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OK Folks!


The PPP is a minority party because they lost Region 8 by 254 votes in the last election. The AFC received 995 votes; the PPP 741 votes; the PNC 739 votes.













What is the PPP doing to win back Region 8 and its one seat in the next election ? President Ramotar has been wasting time in Buxton and Linden. Has he visited Region 8 as yet ? And what is being done for the 10K people who reside in Region 8 by the PPP ? That one seat in Region 8 is vital for the PPP. Hope the dunces in the PPP understand that. Stop wasting time in Linden and Buxton and focus a little on Region 8.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Mr. Ramotar only has six months in office. I am sure they know which region they need to win back. Give him six months more and you will see the difference the PPP will make.



Ramotar has been doing OK so far! But I'd like to see he and the PPP focus more on Regions 6 and 8---that's where the seats are for the PPP to regain the majority in parliament.


In the last election the PPP wasted millions campaigning in places like Buxton and Linden---had they spent a fraction of that money courting the folks in region 8---they would be in the majority today.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Mr. Ramotar only has six months in office. I am sure they know which region they need to win back. Give him six months more and you will see the difference the PPP will make.



Ramotar has been doing OK so far! But I'd like to see he and the PPP focus more on Regions 6 and 8---that's where the seats are for the PPP to regain the majority in parliament.


In the last election the PPP wasted millions campaigning in places like Buxton and Linden---had they spent a fraction of that money courting the folks in region 8---they would be in the majority today.






Rev Bhai,


You are always right. The PPP's future depends on their support in these two region. In politics, you need to listen to and invest in your political base. This is a harsh political reality.


I wonder if the PPP  is listening. A lot of Berbicians now see the PPP as a party based in Georgetown with little representation for them.


The PPP needs to return to grassroots it seems that some of the fat cats are living in mansions and could care less about the future of the party and interest of the working class.


Bhai, President Ramo must clean house and send these fat cats packing. Does he have the political will to do so ? That is the million dollar question.




Guyana,EU inks GUY$7.1B Sugar, renewable energy pacts

Guyana and the European Union (EU) on Friday inked two agreements totaling GUY$7.1B (Euro 27.4M) for the local sugar industry and the establishment of a hydropower plant here.


The first agreement will see the development of a micro hydro power system at Kato in Region 8.


This project is projected to cost some GUY$615M dollars and the agreement covers close to GUY$ 460M (Euro 1.9M), with the Guyana government covering the remaining GUY$155M(Euro 613, 949).






Originally Posted by yuji22:


Rev Bhai, You are always right. The PPP's future depends on their support in these two region....I wonder if the PPP  is listening....The PPP needs to return to grassroots it seems that some of the fat cats are living in mansions and could care less about the future of the party and interest of the working class.


Bhai, President Ramo must clean house and send these fat cats packing. Does he have the political will to do so ? That is the million dollar question.

Yuji bhai:


Ramo has only been in office 6 months---in the coming months and years he will gain more self confidence and self assuredness---and that's when he'll start swinging the hammer.



By the way yuji, if Ramo or any member of his family were to accept house lots in Pradoville2---that would not be good news---only crooked and corrupt PPP politicians(Rohee, Irfaan Ali, Robert Persaud, Jagdeo, etc, etc) live in Pradoville2.




Nehru Bhai


We want the PPP to succeed. We all know what the consequences of the PNC will look like. At the same time, we cannot allow our country to replace one form of corruption with another.


We must be vigilant against corruption. As Al Bhai indicated, as Ramo develops more confidence and self assuredness then he can start swinging the hammer.


It is not fair so see a few living in mansions at the expense of the poor working class. Please note that I said a few. If we love our country than we must speak out against corruption. The PPP needs to be more transparent.


We must also speak out against irresponsible Newspaper reporting, that is equally dangerous. Guyana experienced freedom of expression under the PPP. The number of newspapers and TV stations today are a reflection of that fact.



Guyana made progress under the PPP but an honest leader like Dr. Jagan would have made three or four times the progress. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



In the last election the PPP wasted millions campaigning in places like Buxton and Linden



Two points you ought to note.


