It would be a big plus for the PPP if Moses is on a PNC ticket. That might increase my prediction from 52 percent closer to Baseman's 55 percent.
The Indian vote is less than it was in 2001. The onluy people who are likely to flock to the PPP if Moses runs on a PNC ticket are Indians.
The PPP remains a minority gov't because its racism towards blacks has alienated them. And its corruption and arrogance has alienated many Indians. If Moses is on the PNC ticket many Indians will simply not vote. An Indian who doesnt vote is quite likely a vote for APNU as they dont get many Indian votes to begin with.
Any way such an alliance isnt going to happen as the AFC has a huge ego and ambitions, and so isnt going to join APNU is they will not relegate themselves to the type of observer status that the WPA now has.