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The Florida pastor who ignited an international furor by threatening to burn a pile of Korans has applied his subtle touch to the 2012 presidential campaign by constructing a gallows from which a likeness of President Barack Obama now hangs in effigy.



The display in the front yard of Terry Jones’s Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC) in Gainesville features a dummy wearing an Obama mask hanging from a yellow noose. Along with an American flag and a rainbow-striped gay pride flag, the scene includes an Uncle Sam dummy and a child’s doll hanging from the right hand of the Obama figure.


Nearby, the words “Obama is Killing America” are printed on a trailer. So, it appears, the creepy Jones is returning the favor.






* No one looks to poor Hussein for leadership any longer.


* Peggy Noonan said, "there is now a house of cards feel about the Obama administration.


* Rev says, "The numbers don't lie folks. You can stick a fork in Obama. He is done. He'll the the 4th one term president in the past 36 years---Ford, Carter, Bush1 and now Obama."



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Originally Posted by warrior:

rev you will look good with a rope around your neck and the sign that say stop stealing the guyana tax payers money.i hope some of your ppp crime family swing with you


The Rev has never been a member of the PPP. But I am a registered Republican in the great US of A.


Listen up warrior! The Rev prides himself in being an honest man and a man of character.


In my estimation, Jagdeo and his cabal are the biggest thieves in Guyana---they have helped themselves to tens of millions(US). But they are slick--no way they would ever be charged with corruption---Jags and his clique are like the Wall street bankers here in the US---they looted and got off scott free.


Having said all of the above---the Rev maintains that the PPP is the best party to lead Guyana---the PNC once bankrupted Guyana---and the AFC---they are a bunch of quacks and frauds.




rev you living in the past,when you talk like this you sound like a man that is scare to change the future,welcome to the 21 century my friend,look around you the world is changing,people have to account for their action,hopefull the ppp days will come and soon for the sake of the guyanese people.atleast you have my respect to admit that the ppp is a bunch of is the time to come out of alibabba land and start make some changes always hold every man acountable for his and her action regardless of friend or foe remenber (MEIYO) meaning honor,honesty,fairness or integrity in one beliefs and action

Originally Posted by warrior:

rev you living in the past,when you talk like this you sound like a man that is scare to change the future...

warrior bhai:


Let me remind you of this pearl of wisdom:


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana


Listen up warrior! Guyanese must never forget the atrocities committed by the PNC against the people of Guyana---I have said it before---they ruined, pauperized and bankrupted Guyana during their time.


The best party to lead Guyana today is the PPP.


Yes! PPP officials will thief--and thief big---but at least the country will see some economic progress---under the PNC/AFC---the country will suffer.






you are not honest with yourself,any man that have to live with dishonesty have no honor,the people of guyana have to live with honesty and must hold the people accountable for their action,this is a new era the pnc days was dark days that a modern society will not accept anymore,its two different concept like day and night,why do you thing so much indians is speaking up against the ppp government today sorry you is not one of them. i hate to know what you teach your children.accept dishonesty than to fight for what is right


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