining Guyana on their own, they do not need our assistance,this is why many of us here are in opposition to them. We all wish Guyana the success it deserves but it cannot be done unless Corruption is eradicated.

Originally Posted by cain:


Rev, i am positive TK nor any of us here wants to see Guyana ruined by the PPP, the PPP is ruining Guyana on their own.





Hopefully in your next life god will bless you with an open mind. This life is over for you. You will never see the growth and development that is headed Guyana's way under the PPP.


It is clear cainster that you long for the days when the PNC wrecked, pauperized and bankrupted Guyana.


You saw the numbers--when the PPP took over in 1992 Guyana's debt to GDP was 600%.


But thanks to the International community, Guyana's debt was written off, and over the past 20 years the PPP and the private sector have put Guyana back on the right track---the country is about to fluorish and prosper.





Originally Posted by Jalil:





The lies regarding Guyana's public debt by AFC's psychopath and congenital liar Moses Nagamootoo have been exposed by Finance Minister Ashni Singh.



Since the standards are beeing allowed to be set By Rev ....

lets hope no one is offended when we present the facts about the "Funny Fellas"


 #1......Is this a Fact

Did De Bu@@er Battie Junior Minister of Finance  conspire with ......

De Chief Rapist Pundit........


to fool dem PPP Hindu supporters.........

that they perform a Fake Hindu wedding....

sultan bharrat jagdeo one last backball with the gdf

and it is fair to assume all the Bu@@ering will stop....

All dem aunti-m@n runnings will be stopped

and now Bhart will lead a Clean Life with a good wife.....

and Hindus in the PPP must trust him.....

Do u think this Rape Pundit believe eee fooling Bhagwan again????

Do u think Bu@@er Battie Bharat believe De Rape Pundit is Bhagwan????





39th Independence Flag raising ceremony attracts huge crowd- President recommits Government to vision of a modern nation

Georgetown , GINA, May 26, 2005

President Jagdeo, First Lady Varshnie Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Gail Teixeira join top officials of the Joint Services in reciting the National Pledge just after the Golden Arrow Head was hoisted to mark Guyana’s 39 th year as an independent nation.


With elections around de Corner (Picture taken May 2005)

PPP try to show Hindus,

Bharat geting over de Bu@@ering thing,

EEE have a Nice Devoted Hindu wife,

Vote fuh eeeee....and pray.....eeee too gon become a Bhagwan....



After De Elections.....

With Help from Nandababa.....and...

Burnham Constitution.....

eee Throw Varshnie.... out pon de road.

set eee self up with a big pension....

and wan de Hindu Girl pick fare


Dear Editor, 

When President Jagdeo steps down as President after November 28th, he leaves with retirement benefits which have raised eyebrows. But he needs to leave office of the Presidency and keep his considerable reputation intact. He urgently needs to approve and ensure a pension for the former First Lady, Varshnie Singh. I am appalled that the women of Guyana, moreso Hindu women from organizations including the Dharmic Sabha, the Maha Sabha, the WPO, Red Thread etc, have not met President Jagdeo to iron out this gross treatment of a Guyanese woman.


The President married his wife in a traditional Hindu-rites wedding ceremony, in full view of hundred of witnesses and under the eyes of Bhagwan [God], walking around the sacred fire, committing himself to serve and defend her till death parted them. So the marriage did not work out. It happens all the time. This is not the issue which I am peeved about. The treatment of his ex-spouse can be misinterpreted by his critics. He needs to compensate her according to religious law which has no quibbling in our scriptures. Her reputation is forever damaged. Using a technicality to dismiss his marriage responsibilities because the marriage was not recorded with the government registry is not fair and comes across as arrogant and uncaring. Is he? Western colonial customs introduced the government registry to deprave and dismiss Hindu and Muslim religious rites.  This explains why many Hindus/Muslims chose to ignore colonial laws and marry under the bamboo (Hindu), dismissing colonial Christian laws and requirements. So now the population has been regularized. The Hindu has always considered a man and woman married once their wedding was sanctified by a Hindu Pandit performing the traditional rituals. Where is Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud in all this mess?  Does that mean all the weddings he (and other Pandits) has performed are illegal in the sight of man and God? All Guyanese women, especially Hindu women, should help Ms.  Varshnie Singh let the President know what he has done is wrong. Nullifying our respected age-old Hindu marriage traditions is an insult to Hinduism. In New York City, a similar case resulted in the judge ruling that, even though the marriage was not registered the traditional Hindu wedding rites were performed in God’s presence and witnessed by the guests, the marriage is considered legal and binding. I am very upset and angry at President Jagdeo. He needs to act to avoid losing those of us prefer to see him in a better light. Mr. President, please do not hide behind civil laws and please honor your moral Hindu religious responsibilities. Vassan Ramracha








"I  REFER to an article in the Guyana Chronicle (Feb 12, 2013) captioned: ‘Nagamootoo attempts to mislead once again- this time on public debt’. 


