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Rev Ally is an insecure man who hangs out with many thieves like Mr McLean and the white powder pilot. He uses the term "dirty Indian" because be believes African Guyanese and all people of African origin are dirty. If Indians work with Africans they must also be dirty. So that is the meaning of the term. Rev Ally who is close to Mr Ramotar and Mr R. M. Persaud has several handles here including Yuji and Terry Ishmael. He has a new cheerleader Mr Ramakant Persaud of Pradoville 1 calling dirty Indians. Mr Nehru a disgrace to Hindus is also in that boat. So too are Mr Ronald Sugrim, Mr BGurd_See and Skeldon Man. They show their true colors behind a computer. 




Here are some notes:


Parents indentured immigrants from India.  At turn of century qualified as a Chemist and druggist or "compounder" and acted as a doctor. As a "ships doctor"  made 3 trips to India, west indies and South Africa

  Studied medicine at Edinburgh University, returned to Guyana in 1919 and set up practice in Gtown, residing in Lamaha St until death.

Became involved in politics and the East Indian Assn.  Fought the case of the Ruimveldt Massacre of 1924, served in the Legislative Council for over 25 years and was member of the Executive Council (Ministry) for many years. Received OBE.

Founder of Guyana Sahaita Maha Sabha and Pandits Org. With wife Alic was active in Balak Sahaita Mandalee, org looking after welfare of disadvantaged children.

Funeral was one of largest in Guyana and morning of cremation was a defacto public holiday

Son in law Barrister Jainarine Singh wrote "Guyana Towards Liberty" in 1953

He and Alice were both dispensers on a ship transporting indentured immigrants from India to the Carib.




Originally Posted by Rev:



The Rev has some good news for you.




You have been unbanned! I expect you to be well behaved from henceforth.


Ask the Rev an intelligent question and you will get an intelligent answer.


Post vulgar nonsense and you will be banned again.


Regarding Jung---will get back to you later.





How mush money Mr R. M. Persaud gave you to funnel to the AFC? 

Originally Posted by Rev:




The term Dirty PNC Indians applies to East Indians today who are longing for the rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous, and treacherous PNC to replace the PPP---all of the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, hate and despise the PPP with a passion.




At least you confirm. Now let us see what this PPP board will do. The Caribbean and blacks in the US are watching. 

Originally Posted by Rev:





The term Dirty PNC Indians applies to East Indians today who are longing for the rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous, and treacherous PNC to replace the PPP---all of the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, hate and despise the PPP with a passion.



What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:





The term Dirty PNC Indians applies to East Indians today who are longing for the rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous, and treacherous PNC to replace the PPP---all of the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, hate and despise the PPP with a passion.



What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

 Rev Ally is even more treacherous. He hangs out with the thieves who call themselves businessmen. 

Originally Posted by God:

What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

There is no question that politicians in the PPP have feasted on the milk and honey----they have profited immensely from the power they wield.


But that is nothing new---throughout history politicians have engaged in pilfering, thieving, cheating, defrauding, and plundering the people they rule.


But unlike the PNC politicians who ruined and bankrupted Guyana----the thieving PPP politicians enriched themselves but Guyana has experienced remarkable economic growth and development under the PPP.


The dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians---they long for the PNC to return and ruin Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

There is no question that politicians in the PPP have feasted on the milk and honey----they have profited immensely from the power they wield.


But that is nothing new---throughout history politicians have engaged in pilfering, thieving, cheating, defrauding, and plundering the people they rule.


But unlike the PNC politicians who ruined and bankrupted Guyana----the thieving PPP politicians enriched themselves but Guyana has experienced remarkable economic growth and development under the PPP.


The dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians---they long for the PNC to return and ruin Guyana.



 LIE! PPP falsifies the numbers. The economy did not grow. So they enriched themselves and made the people poorer than PNC.

