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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

From what I'm observing SOCU's focus is on political opponents of the Granger administration rather than everyone in the past and present regardless of political affiliation. Why don't they investigate Brian Tiwari or Khemraj Ramjattan who allegedly provided legal services to Guysuco during the PPP years in government.  Let's bring out the files on everyone if we are serious about these audits.

Is it against the law to provide legal services to Guysuco? 

What a dumb question! Let's see what fees were paid to the attorney(s) and for what services.

The question is in response to a dumbass assertion. You stated that the man should be investigated for providing legal services to Guysuco.

An audit is to uncover errors and irregularities. Charging for legal services is not exempt from an audit since the fees could have been very high to facilitate major kickbacks. Learn something.

There is nothing for me to learn from a dunce like you. You made a stupid statement, now own up to it. If you're going to try and be a smartass, the first thing you need to ensure is that you're smart. In your case, you're nothing but a dunce so that makes you just an ass.

Calling me dunce does not make a dunce. If this government is sincere about an audit they would have hired an independent auditing firm free of political ties. The whole country is upset over hundreds of millions being paid to a group of PNC die-hards to conduct audits. If Guysuco is running at a deficit then an audit is supposed to check all cash outflows, including those spent on legal fees.  Take your bullshit statement to an intelligent person and they will tell you are just damn biased or stupid.


Don't worry about these PNC blackman scamps like Mars.

They are unleashing a very racist policy and will protect their own including any dirty Indo who are part of their family.

They are executing pages directly from the racist Dictator Burnham's part one playbook.

Mars is part of the PNC family, fete, sport and does not care about tomorrow. They are happy as long as Indos are discriminated against. In fact, they are now attacking Hindus.

These idiots cannot even run a cakeshop. They cannot even highlight one single economic achievement since taking office.

Even their boy TK was blasting them in one of his recent pieces as the economy declines with their anti business policies. The PNC/Mars are anti Indo and anti Development. They love to dig holes.

Take a look a Mars posts, when last did he post about an Indo achievement ? They come here and try to sell PNC racist BS.


Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

From what I'm observing SOCU's focus is on political opponents of the Granger administration rather than everyone in the past and present regardless of political affiliation. Why don't they investigate Brian Tiwari or Khemraj Ramjattan who allegedly provided legal services to Guysuco during the PPP years in government.  Let's bring out the files on everyone if we are serious about these audits.

Is it against the law to provide legal services to Guysuco? 

What a dumb question! Let's see what fees were paid to the attorney(s) and for what services.

The question is in response to a dumbass assertion. You stated that the man should be investigated for providing legal services to Guysuco.

An audit is to uncover errors and irregularities. Charging for legal services is not exempt from an audit since the fees could have been very high to facilitate major kickbacks. Learn something.

There is nothing for me to learn from a dunce like you. You made a stupid statement, now own up to it. If you're going to try and be a smartass, the first thing you need to ensure is that you're smart. In your case, you're nothing but a dunce so that makes you just an ass.

Calling me dunce does not make a dunce. If this government is sincere about an audit they would have hired an independent auditing firm free of political ties. The whole country is upset over hundreds of millions being paid to a group of PNC die-hards to conduct audits. If Guysuco is running at a deficit then an audit is supposed to check all cash outflows, including those spent on legal fees.  Take your bullshit statement to an intelligent person and they will tell you are just damn biased or stupid.

When you write crap that makes no sense, that's what makes you a dunce. I am just merely describing your asinine behavior. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guyana Rice Board has 16 Board Members, why were only 6 charged for an omission of an accounting procedure??

You really can't be that stupid or do I set my expectations of people too high? They were not charged for "an omission of an accounting procedure".

"Six former members of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) were held for questioning by the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) yesterday afternoon for allegedly omitting to record a “particular inflow of money” and they are expected to face charges today."

It means that they received money and they never made entries to show the money on the corporation's books. The money ended up in their pockets and that's why they are being charged. 

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

From what I'm observing SOCU's focus is on political opponents of the Granger administration rather than everyone in the past and present regardless of political affiliation. Why don't they investigate Brian Tiwari or Khemraj Ramjattan who allegedly provided legal services to Guysuco during the PPP years in government.  Let's bring out the files on everyone if we are serious about these audits.

Is it against the law to provide legal services to Guysuco? 