I must admit I am truly disappointed in Moses Nagamootoo. He reminds me of an old nursery rhyme: "A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds." Errol Pompey


I now realise Nagamootoo has no integrity whatsoever. In November 2011, I voted for the AFC, but now I know I was wrong. They are no better than the PNC. There is no better party to take Guyana forward but the PPP!




"A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds."



The losers in the opposition are men of words---or as the Rev puts it---they are TALKERS not DOERS.


It's the DOERS in the private sector who are propelling Guyana forward--of course they are receiving great encouragement from President Ramo and the PPP.



That old nursery rhyme again:




"A man of words(Moses and the losers in the AFC) and not of deeds(Ramo) is like a garden full of weeds."




Dear Editor, 

When President Jagdeo steps down as President after November 28th, he leaves with retirement benefits which have raised eyebrows. But he needs to leave office of the Presidency and keep his considerable reputation intact. He urgently needs to approve and ensure a pension for the former First Lady, Varshnie Singh. I am appalled that the women of Guyana, moreso Hindu women from organizations including the Dharmic Sabha, the Maha Sabha, the WPO, Red Thread etc, have not met President Jagdeo to iron out this gross treatment of a Guyanese woman.


The President married his wife in a traditional Hindu-rites wedding ceremony, in full view of hundred of witnesses and under the eyes of Bhagwan [God], walking around the sacred fire, committing himself to serve and defend her till death parted them. So the marriage did not work out. It happens all the time. This is not the issue which I am peeved about. The treatment of his ex-spouse can be misinterpreted by his critics. He needs to compensate her according to religious law which has no quibbling in our scriptures. Her reputation is forever damaged. Using a technicality to dismiss his marriage responsibilities because the marriage was not recorded with the government registry is not fair and comes across as arrogant and uncaring. Is he? Western colonial customs introduced the government registry to deprave and dismiss Hindu and Muslim religious rites.  This explains why many Hindus/Muslims chose to ignore colonial laws and marry under the bamboo (Hindu), dismissing colonial Christian laws and requirements. So now the population has been regularized. The Hindu has always considered a man and woman married once their wedding was sanctified by a Hindu Pandit performing the traditional rituals. Where is Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud in all this mess?  Does that mean all the weddings he (and other Pandits) has performed are illegal in the sight of man and God? All Guyanese women, especially Hindu women, should help Ms.  Varshnie Singh let the President know what he has done is wrong. Nullifying our respected age-old Hindu marriage traditions is an insult to Hinduism. In New York City, a similar case resulted in the judge ruling that, even though the marriage was not registered the traditional Hindu wedding rites were performed in God’s presence and witnessed by the guests, the marriage is considered legal and binding. I am very upset and angry at President Jagdeo. He needs to act to avoid losing those of us prefer to see him in a better light. Mr. President, please do not hide behind civil laws and please honor your moral Hindu religious responsibilities. Vassan Ramracha

Originally Posted by Jalil:


The lies regarding Guyana's public debt by AFC's psychopath and congenital liar Moses Nagamootoo have been exposed by Finance Minister Ashni Singh.

Since the standards are beeing allowed to be set By Rev ....
lets hope no one is offended when we present the facts about the "Funny Fellas"

#1......Is this a Fact
Did De Bu@@er Battie Junior Minister of Finance  conspire with ......
De Chief Rapist Pundit........

to fool dem PPP Hindu supporters.........
that they perform a Fake Hindu wedding....
sultan bharrat jagdeo one last backball with the gdf
and it is fair to assume all the Bu@@ering will stop....
All dem aunti-m@n runnings will be stopped

and now Bhart will lead a Clean Life with a good wife.....
and Hindus in the PPP must trust him.....

Do u think this Rape Pundit believe eee fooling Bhagwan again????
Do u think Bu@@er Battie Bharat believe De Rape Pundit is Bhagwan????

39th Independence Flag raising ceremony attracts huge crowd- President recommits Government to vision of a modern nation
Georgetown , GINA, May 26, 2005

President Jagdeo, First Lady Varshnie Jagdeo, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Gail Teixeira join top officials of the Joint Services in reciting the National Pledge just after the Golden Arrow Head was hoisted to mark Guyana’s 39 th year as an independent nation.

With elections around de Corner (Picture taken May 2005)
PPP try to show Hindus,
Bharat geting over de Bu@@ering thing,
EEE have a Nice Devoted Hindu wife,
Vote fuh eeeee....and pray.....eeee too gon become a Bhagwan....