Originally Posted by Rev:



Here are some notes:


Parents indentured immigrants from India.  At turn of century qualified as a Chemist and druggist or "compounder" and acted as a doctor. As a "ships doctor"  made 3 trips to India, west indies and South Africa

  Studied medicine at Edinburgh University, returned to Guyana in 1919 and set up practice in Gtown, residing in Lamaha St until death.

Became involved in politics and the East Indian Assn.  Fought the case of the Ruimveldt Massacre of 1924, served in the Legislative Council for over 25 years and was member of the Executive Council (Ministry) for many years. Received OBE.

Founder of Guyana Sahaita Maha Sabha and Pandits Org. With wife Alic was active in Balak Sahaita Mandalee, org looking after welfare of disadvantaged children.

Funeral was one of largest in Guyana and morning of cremation was a defacto public holiday

Son in law Barrister Jainarine Singh wrote "Guyana Towards Liberty" in 1953

He and Alice were both dispensers on a ship transporting indentured immigrants from India to the Carib.




Rev according to your Info

Dr Jung Bahadur Singh

was a decent fella...

Is it True Jung was the leader

of the First Political Parties in Guyana.


Did Bahadur refuse to Join or Support Jagan and the PPP.


Did Dr Singh and Burnham Team up

and Made Burnham Leader of their Party....

Did they then use the Leverage of their Party

to make Burnham the Chairman of the PPP....


What is the Record or Popularity of Jung's Party

Did they ever win a Seat or Election....


If Burnham was Leader of Jung's Great Indian Party

why did he abandon that Leadership Position

And.... Jump on to the PPP....

and demand to be Chairman of the PPP

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

There is no question that politicians in the PPP have feasted on the milk and honey----they have profited immensely from the power they wield.


But that is nothing new---throughout history politicians have engaged in pilfering, thieving, cheating, defrauding, and plundering the people they rule.


But unlike the PNC politicians who ruined and bankrupted Guyana----the thieving PPP politicians enriched themselves but Guyana has experienced remarkable economic growth and development under the PPP.


The dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians---they long for the PNC to return and ruin Guyana.



Guyana going bankrupt was as a result of both the PNC and the PPP embracing policies handed down by their communist masters. Nationalization which was supported by the PNC and the PPP led to the freefall in the economy. Couple that with the fallout from the oil crisis of the 1970's and you have a recipe for failure of the economy. It would have been no different if the PPP were in power instead of the PNC, probably worse since Jagan wanted to transform the nation into a communist satellite state long before Burnham.


Of course politicians steal and take kickbacks but there is a level of corruption which is tolerable. The stench of corruption within today's PPP is unbearable and is way beyond the level which rational humans can tolerate. In most civilized nations, politicians are jailed when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar. In today's PPP, they encourage PPP executives and their cronies to steal as much as possible because it is abee time now. Do you notice the difference? 


Growth and development is all relevant. Our peers within the Caricom community are growing and developing too only much better than Guyana. If the PPP weren't stealing so much, there would be real progress for the people and not just the enrichment of the Fat Cats.

Originally Posted by God:
 If the PPP weren't stealing so much, there would be real progress for the people and not just the enrichment of the Fat Cats.

When is the last time you visited Guyana ?


Did you see the improvements in infrastructure under the PPP ?


* Roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, etc, etc


* New schools, health care facilities


Listen. The private sector in Guyana is booming and the PPP government has been very supportive of the private sector.


RE: NICIL INVESTMENTS----like the Marriott


The Rev will give you that one----that's the PPP politicians engaging in looting and robbing and thieving.


No way the government should be involved in developing projects the private sector should be sponsoring.




The PPP has been ruling Guyana for the past 21 years----the country has progressed nicely----when the PNC ruled Guyana illegally for 28 years----they ruined and bankrupted the country.





Are you longing for the PNC to return to power ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:
 If the PPP weren't stealing so much, there would be real progress for the people and not just the enrichment of the Fat Cats.

When is the last time you visited Guyana ?


Did you see the improvements in infrastructure under the PPP ?


* Roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, etc, etc


* New schools, health care facilities


Listen. The private sector in Guyana is booming and the PPP government has been very supportive of the private sector.


