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Finally yesterday T get to sit wid meh neighba who went and listen to Dr Bharat Jagseo on Friday evening. The man seh Dr Jagdeo is the best leader on the planet, he seh deh man had no notes, he spoke from his head, the had numbers on everything yuh gun think he is a COMPUTER. Me neighba was angry that at least 3 AHOLES were trying to disrupt the GREAT Leader. One was vex dat he Aunty got fired by Raj Sinsh at Guysuco. ( I said to him to should have told the Bastard no one care about his Aunt unless she is a Hotty) These  2 animals were INVITES, that did not have to pay a cent. These are the kind of people if invited to your house who cuss you and try to steal what you have: LOW LIVES!! The other one just screaming a bunch of SHIT talking ove the great Leader. Meh neighbe seh he think cause he wore Suit and Tie he nah gun know he is a stupid dunce!!

I ask him if they did not picth them out, he seh the great Jagdeo said to the Mc leave them alone, I can handle them. Now, that is a great leader.

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