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Originally Posted by JoKer:

No wonder Black radicals feel its ok to wage racial civil war in response to your mudheads.


I can definitely understand Black anger now.




The masses of black people in Guyana have done better under the PPP than under the PNC.




Under the PNC the majority of black villages and schemes were delapidated---many blacks lived in broken down, decaying, rinky-dinky homes.


Today when you visit black villages you see vast progress.


The black masses in Guyana ought to bathe the feet of Jagdeo and Ramotar in milk and honey---their lives and standard of living have improved drastically under the PPP.




Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

what a fool,my family have cattle land long before the ppp ever born.i live in a country that is heaven compare to guyana,why the hell must i bribe a bunch of low life fools like you that post shit on this site that is killing the ppp.ask ralph

Cattle land...ok.  Now go produce some cattle, build a good business, provide employment and stop talking crap.

WATAK!!1   buttabing buttabang buttafookooo!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

what a fool,my family have cattle land long before the ppp ever born.i live in a country that is heaven compare to guyana,why the hell must i bribe a bunch of low life fools like you that post shit on this site that is killing the ppp.ask ralph

Cattle land...ok.  Now go produce some cattle, build a good business, provide employment and stop talking crap.

WATAK!!1   buttabing buttabang buttafookooo!!


Why are you happy that some PPP official refused to grant an expat Guyanese some land so he could add to the national economy both in terms of jobs and the tax roll?


Personally, I think that's atrocious.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

what a fool,my family have cattle land long before the ppp ever born.i live in a country that is heaven compare to guyana,why the hell must i bribe a bunch of low life fools like you that post shit on this site that is killing the ppp.ask ralph

Cattle land...ok.  Now go produce some cattle, build a good business, provide employment and stop talking crap.

WATAK!!1   buttabing buttabang buttafookooo!!


Why are you happy that some PPP official refused to grant an expat Guyanese some land so he could add to the national economy both in terms of jobs and the tax roll?


Personally, I think that's atrocious.

I think there is some misunderstanding my brother.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

WATAK!!1   buttabing buttabang buttafookooo!!


Why are you happy that some PPP official refused to grant an expat Guyanese some land so he could add to the national economy both in terms of jobs and the tax roll?


Personally, I think that's atrocious.

Personally, I think you are a joker!


I know several Guyanese who went back or have established businesses in Guyana.  You must have done something wrong and just don't know what you doing.


fools i have a business in guyana and provide employment,i also pay my taxes.this one true indian that is not scare to walk the streets of guyana at anytime.unlike you indians that stay from the safety of a next country and post ass post a bunch of racist remark on this site and do not know in doing so you distroying your country

Originally Posted by warrior:

fools i have a business in guyana and provide employment,i also pay my taxes.this one true indian that is not scare to walk the streets of guyana at anytime.unlike you indians that stay from the safety of a next country and post ass post a bunch of racist remark on this site and do not know in doing so you distroying your country


This shyte that these coolies spew here in GNI I suspect makes them feel nice and substitutes for the virility they lack in real life.


Also, these mudheads think modern peaceful prosperous nation-states magically arise from a mixture of excrement, drug lords, death squads, inciting 40pc of the population against the other 40pc, appalling levels of corruption, the ability to quash the criminal process against friends and family, and the wholesale destruction of state institutions.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loker, I dont know why but when you call people Stupid, Mudhead and such things, a burst out with uncontrollable laughter and a Voice at the back of my head keeep repeating " Look who is talkin"


On a serious note, me and my generation long for the day your generation dies so we can rebuild our people.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loker, I dont know why but when you call people Stupid, Mudhead and such things, a burst out with uncontrollable laughter and a Voice at the back of my head keeep repeating " Look who is talkin"


On a serious note, me and my generation long for the day your generation dies so we can rebuild our people.

Nehru, who is Loker?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loker, I dont know why but when you call people Stupid, Mudhead and such things, a burst out with uncontrollable laughter and a Voice at the back of my head keeep repeating " Look who is talkin"


On a serious note, me and my generation long for the day your generation dies so we can rebuild our people.

What an asinine statement.  You are so morally weak that you have to wait for someone to die to have your day in the sun.  Man, you (and your generation) are losers.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loker, I dont know why but when you call people Stupid, Mudhead and such things, a burst out with uncontrollable laughter and a Voice at the back of my head keeep repeating " Look who is talkin"


On a serious note, me and my generation long for the day your generation dies so we can rebuild our people.

What an asinine statement.  You are so morally weak that you have to wait for someone to die to have your day in the sun.  Man, you (and your generation) are losers.


Educated young Indians long for the day that we can move beyond this perpetual Black/Coolie paradigm. And it seems the only way to do it is to wait for the proponents of it to die off.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loker, I dont know why but when you call people Stupid, Mudhead and such things, a burst out with uncontrollable laughter and a Voice at the back of my head keeep repeating " Look who is talkin"


On a serious note, me and my generation long for the day your generation dies so we can rebuild our people.

What an asinine statement.  You are so morally weak that you have to wait for someone to die to have your day in the sun.  Man, you (and your generation) are losers.


Educated young Indians long for the day that we can move beyond this perpetual Black/Coolie paradigm. And it seems the only way to do it is to wait for the proponents of it to die off.