RE: NICIL INVESTMENTS----like the Marriott


The Rev will give you that one----that's the PPP politicians engaging in looting and robbing and thieving.


No way the government should be involved in developing projects the private sector should be sponsoring.




The PPP has been ruling Guyana for the past 21 years----the country has progressed nicely----when the PNC ruled Guyana illegally for 28 years----they ruined and bankrupted the country.




Are you longing for the PNC to return to power ?






I live in Guyana. Traffic jams, garbage and floods all over. No good planning by your friend Mr Montgomery and Mr Irfan. They built roads for show to steal kick backs. Mr Burnham made MORE infrastructure and lasting favourable contributions. Inferior infrastructure is what PPP does.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:
 If the PPP weren't stealing so much, there would be real progress for the people and not just the enrichment of the Fat Cats.

When is the last time you visited Guyana ?


Did you see the improvements in infrastructure under the PPP ?


* Roads, bridges, water treatment facilities, etc, etc


* New schools, health care facilities


Listen. The private sector in Guyana is booming and the PPP government has been very supportive of the private sector.


RE: NICIL INVESTMENTS----like the Marriott


The Rev will give you that one----that's the PPP politicians engaging in looting and robbing and thieving.


No way the government should be involved in developing projects the private sector should be sponsoring.




The PPP has been ruling Guyana for the past 21 years----the country has progressed nicely----when the PNC ruled Guyana illegally for 28 years----they ruined and bankrupted the country.





Are you longing for the PNC to return to power ?





I am longing for clean and progressive governance by whichever party is elected to serve the people. It doesn't matter if it's PNC, PPP, TTT or QQQ. This current lot of thieves and dictators running the country surely does not measure up to what I expect from a government.



Some of the Facts omitted by the Rev

Founding of the PAC and PPP

The springboard for Jagan's political career

was the Political Affairs Committee (PAC),

formed in 1946 as a discussion group.

The new organization published the PAC Bulletin

to promote its Marxist ideology

and ideas of liberation and decolonization.

The PAC's outspoken criticism of the

colony's poor living standards

attracted followers as well as detractors.

In the November 1947 general elections,

the PAC put forward several members as independent candidates.

The PAC's major competitor was the newly formed Labour Party,

which, under J.B. Singh, won six of fourteen seats contested.

Jagan won a seat

and briefly joined the Labour Party in Parliament

to give JB Singh 7 Seats or

50% in Parliament 

But Jagan had difficulties

with his new party's center-right ideology

and soon left its ranks.

When Cheddi Jagan left JB Singh's Labor Party

Dr JB SINGH teamed up with Burnham 

and "De Opportunist" Immediately made Burnham the

Leader of Labor Party

The Labour Party's (JB Singh) 

support of the policies of the British governor

and its inability to create a grass-roots base

gradually stripped it of liberal supporters throughout the country.

The Labour Party's (JB Singh)

lack of a clear-cut reform agenda left a vacuum,

which Jagan rapidly moved to fill.

Turmoil on the colony's sugar plantations

gave Jagan an opportunity to achieve national standing.

After the June 16, 1948 police shootings

of five Indo-Guyanese workers at Enmore, close to Georgetown,

the PAC and the Guiana Industrial Workers' Union (GIWU) a large and peaceful demonstration,

which clearly enhanced Jagan's standing

with the Indo-Guyanese population.

After the PAC,

Jagan's next major step was the founding of

the People's Progressive Party (PPP) in January 1950.

Using the PAC as a foundation,

Jagan created from it a new party

that drew support from both

the Afro-Guyanese and Indo-Guyanese communities.

To increase support among the Afro-Guyanese,

Forbes Burnham was brought into the PPP as Chairman.

the rest is history.......


Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Since you seem to know who are the Dirty Indians....

could you tell us if Jang Bahadur Singh

was the #1 Original Dirty Indian.

Was the good doctor a True Original Burnhamite????




Rev is very evasive. His mother and father supported Burnham and the PNC. Hence by his own definition, his mother and father are Dirty PNC Indians. Isn't that so, Rev?