What a dumb question! Let's see what fees were paid to the attorney(s) and for what services.

The question is in response to a dumbass assertion. You stated that the man should be investigated for providing legal services to Guysuco.

An audit is to uncover errors and irregularities. Charging for legal services is not exempt from an audit since the fees could have been very high to facilitate major kickbacks. Learn something.

There is nothing for me to learn from a dunce like you. You made a stupid statement, now own up to it. If you're going to try and be a smartass, the first thing you need to ensure is that you're smart. In your case, you're nothing but a dunce so that makes you just an ass.

Calling me dunce does not make a dunce. If this government is sincere about an audit they would have hired an independent auditing firm free of political ties. The whole country is upset over hundreds of millions being paid to a group of PNC die-hards to conduct audits. If Guysuco is running at a deficit then an audit is supposed to check all cash outflows, including those spent on legal fees.  Take your bullshit statement to an intelligent person and they will tell you are just damn biased or stupid.


Don't worry about these PNC blackman scamps like Mars.

They are unleashing a very racist policy and will protect their own including any dirty Indo who are part of their family.

They are executing pages directly from the racist Dictator Burnham's part one playbook.

Mars is part of the PNC family, fete, sport and does not care about tomorrow. They are happy as long as Indos are discriminated against. In fact, they are now attacking Hindus.

These idiots cannot even run a cakeshop. They cannot even highlight one single economic achievement since taking office.

Even their boy TK was blasting them in one of his recent pieces as the economy declines with their anti business policies. The PNC/Mars are anti Indo and anti Development. They love to dig holes.

Take a look a Mars posts, when last did he post about an Indo achievement ? They come here and try to sell PNC racist BS.


I know them well Yuji.  They refused to admit the fact that Guyana was at the bottom of the economic and development ladder when the PNC left office in 1992. Any mention of the accomplishments of the PPP in two decades such as turning Guyana into a middle-income nation burns their treacherous souls like salt on the skin of Old Hige. They can only talk about corruption and racism with little or no evidence to substantiate. I would like to add that corruption existed under the PPP government but not on the scale that they would like us to believe.  I am sure you saw Carib stated the a few days ago that there was no corruption during Burnham's time.  This man pretends to be impartial but he is a fake like no other I've seen.  He lives to propagandize in the name of the PNC and Anti-Indianism.  We know that GECOM remained free and independent throughout those two decades of PPP's rule. The same cannot be said today with Granger at the helm. GECOM is facing a monster like never before. The PNC is deliberately creating a crisis to re-establish undemocratic rule reminiscent of the Burham era.  They are all sitting on their asses and ignoring this horrible development. Their partner, the AFC, is facing isolation at home and abroad.  The AFC's incessant barking is nothing more than barking from a toothless dog. The depraved faces of Moses and Ramjattan have betrayal written every where. Let them talk all they want to talk. The time is getting near when they will go down like a sinking ship with no hopes of any survivor.

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

From what I'm observing SOCU's focus is on political opponents of the Granger administration rather than everyone in the past and present regardless of political affiliation. Why don't they investigate Brian Tiwari or Khemraj Ramjattan who allegedly provided legal services to Guysuco during the PPP years in government.  Let's bring out the files on everyone if we are serious about these audits.

Is it against the law to provide legal services to Guysuco? 

What a dumb question! Let's see what fees were paid to the attorney(s) and for what services.

The question is in response to a dumbass assertion. You stated that the man should be investigated for providing legal services to Guysuco.

An audit is to uncover errors and irregularities. Charging for legal services is not exempt from an audit since the fees could have been very high to facilitate major kickbacks. Learn something.

There is nothing for me to learn from a dunce like you. You made a stupid statement, now own up to it. If you're going to try and be a smartass, the first thing you need to ensure is that you're smart. In your case, you're nothing but a dunce so that makes you just an ass.

Calling me dunce does not make a dunce. If this government is sincere about an audit they would have hired an independent auditing firm free of political ties. The whole country is upset over hundreds of millions being paid to a group of PNC die-hards to conduct audits. If Guysuco is running at a deficit then an audit is supposed to check all cash outflows, including those spent on legal fees.  Take your bullshit statement to an intelligent person and they will tell you are just damn biased or stupid.


Don't worry about these PNC blackman scamps like Mars.

They are unleashing a very racist policy and will protect their own including any dirty Indo who are part of their family.

