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Revenue Authority will lead to loss of jobs — Moonilal

Kevon Felmine, Published: Sunday, August 23, 2015, Source


Deputy political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Dr Roodal Moonilal is calling on the trade union movement to say whether it supports the People’s National Movement’s (PNM) plan for the establishment of a Revenue Authority.


Speaking at the People’s Partnership’s introduction of south candidates at the Southern Academy for Performing Arts, San Fernando, on Friday night, Moonilal said PNM leader Dr Keith Rowley has proposed to reintroduce the authority. 


He said this would lead to the retrenchment of almost 5,200 public sector workers, and the PNM also had plans to scrap some ministries and send home employees.


“Today, I call on the trade union movement to tell us whether they support the Revenue Authority because Rowley has pledged to return and reintroduce the Revenue Authority. 


That will lead to unemployment in the public sector. 


I call on (Ancel) Roget, (Michael) Annisette, Watson Duke to tell us if you support the Revenue Authority. 


Rowley has promised to return with that.”


Delving deeper into the PNM’s manifesto, he said they proposed to reduce Value Added Tax (VAT) on food items, which would cost the country $5.5 billion in revenue over five years.

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