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Guyana's esteemed President Donald Ramotar wholeheartedly agrees with the Rev that the opposition AFC doesn't want to see development and prosperity in Guyana---what is bad for Guyana is good for the AFC.



Read this comment from President Ramotar in today's Kaieteur newspaper---the article is "Ramotar defends Jagdeo's deals":


"Our detractors dont want to see any kind of development in Guyana, because they are working from the philosophy that if things get bad---it would be better for them."



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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev Paul, your batty is jealous of your mouth for talking so much shit.



You know Paul is fake, right ?hahaha




Here is the mantra of loser moses, loser khemraj, loser gerhard, and loser kissoon of the AFC:


"We want strikes--sugar workers must strike; We want floods--more rain must fall; we want corruption---more ppp politicians must thief; We want foreign oil companies to fail--no oil must be found; We want IDB to deny financiing to Amalia---no hydro must be built. We want Guyana to fail economically---that would be good for the AFC."



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the A.F.C are like opportunistic parasites, striving on Opportunism....




You are absolutely correct!


Loser Moses, loser Khemraj,  and loser Gerhard are all ingrates and opportunists---they harbor deep resentment and animosity against the PPP---and their chief political goal right now is to suction enough votes away from the PPP so that their PNC partners can rule Guyana again.







Do you recall Ross Perot running as a 3rd party candidate in the 1992 election in America ?


These were the voting percentages in that 1992 election:


Clinton: 43.0%


Bush: 37.5%


Perot: 18.9%



Had it not been for 3rd party candidate Perot---George Bush would have won re-election. In Guyana, the AFC can never win an election, but like Perot in 1992 in America---the AFC(3rd party in Guyana) can suck enough votes away from the PPP---and by so doing the PNC could rule Guyana again.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
the AFC can never win an election, but like Perot in 1992 in America---the AFC (3rd party in Guyana) can suck enough votes away from the PPP---and by so doing the PNC could rule Guyana again.


Since the AFC is totally wrapped into the PNC/APNU in 2012, at future elections it will gain less support than their maximim at the 2011 elections.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the A.F.C are like opportunistic parasites, striving on Opportunism....




You are absolutely correct!


Loser Moses, loser Khemraj,  and loser Gerhard are all ingrates and opportunists---they harbor deep resentment and animosity against the PPP---and their chief political goal right now is to suction enough votes away from the PPP so that their PNC partners can rule Guyana again.







Do you recall Ross Perot running as a 3rd party candidate in the 1992 election in America ?


These were the voting percentages in that 1992 election:


Clinton: 43.0%


Bush: 37.5%


Perot: 18.9%



Had it not been for 3rd party candidate Perot---George Bush would have won re-election. In Guyana, the AFC can never win an election, but like Perot in 1992 in America---the AFC(3rd party in Guyana) can suck enough votes away from the PPP---and by so doing the PNC could rule Guyana again.



The AFC is a very dangerous party and must be exposed now or Guyana will end up suffering again under PNC dictatorship. Berbicians are now aware that the AFC is doing it's best to have the PNC govern Guyana again.


Berbicians are now openly condemning the AFC and have realized that they were tricked by traitor Moses. AFC will be kicked out of Berbice in the next election. AFC leadership consists of a bunch of dictators just like their big brother, PNC.


One of their executive members resigned recently citing that the AFC leadership consists of a bunch of dictators just like their big brother, PNC.


Beware of the AFC/PNC otherwise Guyana will end up in the hands of a bunch of brutal dictators led by Granger who allegedly  has blood on his hands, we must never forget the 1973 elections where Berbicians were killed by the PNC for trying to protect ballot boxes from being stolen by the PNC led army. 


History can and will repeat itself if we allow the AFC/PNC to destroy Guyana. We need strong leaders like brother Gajraj and Pres. Jagdeo to stand up to AFC/PNC thugs. 



Another Blind Rat

Quote ...... Since the AFC is totally wrapped into the PNC/APNU in 2012, at future elections it will gain less support than their maximim at the 2011 elections.


Dis_Rat lik ole and senile



   [see-nahyl, -nil, sen-ahyl] Show IPA
showing a decline or deterioration of physical strength or mental functioning, especially short-term memory and alertness, as a result of old age or disease.
of or belonging to old age or aged persons; gerontological; geriatric.
Originally Posted by cain:

Again Yuji, I know it is difficult for you, but do try stop being an ass.

You PPP thief you.

Cain, now that the 90 million has been accounted for by the police, like a good boy, swallow the filth that you just spewed. Do it now.


Shame on you for calling people thieves. This proves your level of intelligence. I guess your brain is pea sized.

Originally Posted by cain:

Dude, I've read the report and I am glad there is nothing sinister about this money.

Having said that, there is no reason for me to doubt anyone when they speak of corrupt dealings with the PPP under that creep Jagdeo.

Now Now, did you wipe the filth from your mouth ?


It is time that Guyanese end the mentality that there is a thief in every corner and believe every filth that they read in toilet paper KN and the dirty politics of AFC.


Pig Ramjattan should resign for supporting this baseless claim.The police should arrest him for spreading lies against the government and the police force. Guyana does not need politicians like RUMjattan.


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