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RHTYSC, MS surpasses 2016 target of 300 programme /activities

Oct 06, 2016, Sports, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....rogrammesactivities/

The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club, MS has surpassed their 2016 target of 300 programmes/activities. The Club and its eight cricket Clubs achieved the 2016 target on Sunday 25th of September when it hosted the Rose Hall Town Cuisine Festival and a Public Concert to officially close the 46th anniversary celebration of Guyana’s smallest township. The Club during the month of September also broke the record for the most activities/programmes completed in a month. The Club completed a total of 52 programmes/activities surpassing its old record of 48 set in October, 2015 during the RHTY&SC Silver Jubilee anniversary celebration.
Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster who spearheaded each of the 300 programmes/activities stated that the Management and Members of Guyana’s leading youth and sports organisation are elated at achieving the 2016 target with over three months remaining in the year. He expressed confidence that the RHTY&SC and the cricket teams would be able to reach the once unreachable target of 400 activities for 2016. Among the activities that remains to be completed for the next three months are the Nasir Memorial 5/5 Cricket tournament, Edward B. Beharry Co. Ltd Say Yes/Say No Cricket Cup, Busta Champion of Champions 40 overs tournament, Tribute to Head teachers, Launching of Youth Review Magazine, Say No to Suicide Essay Competition, 2016 Christmas Village, Say No to Drugs Under 17 Cricket Tournament and the launching of an official Television video of the Rose Hall Town 46th anniversary celebration.
The Club Secretary/CEO stated that the entire membership has worked beyond the call of duty to make the RHTY&SC, MS the Club it is today after a simple birth in September, 1990. The Hard working Secretary/CEO hailed the contribution of Club Executive Anil Ramnarine, Mark Papannah, Terry Pike, Elizabeth Brusch Joyce Wiggins, Neville Beaton, Keith Hicks and Simon Naidu for their hard work in 2016.
Among the 300 programmes/activities completed so far in 2016 are Tribute to Heroes, Annual Awards Ceremony, Tribute to Outstanding Teachers, Tribute to Law Enforcement Officers, Annual TCL Cricket Academy, Republic Bank Summer Camp, Beharry Say No Campaign, GUYOIL Traffic Education Campaign, Ansa Mcal Award of Excellence, Gregory Gaskin Memorial Berbice Sports Award, Career and Business Fair, Rose Hall Town Cuisine Competition, Demerara Bank Spelling Bee, GBTI Tape-ball Competition, Youth Information Booklet, Rose Hall Town 46th Anniversary Booklet, Children Mash Parade, Distribution of $1M worth of school bags to less fortunate students, educational scholarships to students, medical outreaches, construction of all-weather practise concrete pitch, refurnishing of Club Office, Hand in Hand 5/5 Cricket tournament, Mother of the Year Event, Tribute to Fathers Programme, Anamayah Memorial Basketball Competition, Shane 5 a side football tournament, Rose Hall Tourist Posters, Rose Hall Town Television Documentary, Tribute to Senior Citizens, Tribute to Role Models, Hosting of West Indies Female Cricketers, Monthly feeding of the Poor, Tribute to Retired Teachers and publication of Say No to Crime stickers with Police members of the Police stations across Berbice.
The Club also distributed over $3M worth of clothing, footwear and food items to less fortunate families, donated items including bicycles, TV set, searching lights, educational materials and sporting equipment to the Guyana Police Force while schools, churches and NGO’s to date has received over $1M in trophies, medals and sport gears as part of the Club’s Say Yes to Sports Programme while over 30 youths were assisted to obtain employment. T
he Secretary/CEO issued an appeal to every Club Member to remain focused on the Club’s mandate to making a positive difference and to dedicate themselves to reaching the revised 2016 target of 400 programme/activities by the 30th of December. He also expressed profound gratitude to the Club’s numerous official sponsors and donors for their support in 2016 and specially mentioned the newly elected Mayor and Town Council of Rose Hall Town especially Mayor Vijai Ramoo, Deputy Mayor Dave Budhu and Caretaker of the Area β€˜H’ ground Steve Ramsingh. The Secretary also noted the assistance of the media especially DTV-8, LRTVS CH10, NCN TV and Radio, Guyana Times, Kaieteur News, TVG, Guyana Chronicle, News Room and News Update. The RHTY&SC would also like to specially acknowledge the assistance of journalists like Michael Khan, Gregory Rambarran, Franklyn Wilson, Claude David, Avinash Ramzan, Akeem Greene, John Ramsingh, Reaz Mohamed, Tanuja Raikha, Travis Seymour, Rajiv Bisnauth, Stephan Sookram, Tracey Khan Drakes and Leon Horatio.


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