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Reverse salary increases or give money to social causes – GSM New York


Wednesday, October 21 2015, Source


PUBLIC opinion from Guyanese in New York, relative to the massive salary increases that the new Government of Guyana gave itself, mirrors the local sentiment.  And Guyanese Solidarity Movement (GSM) has demanded that the decision be reversed or face possible mobilisation of Guyanese people in revolt.

“There is no way the knockout pay increases given to greedy politicians can be justified especially when public servants were given a measly five per cent and struggling Guyanese students, who were given $10,000 by the PPP/C (People’s Progressive Party/ Civic) government, saw it taken away by the coalition,” said the GSM’s Rueben Khusial.

He made clear that the GSM views the increased salaries as an act of hypocrisy, particularly since Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge had previously attacked the previous former government for allegedly earning large salaries while in government.

He said, “The GSM said it is stunned that after being in office for less than six months and with the economy in meltdown, the ruling Guyana coalition seeks to first fill their pockets.”

“It would appear that the increase given to them is a done deal and if Mr. Nagamootoo and the rest of his AFC colleagues have any political decency left, they would not accept the increase but give it away,” Khusial added.

According to him, the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition government should follow the example of former Uruguayan President JosÉ Mujica who donated 90 per cent of his salary to the poor and lived on his farm instead of the Presidential palace.
The GSM official acknowledged the attempts made by the current Administration to defend the its decision.

“Most shameful was Minister Joe Harmon’s defense when he said that he has no apologies to make on the increases. This shameless act is taking place while the sugar and rice industries are facing serious problems, the economy is in a tailspin, and there is a dramatic increase in crime,” he said.

“With all the brouhaha about transparency and good governance this is what the APNU-AFC regime is doing. It must stop doling out the state’s resources for themselves, their friends, and families while the working poor is being stiffed and expected to live on meager handouts,”  Khusial added.

The September 25th edition of the Official Gazette confirmed that the Prime Minister and all Government Ministers have received a salary increase. 


Nagamootoo, at the top of the earning bracket, will now earn $20.6M, a 10 per cent increase from what former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was paid. Senior Ministers have had their pay packets doubled from $6.9M to $10.5m. Junior Minister will now be paid $8.3M. House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland, will also benefit and his salary has been upped from $6.9M to $10.4M.  President David Granger will also benefit from a salary increase of 5 per cent, equivalent to $1.2M more a year.

The salary increases are retroactive from July 1, 2015 – a mere six weeks after APNU+AFC took office.



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“Most shameful was Minister Joe Harmon’s defense when he said that he has no apologies to make on the increases. This shameless act is taking place while the sugar and rice industries are facing serious problems, the economy is in a tailspin, and there is a dramatic increase in crime,” he said.

“With all the brouhaha about transparency and good governance this is what the APNU-AFC regime is doing. It must stop doling out the state’s resources for themselves, their friends, and families while the working poor is being stiffed and expected to live on meager handouts,”  Khusial added.


Reverse salary increases or give money to social causes – GSM New York, Wednesday, October 21 2015, Source

It is indeed transparent on what they are doing, but highly questionable if it is good governance.


Perhaps, it is just the beginning of what will develop as time progresses.

Trust me, we will see more expected surprises from this coalition government. These surprises would not be a major infrastructure development, a plan for job creation, or a sound economic policy to revive the dwindling economy, it will be another stunt to upset the nation once again.
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
"According to him [Khusial], the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition government should follow the example of former Uruguayan President José Mujica who donated 90 per cent of his salary to the poor and lived on his farm instead of the Presidential palace . . ."

i am waiting with freakish anticipation for someone to point me where GSM/Khusial made similar appeals for Gandhi-like abstemiousness to Jagdeo and his gang during their decade-and-a-half tiefman bacchanal


hmmmmmm . . .?


I already suggested in the print media that Granger and his gang should drive by every morning by the Parliament and have a look at the homeless sleeping on the pavement. They should take them coffee and sandwiches from time to time. And also, pool some of the extra cash and build homeless shelters. Guyana is a frigging lost cause. Is a good thing India is still an alternative to Indoes-if they want to.

Originally Posted by seignet:

 Guyana is a frigging lost cause. Is a good thing India is still an alternative to Indoes-if they want to.


Siggy, are you sure Indo-Guyanese will be welcome en masse back to India?

Originally Posted by seignet:

I already suggested in the print media that Granger and his gang should drive by every morning by the Parliament and have a look at the homeless sleeping on the pavement. They should take them coffee and sandwiches from time to time. And also, pool some of the extra cash and build homeless shelters. Guyana is a frigging lost cause. Is a good thing India is still an alternative to Indoes-if they want to.

yaaaaawwwn . . . don't u have something about your satanic prayers cursing blackman, Nigerian juju and such u should be enlightening the board about?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Guyana is a frigging lost cause. Is a good thing India is still an alternative to Indoes-if they want to.


Siggy, are you sure Indo-Guyanese will be welcome en masse back to India?

That was for provocation.


Presidents of Guyana fall into 2 catagories-dey way I see it. There are those who so stupid and the others, self important ones. They all do assinine things.


And country leff fuh waste. Some citizens like dat too.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Guyana is a frigging lost cause. Is a good thing India is still an alternative to Indoes-if they want to.


Siggy, are you sure Indo-Guyanese will be welcome en masse back to India?

That was for provocation.


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