Originally Posted by God:

I am longing for clean and progressive governance by whichever party is elected to serve the people. It doesn't matter if it's PNC, PPP, TTT or QQQ. This current lot of thieves and dictators running the country surely does not measure up to what I expect from a government.

Guyanese have to choose between 2 evils---the PPP whose politicians have enriched themselves while Guyana has continued to experience growth and development over the past 21 years. And the PNC, which has never won a free and fair election in Guyana and which during their 28 year illicit rule ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


I wont even mention the AFC---they are more evil than the 2 major evils(PPP & PNC).



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

I am longing for clean and progressive governance by whichever party is elected to serve the people. It doesn't matter if it's PNC, PPP, TTT or QQQ. This current lot of thieves and dictators running the country surely does not measure up to what I expect from a government.

Guyanese have to choose between 2 evils---the PPP whose politicians have enriched themselves while Guyana has continued to experience growth and development over the past 21 years. And the PNC, which has never won a free and fair election in Guyana and which during their 28 year illicit rule ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


I wont even mention the AFC---they are more evil than the 2 major evils(PPP & PNC).



Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



It's not the same as in the USA. Corruption in the PPP is out of control and unacceptable. Public officials are jailed when caught in corruption scandals in the USA. PPP thieves are applauded for their stealing by supporters chanting "it's abee time now".

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



It's not the same as in the USA. Corruption in the PPP is out of control and unacceptable. Public officials are jailed when caught in corruption scandals in the USA. PPP thieves are applauded for their stealing by supporters chanting "it's abee time now".

Now, Dat is PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



It's not the same as in the USA. Corruption in the PPP is out of control and unacceptable. Public officials are jailed when caught in corruption scandals in the USA. PPP thieves are applauded for their stealing by supporters chanting "it's abee time now".

Now, Dat is PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Is that your best attempt at a debate?


Sorry, I forgot that your vocabulary is limited to one hundred words.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

I am longing for clean and progressive governance by whichever party is elected to serve the people. It doesn't matter if it's PNC, PPP, TTT or QQQ. This current lot of thieves and dictators running the country surely does not measure up to what I expect from a government.

Guyanese have to choose between 2 evils---the PPP whose politicians have enriched themselves while Guyana has continued to experience growth and development over the past 21 years. And the PNC, which has never won a free and fair election in Guyana and which during their 28 year illicit rule ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


I wont even mention the AFC---they are more evil than the 2 major evils(PPP & PNC).



Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

 God said what he is longing for ......

I am longing for clean and progressive governance....

Rev what was Grandpa Longing for.....

when he refused to work with Cheddi Jagan and

created the Platform for Burnham

to demand leverage in the PPP by

making Odo the Leader of the Labor Party. 

Rev is Jung Bahadur a Dirty Indian.

Rev what was "De Ole Lady" Longing for.....

when she join PNC National Service and

Hang Mala around Burnham neck...

and den jump up and kiss Rawan too. 

Rev is Raj Kumarie a Nasty Indian.


Rev what was Buddy Gora Longing for.....

when he whine up and entertain President Burnham.

This was De Perfect Couple

Odo Rigg-de-elections and Gora Whine-up..... 

Rev is Buddy  a Stink Funny Indian.


Rev what are u Longing for.....

when you come here

with lies about Moses, Khemraj and others

because they refuse to join,

work with or support

Dem @untymen, Bu@@er Boys & Funny Fellas.

Rev R U Promoting Bu@@erring

and if so is all your family

Dirty, Rotten, Nasty, Stinky Indians.

Could it be yuh longing fuh Odo-lo-lo



Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



It's not the same as in the USA. Corruption in the PPP is out of control and unacceptable. Public officials are jailed when caught in corruption scandals in the USA. PPP thieves are applauded for their stealing by supporters chanting "it's abee time now".

Now, Dat is PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Is that your best attempt at a debate?


Sorry, I forgot that your vocabulary is limited to one hundred words.