They got a good slap in the face last elections.


Nehru you hit the nail on the head, Joker and his clan, Mitwanda and the other AFC/PNC contingent resort to juvenile actions when they lack the intelligence to conduct proper debate. Then when they get a few talking points from their handlers to make them look intelligent we all have to wonder if they have multiple personalities. Their handlers should keep a tighter collar on these folks and spoon feed them every response so as not to embarrass the afc/pnc. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Educated young Indians long for the day that we can move beyond this perpetual Black/Coolie paradigm.



When is the last time you visited Guyana---travelled across the country---and spoke to real Guyanese---the people who live in Guyana ?


The vast majority of Guyanese in Guyana don't give a rat's a$$ about politics and politicians and most have moved beyond race issues.


For the most part the 6 races in Guyana live very harmoniously---they are busy running their own lives--- but whenever there is a disturbance in Guyana it's nearly always catalyzed by politicians.


The recent outbursts in Linden and Agricola were engineered and set in motion by terrorists of the Alliance for Change--Nigel Hughes, Gerard Ramsaroop, Mark Benschop, etc, etc, etc


The Guyanese people are fully cognizant of the vileness of their politicians---they know all politicians care about is power and stuffing their pockets--right now PPP politicians are feasting on the milk and honey---and soon, with the help of Moses Nagamootoo of the AFC, the PNC will likely assume power in Guyana.


Guyana is doing remarkably well---the man on the street agrees with this---it's the Guyanese politicians who are creating chaos in the country---they(the politicians) are the ones putting the races against each other.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

OK Folks!


Radio Guyana recently conducted man on the street interviews with a wide cross section of Guyanese living in Guyana.


The main question asked was:


Do you feel that the opposition parties in Guyana, APNU and the AFC, are ready to lead Guyana from the executive branch ?





* CAROLYN MATHURIN: "Well I voted for APNU in the last election. I thought Mr. Granger would be a good president. But apnu lost and I must say I am disappointed with Mr. Granger as opposition leader. It seems as if the AFC and Mr. Ramjattan are running things in parliament. I would like to see more leadership from Mr. Granger and APNU parliamentarians, but instead AFC seem to be in control and Mr. Granger is just following what Mr. Ramjattan, Mr. Nagamootoo and the AFC is proposing. I will vote for APNU and Mr. Granger in the next election. But I hope he stop following AFC and start leading on his own."


* SHEIK INSANNALY: "I have been disappointed with both the AFC and APNU in parliament. They are in the majority, but we have not seen anything substantive from them. They seem to view their role as opposing every proposal put forward by the PPP. The Guyanese people are paying attention and many are displeased with the opposition performance in parliament."


* ROOPNARINE MAHABIR: "Right now the country doing good. The AFC and APNU politicians will tell we them can do better running the country than the PPP. But them lie. What them can probably do better than the PPP is thief more than the PPP. We all know APNU can thief. When the PNC run Guyana, them bankrupt the country. Them thief so much them bankrupt the country. And regarding the AFC, them lawyers in that party them gon be the biggest thief."


* DONALD TROTZ: "It pains me to see how wealthy PPP politicians have become while their party controls the executive branch. Guyana is doing well, but this is not because of the PPP. I would like to see the PNC given a next chance to run Guyana. I don't trust the AFC. The lawyers in that party are a bunch of opportunists. They will be bigger thieves than the PPP politicians. Mr. Granger is a man of integrity. He should be given a chance to run the country."


MANNIRAM JAIGOBIN: "Under the PPP we have more land under cultivation. We have more mining of our resources. We have more technology. We have more schools. We have more hospitals and clinics. Guyana doing good. Them scamps in the AFC and PNC, all them want is power and them want to full them pockets. Let them stay right there in parliament, talking shyt all the time. I will vote for the PPP again.






You have to give credit to the man on the street in Guyana---lots of wisdom shown.





Conclusion.  This shows how race based political perceptions in Guyana are.  NONE of the non Indians supported the PPP.  ALL of the Indians did.


With Indians now at 45% how can Guyana be sustained if the African and mixed voters (30% and 15%) collectively dislike the PPP, and the remaining 10% (Amerindians) could not care less about what these coastlanders who stole their lands do?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Conclusion.  This shows how race based political perceptions in Guyana are.  NONE of the non Indians supported the PPP.  ALL of the Indians did.



carib bhai:


Check out the thread in the link:




Share your thoughts in that thread.





Originally Posted by baseman:
 It's incumbent on the PNC to offer something meaningful and they are the one who will need to rely on unconstitutional means to hold onto power.



Why is it incumbent on the PNC?  The PPP has an inbuilt structural advantage. Its base is 45% of the votes, vs the PNCs 32%.  With this it can offer milk to grab on to 40-50% of the Amerindian vote and 5-10% of the African and mixed vote.  The PNC, as a party which is guaranteed to lose, givenj its smaller base, lacks that.


So the PPP, as the presumed winner, ought to be the win who develops the strategies to alleviate race based anxieties.  And its in their interest to do so, given their fears of radical elements within the PNC, who feeling that electoral victories are impossible, might be feeling tempted to resort to other methods.


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