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January 16, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source


Guyana is a small society. In such societies it is always difficult to avoid certain relationships, including conflicts of interest.

When you live in a small society, it is more likely that you will have to ask someone to do something for you and that person may either then or in the future have some professional relationship with you or the entity you represent.

There are cases where the resource base is at times so limited that you are forced to call on certain persons to do work for you and this could place you in a conflict of interest if you are also in a position whereby you have to decide whether those who do work for you also have to do work for the company that you represent.

Many times it is hard to avoid this because the required skills may simply be limited to a small number of persons, restricting your choices.

A number of government officials have built large structures, some for business and some as their homes. And in a number of cases, it has been said that persons who tender for public contracts undertook private work for some government officials.  For example, there have been reports that major contractors in Guyana were hired to construct the homes and business places of some government officials. This clearly raises serious questions about conflicts of interest and it is time that the government outline policies which their top officials should follow so as to avoid the perception of them benefitting personally from those who undertake public works.

In the 1970’s when corruption intensified under the Forbes Burnham administration, there were key persons who resigned from the party because they were deeply concerned about the unchecked corruption. Declassified documents have since revealed that Burnham himself was receiving kickbacks from an American company operating in Guyana.

It is not clear however whether this money was used for his party or for himself but other declassified documents did confirm that he had asked for and was granted support from the Central Intelligence Agency for his party.

As the charges of corruption increased, the idea of a Code of Conduct for the Ministers of the government was proposed. This seemed to be a good plan but it turned out to be a public relations gimmick on the part of Burnham because no code of conduct was ever implemented.

The PPP is now facing widespread perception of massive corruption concerning its membership. The PPP needs to address these perceptions especially in the context of reports that major contractors- companies that enjoy multimillion dollar contracts- who undertake public works have been involved in building of homes and business for government officials.

This is something that should be avoided because apart from the perceptions that it will create, there is the possibility of a major conflict of interest if at any time a government official is required to approve a contract for a contractor that undertook works at the official’s home or business.

In other jurisdictions, reports of possible conflicts of interest of this sort would have been handed over to the Integrity Commission for investigation. However, in Guyana the legislation that provides for integrity legislation is weak and in any event the Integrity Commission has no Chairman and is not recognized by the opposition because of this fact.

The government, however, should take the lead and establish for itself a code of conduct indicating how top government functionaries with businesses interests should deal with those interests when they sit in positions of authority within the government.

The government should also establish rules to deter government officials from having major contractors undertake construction work at the homes and businesses of these officials.

The government should require its ministers and other senior officials to not invest in any sector of the economy so long as they hold public office. They should invest directly and they should not invest through front men.

Burnham’s Code of Conduct was never implemented. The PPPC should not make the same mistake.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That's quite childish DG. So far everything the PPP has done is the same as PNC. The AFC is quite the opposite, that's the reason you guys don't like them, they are different to the PNC/PPP/C.

Originally Posted by cain:

The AFC is quite the opposite, ...

Quite correct Cain.


1. AFC has reneged on its pre-2011 election focus to be and independent organization, devoid of any affiliation to the other political organizations.


2. Immediately after the 2011 elections, the AFC solidly and publicly merged with the PNC to establish a core working group; comprising of key members of the PNC and AFC; to formulate collective strategies for their parliamentary presentations.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Merger of the progressive groups of the PPP/C and the PNC is a partnership for national unity.


That is a recipe for thieving. Constitutional reform must be first and foremost then any national unity. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

The AFC is quite the opposite, ...



1. AFC has reneged on its pre-2011 election focus to be and independent organization, devoid of any affiliation to the other political organizations.


2. Immediately after the 2011 elections, the AFC solidly and publicly merged with the PNC to establish a core working group; comprising of key members of the PNC and AFC; to formulate collective strategies for their parliamentary presentations.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by cain:

That's quite childish DG. 

Once a man, twice a child. After you reach a certain age, you start to pee yourself again and think like a baby. 

Mars....ask that Ole PNC Hydro Engineer (De Baby who now peeing in his pants)

(1) if Burnham personally sign his card to get a Job.

(2) If he would have gotten the Job as PNC Hydro Engineer if Forbes did not sign his Card.

Ask eee and yuh gon see Cry...Run...and Hide.


De Ole Funny Fella like Kwame....

posing as a spokesperson for Bharat & Donald.


How these Crazy PNC Hindus get so close to Freedom House???

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PNC <=> APNU <=> PNC cum AFC

? ? ?




Well known and open for all to see ...


PNC <=> APNU <=> PNC cum AFC




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