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Ah yes, glorious summer has returned. The British have their Wimbledon. The French their Tour de France. The Americans their Triple Crown. And here we have the coolie Olympics.....Ducky Curry Competition. Where we can all display our curried prowess in the fields of fryin garam masala, bhunjalin, and simmering Muscovian type critters.


Years from now my kids can say "I remember I was at Ris Park where I saw de champions of curry face off for the main event. I remember it like it was yesterday"

Originally Posted by Freaky:
lmao de smell of garam masala in de air
Agina mootoo galore bring yuh duck gyal, all roads lead to Riis park


Coolie poets will immortalize the contest for curry supremacy thusly:



They came from shores most distant

The Hill upon fair Richmond seeking laurels of glory for Old Glory

Brampton carrying the maple leafed banner of Her Majesty's Canadian Dominions

All burning with desire to answer the question most great:

Whose curry shall reign supreme?

Let glorious battle begin in our contest most avian

Last edited by Former Member
Ode to Duck Curry

A hint of garam masala, and a burst of pungent heaven

You hit my tongue and I am in a daze

Dense and tantalizing , you taste so good

You never fail to amaze

Too much, and you ail my belly

Too little, and I crave for more

Oh, Duck Curry , what would I do without you?

Duck curry duck curry , you are the one I adore

I eat you by the handful

No roti to dip, wash the decadence astray

You are so rich, so incredibly delicious

No need for anything to stand in your way

Dear Duck Curry , you are my obsession

I could eat you day and night and never tire

I wish I could have you in infinite supply

Duck Curry, Duck Curry you are my only desire
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Shaitan, what are the requirements to rename Liberty Avenue? Also, suitable name suggestions are welcome.


Oh Lord. Ayuh got shot down when ayuh try fuh rename it "Cheddi Jagan Avenue." Yuh doan remember?


The process involves the local Community Board, the local Councilman, and then the City Council and then approval by the Mayor.


I don't see what's wrong with the name as it is now.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Ode to Duck Curry

A hint of garam masala, and a burst of pungent heaven

You hit my tongue and I am in a daze

Dense and tantalizing , you taste so good

You never fail to amaze

Too much, and you ail my belly

Too little, and I crave for more

Oh, Duck Curry , what would I do without you?

Duck curry duck curry , you are the one I adore

I eat you by the handful

No roti to dip, wash the decadence astray

You are so rich, so incredibly delicious

No need for anything to stand in your way

Dear Duck Curry , you are my obsession

I could eat you day and night and never tire

I wish I could have you in infinite supply

Duck Curry, Duck Curry you are my only desire

Freaky you are an absolute Freak for the duck.  Do you knock it down with a banks.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Duck curry competition is very popular. The need to advertised it on the billboard at lefferts Blvd and liberty ave. I need to get more involve to help maintain the artistry of applying masala to a duck. We need to erect a monument to honor the great chefs, past and present.






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