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OK Folks!


All is not well over in APNU land. There is some serious grumbling and bellaching by PNC parliamentarians. Many are now saying that the partnership between the PNC and the AFC in parliament has diminished and weakened APNU and they are agitated because AFC is now dominating the partnership.


PNC politicians had hoped to call the shots and subjugate the AFC to the role of junior partner, but instead it is the AFC that has been leading the charge in parliament and controlling the APNU/AFC partnership.


Infact, the AFC is now the most hated and scorned party in Guyana and no one really pays any attention to the PNC---PNC parliamentarians have been feeling lonely and abandoned and are now seriously griping about their partnership with the AFC---in the meantime, Donald Ramotar and the PPP are smiling broadly.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC has not been a party with new ideas since they were paid off by the PPP to be quiet in opposition. So after being idle for so long they just don't know what hard work means.

The AFC on the other hand haev come out with all guns blazing, ready to make Guyana respected and great once again.

This has obviously had an effect on the working of the opposition. As is now very clear, one AFC MP is worth more than both the PNC and PPP combined. And you know why? Because the PPP and PNC haven't really been doing anything useful since Guyana was granted independence.

Originally Posted by PRK:

This could only mean the AFC will become even better. 

Not sure about the AFC becoming better--they are now the most hated and scorned party in Guyana---and there is some serious bickering and infighting within the party. Of course, anyone or anything partnering with the PNC would emerge better and superior---a stray dog or a skunk would partner with the PNC and emerge as the more productive partner--It is clear for all to see--The PNC is a party of imbeciles, nitwits, morons and buffoons.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by PRK:

This could only mean the AFC will become even better. 

Not sure about the AFC becoming better--they are now the most hated and scorned party in Guyana---and there is some serious bickering and infighting within the party. Of course, anyone or anything partnering with the PNC would emerge better and superior---a stray dog or a skunk would partner with the PNC and emerge as the more productive partner--It is clear for all to see--The PNC is a party of imbeciles, nitwits, morons and buffoons.




Do you have a scientific poll? Do you know what that is

Originally Posted by PRK:

Do you have a scientific poll?


Most polls are fraudulent. Here is what Madonna or some other woman said about polls:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."lol



Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The AFC has achieved far more in parliament since the last election, than the PNC


The AFC has clearly exposed the PNC in parliament as an ineffectual, inept, and incompetent opposition party.


But in the last election the PNC received 139K votes(40.8%); the AFC 35K votes(10.3%).


The big question is will the brainy and clever AFC leaders like East Indian Moses and East Indian Khemraj convince black voters in Guyana to abandon their beloved PNC and support the AFC in the next election ?


Don't forget---86% of blacks voted for the PNC---only 4% blacks supported the AFC in the last election.




No matter how effective the AFC is in parliament---and no matter how dopey the PNC politicians are---come election time the PNC will receive 85+% of the black votes and the PPP will receive 80+% of the Indian votes.




It's a fait accompli---the PPP will regain the majority.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Do you have a scientific poll?


Most polls are fraudulent. Here is what Madonna or some other woman said about polls:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."lol



 Numbers man, madonna is not a reliable authority on the nature of polls. Even her analysis above is unsound since sex and food satiate two primal functions and food is often part of the seduction so the woman does not of necessity have to abandon one for the other.


Most polls, attempt at determining the probability of an outcome of some event and unless the creators of the statistical instruments are hapless mathematicians like you intent on selling baked conclusions from flawed input data , they not termed fraudulent even when wrong. They are termed poor or simply stupid.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:


All is not well over in APNU land. There is some serious grumbling and bellaching by PNC parliamentarians.


Infact, the AFC is now the most hated and scorned party in Guyana and no one really pays any attention to the PNC ---

in the meantime, Donald Ramotar and the PPP are smiling broadly.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:




It's a fait accompli---the PPP will regain the majority.


   It will be deja vu all over again for you! Do you remember this?

Indiana Jones
September 17, 2011 9:21 PM

The PPP/C will win more than 55%of the votes at the scheduled 2011 elections.
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:




It's a fait accompli---the PPP will regain the majority.


   It will be deja vu all over again for you! Do you remember this?

Indiana Jones
September 17, 2011 9:21 PM

The PPP/C will win more than 55%of the votes at the scheduled 2011 elections.

And ... ???

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If the the J-opposition makes life hard for the people and the private sector what do you think the voters will do to them come next elections??


with 70% poverty rates and 35 if deep poverty do you think the people will feel worse of cutting off leech funds from the PPP?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Numbers man, madonna is not a reliable authority on the nature of polls.





Madonna might not be a reliable authority on polls, but Madonna knows about women and their sexual needs and desires and this is what she said:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex." Madonna




The Rev knows your reading skills are poor stormy---but check the part where Madonna said, "I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."


Do you now understand why Madonna doesn't trust polls ? There was a stupid poll that said that 62% of women have affair during their lunch hour----Madonna said she has never met such a women in her life.




Damn stormy---a little education has sure made you stupid---and has clearly drained you of every ounce of sense of humor---the Rev had a good laugh reading that Madonna comment---read it again:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex." Madonna





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Numbers man, madonna is not a reliable authority on the nature of polls.





Madonna might not be a reliable authority on polls, but Madonna knows about women and their sexual needs and desires and this is what she said:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex." Madonna




The Rev knows your reading skills are poor stormy---but check the part where Madonna said, "I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex."


Do you now understand why Madonna doesn't trust polls ? There was a stupid poll that said that 62% of women have affair during their lunch hour----Madonna said she has never met such a women in her life.




Damn stormy---a little education has sure made you stupid---and has clearly drained you of every ounce of sense of humor---the Rev had a good laugh reading that Madonna comment---read it again:


"I haven't trusted polls since I read that that 62% of women have affairs during their lunch hour. I haven't met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex." Madonna





Polls is her focus and the reason for her conclusion is a misconstrued analogy of woman and food being exclusive of sex.


My sense of humor is quite intact.  In event,good education and good sense is axiomatic otherwise it would be a party of dunces everyday in homes across the nation as our children take to formalizing skulking   per your rather silly aphorism.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 My sense of humor is quite intact. 




You need to engage a a little self-honesty. The Rev will be frank with you---you stormy are the biggest sourpuss on this forum--you constantly whine, bellyache and growl. Of course you are currently going through male menopause so you are partially excused for your grouchiness--by the way, a sense of humor you totally lack---don't lie to yourself.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 My sense of humor is quite intact. 




You need to engage a a little self-honesty. The Rev will be frank with you---you stormy are the biggest sourpuss on this forum--you constantly whine, bellyache and growl. Of course you are currently going through male menopause so you are partially excused for your grouchiness--by the way, a sense of humor you totally lack---don't lie to yourself.



I do not come here for the entertainment and in real life none of you halfwits would be in my company for sure.  My sense of humor is quite intact but that is incidental to the pervasive insipidness here.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 My sense of humor is quite intact. 




You need to engage a a little self-honesty. The Rev will be frank with you---you stormy are the biggest sourpuss on this forum--you constantly whine, bellyache and growl. Of course you are currently going through male menopause so you are partially excused for your grouchiness--by the way, a sense of humor you totally lack---don't lie to yourself.



Al Bhai


Storm drank so much cassava juice that it fired his brain.

You painted an accurate description of this man who has never made a valuable contribution on this forum.


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