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Former Member


Read this from a study by the Brookings institution:


"For those who graduate from high school, get a full time job and marry before they have their first child, the probability that they will be poor is 2%. But if those things are absent--if you drop out of high school, don't have a full time job, and have children before you are married--76% of you will be poor."


* 70+% of black kids are born out of wedlock in the US.


Does anyone know what percentage of black kids in Guyana are born out of wedlock ?


That photograph above says, "poverty has a woman's face."


Well, if she finished school, got a job and didn't allow herself to be impregnated before marriage by a loser who like her didn't finish school and doesn't have a job, she won't be poor.


There are lots of men who love to go around bragging about their baby mothers---women they impregnate before marriage---such men ought to be castrated.


For the most part poverty is a choice---choose not to get a high school education---and choose to have a child out of wedlock and you're choosing to be poor---76% according to the Brookings study.


What do you folks have to say ? No long-winded bull$hit from you stormy/D2 and the other AFC blowhards here.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An individual's goals and initives determine his/her future.

Not True! The most lucrative contracts go to the friends and families of the PPP/C.

Realise who became rich in GUyana in the past 10 years under the PPP watch.

They call it an elected oligarchy. BTW...Mits...I saw uncle Rama showing his high caste man don't even use onions and garlic .

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An individual's goals and initives determine his/her future.

Not True! The most lucrative contracts go to the friends and families of the PPP/C.

Realise who became rich in GUyana in the past 10 years under the PPP watch.

They call it an elected oligarchy. BTW...Mits...I saw uncle Rama showing his high caste man don't even use onions and garlic .

He forgot that Rawan was a Brahmin. He is related to the other Brahmin that assumes black ladies names too. I have no respect for these self appointed boat brahmins. They get high on cow piss and and have quite an appetite for bull shit.




Are there any stats available regarding the percentage of Guyanese people living in Guyana who are deemed to be poor ? How about a breakdown by different ethnic groups--what percentage of black Guyanese are poor ? What percentage of East Indians are poor ?





Last edited by Former Member

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