Debate?? You know what dat is Stinger. You bloody FOOL!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Choosing between evils is accepting evil. Guyanese have to demand and get clean governance from the people they elect or kick them out. Anything short of that is settling for a bunch of thieves. That doesn't fly with me.

I presume like the Rev you live in the great USA.


Well, it's the same thing we have here----Democrat party---Republican party---no difference---both evil----we have no choice but to chose one evil.


In Guyana---there are 2 main choices----PPP and PNC.


Over the past 21 years----the PPP has been chosen by the voters.


Will the PNC ever win a free and fair election in Guyana ?


Well, maybe in a hundred years----miracles do happen.



It's not the same as in the USA. Corruption in the PPP is out of control and unacceptable. Public officials are jailed when caught in corruption scandals in the USA. PPP thieves are applauded for their stealing by supporters chanting "it's abee time now".

Now, Dat is PURE BULLSHIT!!!

Is that your best attempt at a debate?


Sorry, I forgot that your vocabulary is limited to one hundred words.

Debate?? You know what dat is Stinger. You bloody FOOL!!!

Pretending that I'm Stinger will not get you ahead in any way. You have to demonstrate that you have the ability to string together a few words to make a coherent sentence, something that you will never possess in this lifetime. Your fourth standard education at Hubu Backdam High will not work with me. It was good enough for you to cut cane in Guyana but it doesn't fly here. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Burnham took over John carter's Party.  Jung had his own political Party. do not know history.....

in the late 40's when Burnham returned to Guyana....

Jung was a Big wig in Guyana

because he was supporting all the Whiteman programs and plans.

Guyana Elections In 1947

Burnham was not in the Picture

(1) Jung formed a political Party called the "Labor Party"

which was a Spinoff of the East Indian Assocation 

Jung contested elections under his Labor Party

and won 6 out of 14 seats....a minority

(2) Cheddi Jagan contested the elections as an Independent

for the East Coast Demerara seat

with the help of Sydney King of Buxton

Jagan won this seat for East Coast Demerara.

In Parliament Jagan Briefly Joined with JB Singh/Labor Party

to give him 50% steak and Control in Parliament.

Jagan found out JB Singh was a Colonial Puppet

who sold out the rights of the Guyanese

and did not care for the Working class...

and severed ties with this Guyanese Indian opportunist.

After this Burnham returned to Guyana

and Jagan continue to Exposed Jung as an opportunist

Jung turned over his Sinking and

now Unpopular Labor Party

to Burnham and made him Leader

Burnham used the position as

Leader of the Labor Party to

Demand a Leadership position in the PPP

when it was later formed.

Then he Split the PPP into two Factions

De Jagan Faction PPP &

De Burnham Faction PPP

In 1958,

the United Democratic Party

merged with Burnham PPP

to form the People's National Congress,

PNC was led by Forbes Burnham,

and Mr. Carter became the PNC's first chairman. 




Guyanese Ambassador John Carter, 86, Dies

By Joe Holley

Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, March 23, 2005; Page B07 

      John Carter, 86, Guyana's first ambassador to the United States and a key figure in the pre-  independence turmoil of what was, before 1966, British Guiana, died Feb. 23 of congestive heart failure at Suburban Hospital. He had lived in Bethesda since 1983.


In 1952, Mr. Carter founded the United Democratic Party, which vied for power over the years in British Guiana with the leftist People's Progressive Party.

John Carter founded the

United Democratic Party in 1952.


In 1953, six months after the People's Progressive Party won a landslide election, British Guiana's colonial governor suspended the constitution, dismissed the PPP governor and installed an interim government.


Throughout the 1950s, the Cold War powers, fearing the PPP's Marxist inclinations, felt compelled to meddle in the politics of the tiny South American nation, which, in effect, delayed independence.


In 1958, the United Democratic Party merged with Burnham PPP to form the People's National Congress, led by Forbes Burnham, and Mr. Carter became the PNC's first chairman.

Guyana became an independent nation May 26, 1966.