After De Elections.....
With Help from Nandababa.....and...
Burnham Constitution.....
eee Throw Varshnie.... out pon de road.
set eee self up with a big pension....
and wan de Hindu Girl pick fare

Dear Editor,
When President Jagdeo steps down as President after November 28th, he leaves with retirement benefits which have raised eyebrows. But he needs to leave office of the Presidency and keep his considerable reputation intact. He urgently needs to approve and ensure a pension for the former First Lady, Varshnie Singh. I am appalled that the women of Guyana, moreso Hindu women from organizations including the Dharmic Sabha, the Maha Sabha, the WPO, Red Thread etc, have not met President Jagdeo to iron out this gross treatment of a Guyanese woman.

The President married his wife in a traditional Hindu-rites wedding ceremony, in full view of hundred of witnesses and under the eyes of Bhagwan [God], walking around the sacred fire, committing himself to serve and defend her till death parted them. So the marriage did not work out. It happens all the time. This is not the issue which I am peeved about. The treatment of his ex-spouse can be misinterpreted by his critics. He needs to compensate her according to religious law which has no quibbling in our scriptures. Her reputation is forever damaged. Using a technicality to dismiss his marriage responsibilities because the marriage was not recorded with the government registry is not fair and comes across as arrogant and uncaring. Is he? Western colonial customs introduced the government registry to deprave and dismiss Hindu and Muslim religious rites.  This explains why many Hindus/Muslims chose to ignore colonial laws and marry under the bamboo (Hindu), dismissing colonial Christian laws and requirements. So now the population has been regularized. The Hindu has always considered a man and woman married once their wedding was sanctified by a Hindu Pandit performing the traditional rituals. Where is Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud in all this mess?  Does that mean all the weddings he (and other Pandits) has performed are illegal in the sight of man and God? All Guyanese women, especially Hindu women, should help Ms.  Varshnie Singh let the President know what he has done is wrong. Nullifying our respected age-old Hindu marriage traditions is an insult to Hinduism. In New York City, a similar case resulted in the judge ruling that, even though the marriage was not registered the traditional Hindu wedding rites were performed in God’s presence and witnessed by the guests, the marriage is considered legal and binding. I am very upset and angry at President Jagdeo. He needs to act to avoid losing those of us prefer to see him in a better light. Mr. President, please do not hide behind civil laws and please honor your moral Hindu religious responsibilities. Vassan Ramracha

You are free to make constructive posts---
but please refrain from posting nonsense.


But Bhia......everything me post is de truth,
Is anything I post a Lie?????
So why you want hide the truth Bhai????

If Yuh Prezie Like Lolo....wha yuh want adee fuh seh....
Yuh want we tell yuh he is a good Practicing Hindu.......
and any Hindu who like Bu@@ering will support him.....

Al....... is Kwame a practicing Hindu?????

kwame mccoy in another boy sex scandal in guyana

6 Votes


kwame mccoy palace

kwame mccoy palace in diamond where many little boys are raped

four years ago kwame mccoy got
caught on tape trying to rape a 17 yr old boy.


kwame mccoy sex predator tapes – for your ears only Guyana

Available here are the two kwame mccoy sex tapes.....
which Rev Requested........

the second tape describes what took place between two adults.

even though it would seems one was being exploited.
but we are more interested in the first tape.
this call was being made from the office of the president
this sexual predator kwame mccoy represents priya manickchand ministry on the rights of the child commission.
McCoy shares space with Pundit Reep at the Office of the President...
Kwame kiss De Pundit and fell in love with him.....
after he found out the Pundit was lieing to all them hindus in guyana about Jagdeo wedding.
Keep that in mind.

This is all Constructive Post .....
and the requested by De Rev Al.

Note.....No Nonsense.....or Lies.....


Bhai like we mash Kwame foot real hard bhai.....



Counsie.....two simple Questions fuh yuh Gal????


#1....Did Ramson pee in Nandababa Mouth at the Everest Club...

I am not saying Ramson was Right,

to force a lil bhai to drink pee....

Counsie...I am not saying it is right....because Former AG Ramson

feel feel all Anil can do is Drink Pee, Talk Fraff.....and Lie Nuff...

You be the Judge here......OK.


#2.....Did Anil and his mother-in-law celebrate the New Year with President Ramotar and......

    (a) Convicted Drug  Dealer who was caught with Cocain in she Pat-a-cake.....and She is Refered to Cocaine-in-de-Crack.

    (b) Convicted Back-track Smuggler who was caught using her Daughter  Official Passport to smuggle Illegal aliens into the USA.

    (c) Maybe......the only person in the world who was is involved in Narco Business and other Illegal Business.....and was Deported twice from the USA.


Councie please answer these two Questions before you run off and Hide.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the opponents of the state, are at full throttle defending the laird "Moses"....even if their arguments are beyond common sense, as they sell their souls, it seems by any means necessary defending their "King Lair"


we still waiting.....tek yuh time Gal...

den yuh free to go back to yuh lies....



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