1. the paltry turn out in region 8.  They dont have any interest in any Guyanese party.  Maybe if they were allowed to vote for the president of Brazil they would prefer to do so.


2.  I see the PPP has finally admitted that black people dont like them.  Before the elections all of you were bscreaming about how the PPP woudl win in Buxton and Linden.  Well if the money you "spend" is awarded to PPP contractors who only use the locals for the most menial tasks why expect them to be impressed.  Both Lindeners and Buxtonians have complained about this. 


AfroGuyanese noted, and Jagdeo was not already to disprove that  the PPP has turned Guyana into Indesh.  If one is not Indo one will not be allowed into decision making positions.  Yes a few black tokens here and there.  Certainly no one equivalent to Jack Warner in the UNC. When he sees anti black racism from his fellow UNC colleagues he calls them out on this.


 But then Guyanese Indos are known to be way more racist than their Trini counterparts so we ought not eb surprised.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Guyana,EU inks GUY$7.1B Sugar, renewable energy pacts

Guyana and the European Union (EU) on Friday inked two agreements totaling GUY$7.1B (Euro 27.4M) for the local sugar industry and the establishment of a hydropower plant here.


The first agreement will see the development of a micro hydro power system at Kato in Region 8.


This project is projected to cost some GUY$615M dollars and the agreement covers close to GUY$ 460M (Euro 1.9M), with the Guyana government covering the remaining GUY$155M(Euro 613, 949).






One day the PPP will learn that unless the material conditions of the people in these districts improve, and they are allowed to be actively involved in shaping these projects the PPP will not earn any votes.

Originally Posted by caribny:

One day the PPP will learn that unless the material conditions of the people in these districts improve, and they are allowed to be actively involved in shaping these projects the PPP will not earn any votes.

carib bhai:


Read this again:


"The PPP is a minority party because they lost Region 8 by 254 votes in the last election. The AFC received 995 votes; the PPP 741 votes; the PNC 739 votes."


You have made a valid point, "unless the material conditions of the people in these districts improve, and they are allowed to be actively involved in shaping these projects the PPP will not earn any votes."


PPP supporters like Yuji, Nehru and the Rev are keeping a close eye on the PPP---stop wasting time in Buxton and Linden and do more for the people in Regions 6 and 8---that's where the needed seats are.



Originally Posted by Prashad:

Rev Al got a big mouth.  One day someone is going to make it small.




Did you read about Guyana getting $66 million(US) in funding from the IDB to improve roads in the country ? Let's hope the PPP is wise and spends a portion of that $66 million in Regions 6 and 8----remember Pras---that's where the missing seats are---in regions 6 and 8---it would be foolish to waste money in Linden and Buxton---no seats there.





I would agree with you here Al Bhai. The PPP must invest heavily in Regions 6 and 8. I hope that the top brass of the PPP is listening for once.

Linden received Billions in electricity subsidy and delivered Katahar for the PPP. It is now time for regions 6 and 8 to receive some economic stimulus. PPP needs to understand that their future depends on these regions.

Linden had their fair share of Billions of dollars of subsidy. In fact, the government stated yesterday stated that Linden consume more electricity per capita than these rest of the country. We need to be fair and give other regions like 6 and 8 a fair share of economic development.

It is wise for the PPP to listen. Linden will not deliver votes for the PPP, so why waste billions more in Linden ? This is a harsh political reality. The AFC is a bit shaken up in Berbice with their recent scandals, this is an opportunity to shake them up even more.

This is politics, you need to take care of your political base. Let the chips fall where they may. Linden is not a state within a state.

Originally Posted by baseman:



... But then Guyanese Indos are known to be way more racist than their Trini counterparts so we ought not eb surprised.

Caribj, Trini Indians never suffered under any Afro-led Govt as Guyanese Indians did as such, the mind-set of the two groups are vastly different.

And today AfroGuyanese suffer much more viciousness under the PPP  than AftoTrinis under either Panday or Kamla.  AfroGuyanese also suffered under the Janet Jagan regime in the 1960s.  


