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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai: I finally found my Apple avatar.


Rev, the AFC is finished.




If the APNU had the skills or the inclination to unite the country and improve the living conditions of the citizens, they would be doing it.  Instead, we are offered, with a tiny majority, more lawlessness in the institution(parliament) that makes laws.


Are we to expect that they will suddenly transform when they control the Executive too? No, thank you.


Most of us want to support the AFC and give them a break and a chance, but they have clearly also lost their moral compass.


As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation.


Our means must be in alignment with our ends. It is the only way to build trust. Sandra Khan




Two words stand out: Lawlessness of the PNC and Lack of Morale compass of the AFC.


Our history is tainted with the lawlessness and a deliberate attempt by the PNC to exterminate and demoralize a group of people.


Our recent history with the AFC lacking morale compass is very troubling. The AFC stood shoulder to shoulder in trying to overthrow the PPP. Guyanese are now starting to speak out  for their country now that they realise that the PNC and AFC equals to a monster bigger than Burnham and the that future of their children and country is at stake here.





This statement by Sandra Khan was quite compelling---she absolutely nailed Nigel and the other perceived AFC/PNC terrorists:


"As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation." Sandra Khan

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai: I finally found my Apple avatar.


Rev, the AFC is finished.




If the APNU had the skills or the inclination to unite the country and improve the living conditions of the citizens, they would be doing it.  Instead, we are offered, with a tiny majority, more lawlessness in the institution(parliament) that makes laws.


Are we to expect that they will suddenly transform when they control the Executive too? No, thank you.


Most of us want to support the AFC and give them a break and a chance, but they have clearly also lost their moral compass.


As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation.


Our means must be in alignment with our ends. It is the only way to build trust. Sandra Khan




Two words stand out: Lawlessness of the PNC and Lack of Morale compass of the AFC.


Our history is tainted with the lawlessness and a deliberate attempt by the PNC to exterminate and demoralize a group of people.


Our recent history with the AFC lacking morale compass is very troubling. The AFC stood shoulder to shoulder in trying to overthrow the PPP. Guyanese are now starting to speak out  for their country now that they realise that the PNC and AFC equals to a monster bigger than Burnham and the that future of their children and country is at stake here.





This statement by Sandra Khan was quite compelling---she absolutely nailed Nigel and the other perceived AFC/PNC terrorists:


"As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation." Sandra Khan


Sandra must be commended for her brilliance in exposing the PNC and AFC.  We must be reminded that the actions of the police recently in Linden and Agricola prevented another bloodbath in our motherland.


The independent commission of inquiry revealed the deadly intentions of the AFC and PNC. Kudos to Sandra for penning this well articulated and accurate picture of the AFC and PNC. More Guyanese who love their country must come forward and speak out against the PNC and AFC before it is too late.







Financial closure for Amaila Falls project closer to reality – President


President Donald Ramotar is confident that financial conclusion for the much talked about Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) is within reach.


Financial closure for the project is still pending but is likely to be concluded by the second or third quarter of this year.


The Inter American Development Bank (IDB) is a financing partner for the development of the US$840M project that will become the source of a large proportion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in the country.


It is one of the priority projects under the country’s revolutionary Low Carbon Development Strategy (LDCS) that seeks to transfer Guyana’s economy onto a low carbon trajectory.


Some 90 percent of the country’s energy generation will come from the Amaila Falls project which is at present awaiting the completion of a long stretch of road that by June this year is expected to be substantially completed.


The road project had reached a stumbling block when Synergy Holdings had failed to meet certain criteria under the terms of the contract forcing the Government to terminate its services. Budgetary allocations to the project were also cut by the one seat majority opposition combined in Parliament.


Today, President Ramotar expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of works.


China Rail was the firm awarded the contract to build Amaila Falls Hydro Project, and recently Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon said once an agreement is finalised with the Chinese company, China Rail Construction to execute works on a section (block 7) described as very technical and difficult, the previous agreements with local contractors to complete the same stretch will be voided.


Before the actual construction of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project begins, an all-weather access road to the proposed site is necessary for the transportation of heavy-duty equipment needed for the construction.





The goons of the opposition are at full throttle doing damage control, the joint opposition has shot themselves in the foot, but voting down an important security reform legislation that would have been of benefit to all Guyana, even the the joint opposition "stronghold" their constituents are greeting them with a cold shoulder

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the opposition are at full throttle doing damage control, the joint opposition has shot themselves in the foot, but voting down an important security reform legislation that would have been of benefit to all Guyana, even the the joint opposition "stronghold" their constituents are greeting them with a cold shoulder

poor councy . . . unfit for life . . . sentenced by the PPP to bray inanely for his supper

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the opposition are at full throttle doing damage control

.....even the the joint opposition "stronghold" their constituents are greeting them with a cold shoulder




The Guyanese people have witnessed the anger, the hatred, the narrow-mindedness and the intolerance of the AFC/PNC in parliament and they are royally pi$$ed off at those dirty, rotten scoundrels.


It is clear that the dogmatic AFC/PNC is an impediment to progress in Guyana---and the good people in Guyana will make the wise choice in the next election----the PPP will be returned to office with a majority.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition has made the 10th Parliament, the least successful in the history of Guyana, the populace are getting tired of their childish display in the National Assembly!


The joint AFC/PNC opposition had a choice at the beginning of the 10th parliament---they could choose NEAGATIVTY or they could choose POSITIVITY.


Because of their intense hatred of the PPP---the AFC/PNC chose NEGATIVITY---and it clearly backfired on them.



Losers(AFC/PNC) choose NEGATIVITY; Winners(PPP) choose POSITIVITY.


The majority of the people of Guyana will vote for POSITIVITY in the next election.




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