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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

False figures Rev. In that period Suriname paid off all its debts...




Suriname has done a great job managing its debt---but government debt is not all paid off---as of 2011 govt debt as a % of GDP was around 20.6%---we know GDP in 2011 was 4.6 billion---so public debt was just under 1 billion.




Go do some homework T---you'll find out there is a relationship between credit and real growth---at this stage in Guyana's expansion---credit based capital(debt) is good----of course prudent management of that debt is paramount.



Bai Rev Suriname paid off all its debts in 2005. After that they borrowed new money to fund such things as their own oil and gas exploration and distribution. The debt you are looking at is from 2006 onwards, which again they hope to pay off within the next ten years. Guyana has made no provision for the timescale of our debt repayment.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Actually it is quite possible in the Suriname case (not putting my head on the block for this one as the Guyana one, however) because of re-valuation of the Suriname currency. So for Suriname it was not all based on production. In the Guyana it depreciated. 



I am willing to wager that if it were your beloved Desmond Hoyte and the PNC who were ruling Guyana you would never ask for the GDP numbers to be justified and substantiated.


But it's the people and the party that you hate and despise---Ashni, Ramo, the PPP who are leading Guyana to prosperity and you and your fellow losers in the AFC are flabbergasted, dumbfounded, blown away. 




Your hopeless, pointless and futile efforts to question the validity of Guyana's GDP numbers will ignored by 90% of Guyanese---they are deeply impressed by the growth and expansion they are seeing with their own eyes in Guyana.







TK: Well I was a PPP activist in south GT and Agricola during Hoyte years. So yes I would have questioned their wrongdoings also. Ashni's GDP number makes no sense...hence I questioned it. 

Lemme remind you of the old proverb:


"One man's meat is another man's poison."


Ashni's sees his GDP numbers as sushi you see them as


By the way--check out the elite sushi club in the gni social club:


Anyway, Ashni's number will never make sense to you---and that's understandable--it's sour grapes on your part---you'll forever try to cast doubts on the veracity and integrity of Ashni's numbers.




REV: "

"One man's meat is another man's poison."


Ashni's sees his GDP numbers as sushi you see them as"


It is a matter of math. Math is never shit. I have the greatest respect for mathematicians. We have a first-rate math dept here in FL, BTW. Two Fields Medal passed through the doors of New College. The math don't make sense. The mathematics of growth will not give Ashni the luxury of propaganda and outright lies. 


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

False figures Rev. In that period Suriname paid off all its debts...




Suriname has done a great job managing its debt---but government debt is not all paid off---as of 2011 govt debt as a % of GDP was around 20.6%---we know GDP in 2011 was 4.6 billion---so public debt was just under 1 billion.




Go do some homework T---you'll find out there is a relationship between credit and real growth---at this stage in Guyana's expansion---credit based capital(debt) is good----of course prudent management of that debt is paramount.



Indeed there is a relationship between credit and growth is clear. The US economy needs to go further in debt to spur growth but it is a massive 16 trillion dollar economy and has the capacity to grow and dramatically shrink its debt even as an old economy ( unlike China that cannot sustain itself with less than 7 percent growth) Guyana has ways to grow bur it is small, it produces little and gold is not there forever and will eventually bring negative returns in terms of environmental decay. We cannot pay for the Hydro plant on our present consumption  of electricity and we only have growth there of 40 percent before it is maxed out. Meanwhile the debt load which we will have to carry with no default possibility will be in the vicinity of 200 million a year.


You simply talk shit like the numerous run of the mill idiot from the OP propaganda mill  without seriously attempting to make a viable attempt to sustain your claims. Try that for once rather than tell us on some authority yet unknown you can cast TK's diploma as third rate and his academic output to date as Cplus. I detest pretentious fools like you who have louder mouths than you can sustain. It is a mere matter of some respect for yourself to present some substance to your work without constantly plastering the board with pilfered cartoons  and colorized prose of rancorous diatribe as your only out put. Worse, you deem that the superior way!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

T.K has lost his remaining creditability (if any) he publicly lied about his school days, not realizing,persons including I, attended the same school around the same time, that knew him very well.

Now I understand your jealousy of his achievements. You are not even qualified to fetch his book bag. hahahahahahaha 


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