Note I said Janet and not her husband.  You see she came to Guyana to rescue the "natives" and had it in for blacks who didnt bow down to her as did rural Indians.  When her husband let black hating racists take over the PPP, leading to the desertion of those blacks who initially stayed after Burnham left,  she took it as a personal insult.  As a PPP minister in the early 60s se led a personal witch hunt against the black middle class in revenge, installing the "party card" system subsequently copied by Burnham.  Given the politics off Guyana the "party card" system is tantamount to bigotry and racial bias.


While we are at it discuss Indian racism towards blacks in 1961.  As of then Indians had yet to suffer under African rule, yet a PPP victory led to open displays of anti black bigotry to the point where even the few remaining black PPP supporters were insulted and Cheddi was forced to condemn this behavior.  Even the PPP version of the 60s places attacks on Indians starting in 1962.


You see PPP racism of the 60s fostered PNC racism under Burnham.  And todays PPP racism sets the state for further revenge.


Continue to peddle the notion that the only racism that need be discussed is that of Africans towards Indians.  Its tit for tat and neither gain as a result.


Guyana's backwardness compared to its CARICOM counterparts, despite its natural resource base (as well as its human resource base prior to Guyanese beginning to flee under Janet, and continuing under Burnham and most recently under Jagdeo) should teach you something.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The results from the last elections made the PPP put on their thinking caps. I guess the party's election campaign strategists have gone back to drawing board to see how they can come up a winning strategy.  Times have changed and people are thinking differently.

If this strategy is based on the notion that they can ignore and/or punish blacks they are setting the stage for their own demise.  At 40% of the population there is no way that Indians can ill treat the Afro identified 40% and think they can govern in peace.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

One day the PPP will learn that unless the material conditions of the people in these districts improve, and they are allowed to be actively involved in shaping these projects the PPP will not earn any votes.

carib bhai:


Read this again:


"The PPP is a minority party because they lost Region 8 by 254 votes in the last election. The AFC received 995 votes; the PPP 741 votes; the PNC 739 votes."


You have made a valid point, "unless the material conditions of the people in these districts improve, and they are allowed to be actively involved in shaping these projects the PPP will not earn any votes."


PPP supporters like Yuji, Nehru and the Rev are keeping a close eye on the PPP---stop wasting time in Buxton and Linden and do more for the people in Regions 6 and 8---that's where the needed seats are.



Rev and other PPP racists do you seriously think that the PPP can tax black people and then proceed to ignore them as they have been since 1992?  Awarding contracts in black areas to Indian RACISTS who hire only Indians, ensuring that bLacks cant get employement even where they live!


If the PPP wants to sustain itself and be successful they need to ask why over 95% of the black/mixed voters turned their backs on them.  This after almost 20 years of PPP rule.


 A seriously compromised APNU that every one, including myself, had given up for dead rose out of the ashes.  It didnt because they deserve it. It rose up to send a message.


Africans and mixed Guyanese needed to send the Indian elite a message.  The PPP and their friends are racist dogs and they were not interested in tolerating this any more.


Take this as a warning if you love IndoGuyanese.  There is no way that Guyana can prosper if EITHER race is left out.  Guyana is not a country where one group holds so much power that they can squash the aspirations of the others with no retaliation occurring as a result.


Now you can whine about the PPP loving blacks.  Well a comparison of 2006 and 2011 show that blacks dont agree with you. Not only did the PPP lose ground but blacks voted in larger numbers, this being obvious in Region 5 where APNU saw a huge increase in support.  Undr Guyana's system even though they lost region 5 their strong performance made a significant contribution to their totral vote count, a source of most of their seats.


Linden is a veruy depressed community with few avenues outside of bauxite.  Now why cant its cheap electricity be used to attract foreign investors, this stimulating employment and growing the tax base?   Its JOBS, JOBS, JOBS that Lindeners want.  Not a bunch of PPP projects where the main beneficiaries in employment are PPP supporters because PPP contractors remain clannish and racist.


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