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You all come to a Christian country and want change it to make it a mini India.  It not going to work.  America is a melting pot society. You either American or you are not.  The successful Indians in the USA have embraced this idealogy. Sure you have the freedom to practice your religion but asking for a holiday is taking it too far. That is the problem with Guyana, people are more concerned with protecting their fiefdoms versus being Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member

And they migrated from countries where they could not live in or even attempted to make changes in its governance. These same people from all over the world want to influence the governance of the USA by supporting candidates who offers the same type of government they ran away from.

I say support Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Down with the others, a  useless bunch.

AS for the Afro-Americans, their support for Clinton should be carefully considered. The Black establishment now under the stewardship of Barack Obama has not done much for that body of electorate. All previous Democrat Presidents other than Johnson have neglected the Afro-American. It is worse for them today. These voters should consider their votes for Trump or Sanders. I hope young Afro-Americans be wise to the deceit of their elders and the Clintons.

I know both Sanders and Trump will have to address the Black voters, directly. For Sanders it is now. And for Trump, after he secures the Republican nomination.  

Right now for Trump, is to get all white people votes, even the ones Clinton has. 


Making America great AGAIN.


Vish M posted:
Mitwah posted:
Vish M posted:


Tonite at the Balwa Brother program at the Golden Terrace,


Check out for the detail and official Attendees

Balwa means a brawl in Hindi. When used as  Urdu it means an atheist or non believer. Malwa could be referring to a region of Madhya Pradesh.

Is this the best desecration you can do? 

Say thanks for the education nuh! Check it out with PT. Ramlall.

FC posted:

You all come to a Christian country and want change it to make it a mini India.  It not going to work.  America is a melting pot society. You either American or you are not.  The successful Indians in the USA have embraced this idealogy. Sure you have the freedom to practice your religion but asking for a holiday is taking it too far. That is the problem with Guyana, people are more concerned with protecting their fiefdoms versus being Guyanese.

What an ILLITERATE FOOL!!! You are beyond STUPID!! First, learn about the great America. If you are in America done let them know, they despise ILLITERATE, STUPID people!!!

Vish M posted:

I am wondering why a few have this negativity now.

Where were they when the Muslim community claimed 2 Holidays in NYC this Year?

The Muslims NEVER CLAIMED two holidays . The made their case and were granted it but Bloomberg vetoed it and when Di blaso became Mayer the raised it again and got it. The Muslim population in the NYC school sysyem is about 12%. that was the main reason it was granted.



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