John Patrick Gregorio Carter was born in Cane Grove, a tiny, rural community on the eastern coast of Guyana's Demerara River. He grew up in Georgetown, the capital, where he starred at cricket and soccer.


In 1939, he left his native land for London, where he received bachelor of arts and bachelor of laws degrees from the University of London.

He became the general secretary of the League of Coloured Peoples, an organization that attempted to address discrimination against Africans in England.


Every Saturday night during World War II, he delivered a BBC radio broadcast that began: "This is London calling the West Indies."

A nephew, Vibert Lampkin, now a judge in Ontario, Canada, recalled that Mr. Carter's mother would hear that familiar, faraway voice and breathe a sigh of relief. "Well, at least I know my son is still alive," she would say. Only after the war did her son reveal that the broadcasts were recorded days in advance.


He returned to his homeland in 1945 and opened a law practice in Georgetown.

In 1948, he was elected to the legislature, at 29 the youngest member of the body. For the next two decades, he was deeply involved in Guyanese politics.

In 1962 he became a member of the Queen's Council, the colony's highest court. From 1962 to 1966, he also was pro-chancellor of the University of Guyana.

He became Guyana's ambassador to the United States in 1966. That year, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

He also was appointed Guyana's permanent representative to the United Nations and high commissioner to Canada, posts he held from 1966 to 1970.

In 1968, he served as vice chairman of the U.N. General Assembly during its 23rd session.

In 1970, he was appointed high commissioner to the Court of St. James's in Britain, with concurrent accreditations as ambassador to several other European nations, as well as the Soviet Union and India.

Between 1970 and 1975, he was chairman of the Commonwealth Sanctions Committee, which helped formulate the British Commonwealth's policy on Zimbabwe's unilateral declaration of independence and South Africa's apartheid.

In 1976, he served as ambassador to the People's Republic of China, with concurrent accreditations as ambassador to Japan and North Korea. He also served as a delegate and as head of special missions to Australia, Singapore, Zambia, Tanzania and several other African nations.

In 1981, he was appointed high commissioner to Jamaica, where he served until his retirement from the diplomatic corps in 1983.


He lived in Bethesda from his retirement until his death, although he made frequent visits to Guyana. He also worked as a consultant to Golden Star Resources Ltd., a Canadian mining company with interests in Guyana.

Mr. Carter was a member of Chevy Chase United Methodist Church.

His marriage to Dorothy Frasier ended in divorce.


Survivors include his wife of 45 years, Sara Lou Carter of Bethesda; two children from his first marriage, Gillian Case and Jennifer Carter-Clarke, both of London; two children from his second marriage, John Carter Jr. of Gaithersburg and Brian Carter of Bethesda; a stepdaughter from his second marriage, Robin Marston of Mitchellville; a sister; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Rev:





The term Dirty PNC Indians applies to East Indians today who are longing for the rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous, and treacherous PNC to replace the PPP---all of the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, hate and despise the PPP with a passion.



What do you call the dirty PPP Indians who are more rotten, corrupt, unscrupulous and treacherous than anyone else in the history of Guyana?

They are called Jagdeo, JabbaDaHutt, Brassington, IrFAT Alli and the list goes on.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Jang Bahadur Singh did a lot for and helped many of his fellow East Indians in his time. To call a man like that a Colonial Puppet is absolutely disgusting when you never lived and worked in the time that he did. 

Spoke to my elders last night. Indeed Dr Jagan called J.B. Singh a colonial puppet. Dr Jagan called even someone with 3 cows upper class. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Jang Bahadur Singh did a lot for and helped many of his fellow East Indians in his time. To call a man like that a Colonial Puppet is absolutely disgusting when you never lived and worked in the time that he did. 

Spoke to my elders last night. Indeed Dr Jagan called J.B. Singh a colonial puppet. Dr Jagan called even someone with 3 cows upper class. 

To each his own I guess.  Dr. Jagan lived a very simple life.  On many Sundays he would be in his yard cleaning the place himself.   Where as JB Singh may get his gardener to do that.


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