They are executing pages directly from the racist Dictator Burnham's part one playbook.

Mars is part of the PNC family, fete, sport and does not care about tomorrow. They are happy as long as Indos are discriminated against. In fact, they are now attacking Hindus.

These idiots cannot even run a cakeshop. They cannot even highlight one single economic achievement since taking office.

Even their boy TK was blasting them in one of his recent pieces as the economy declines with their anti business policies. The PNC/Mars are anti Indo and anti Development. They love to dig holes.

Take a look a Mars posts, when last did he post about an Indo achievement ? They come here and try to sell PNC racist BS.


First of all, I don't belong to the PNC and I'm not black. Once someone does not subscribe to your racist bullshit they become black. You're so stupid that you can't mount a compelling argument so you resort to the "let's blame the black man" ideology. Ballahoo Brahmin, stick to conning unsuspecting people with your "religious readings" that you charge them a fortune for.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guyana Rice Board has 16 Board Members, why were only 6 charged for an omission of an accounting procedure??

You really can't be that stupid or do I set my expectations of people too high? They were not charged for "an omission of an accounting procedure".

"Six former members of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) were held for questioning by the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) yesterday afternoon for allegedly omitting to record a “particular inflow of money” and they are expected to face charges today."

It means that they received money and they never made entries to show the money on the corporation's books. The money ended up in their pockets and that's why they are being charged. 

The prosecutor said in court this morning in front of Ann McLellan that The charge is for omission of transactions to a ledger.  Not for missing money.  If the money ended up in their pockets as you are claiming, why weren't they charged for that??

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The prosecutor said in court this morning in front of Ann McLellan that The charge is for omission of transactions to a ledger.  Not for missing money.  If the money ended up in their pockets as you are claiming, why weren't they charged for that??

Stupid woman, of course there are ledger entries being omitted. The entries were supposed to be made for monies that were received and pocketed by the defendants. What else do you think the ledger entries were for, fool? The time when they go to lunch? I can't believe that people like you claim that you went to QC. You're a disgrace to the standards set by that impeccable organization.


For Bibi the nincompoop and the rest of the Piss Pot Porters.

Opposition parliamentarians, supporters on GYD$300 million fraud-related charges at GRDB


Former General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board, Jagnarine Singh.

Two opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) parliamentarians and four other supporters were Friday each granted GYD$500,000 bail for allegedly omitting from the general ledger of the Guyana Rice Development Board a total of GYD$362 million while they were board members of that entity.

The prosecution’s case is that they committed the offences during each of the calendar years of 2012,  2013, 2014 and 2015. They were not require to plea to the indictable charges.

Chief Magistrate, Ann Mc Lennan released them on GYD$500,000 bail each and ordered that they return to court on June 23, 201 by which time the prosecution is expected to have all its statements

intact. They were also required to lodge their passports.

PPP parliamentarian, Nigel Dharamlall

Those accused of the three offences are former General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), President of the Guyana Rice Producers Association and PPP parliamentarian, Dharamkumar Seeraj; former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and PPP parliamentarian, Nigel Dharamlall; former General Manager of the Guyana Oil Company, Badrie Persaud; Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Prema Roopnarine and PPP Organiser, Dhanlall Dhanraj.

In rejecting Special Prosecutor, Michael Somersall’s application for substantial bail and for them to lodge their passports and report to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) of the Guyana Police Force, defence lawyer, Anil Nandlall said

PPP Parliamentarian, Dharamkumar Seeraj

the charge does not indicate that they defrauded the GRDB and the “clerical error” was so “minuscule” that it was not picked up by the Auditor General, the auditing firm Nizam Ali and Sons or the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly. “They are charged not to defraud any sum of money. No sum of money is missing… That is a clerical function. If it is to be preferred, the omission to do so should not be placed at the feet of the Board of Directors,” said Nandlall. He said a logical question that has to be asked is why only six of the 15 Board members were selected and identified for charges.

“These charges, you have, are selective, in my humble view, they are vindictive,” he added. However, a senior SOCU official said the amounts connected to the charges were in a hidden bank account uncovered by forensic auditors.

Former General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board, Badrie Persaud

Representing Dhanraj; Attorney-at-Law, Priya Manickchand said her client had been scheduled to address a PPP public meeting. “He is of the view that why the charges were made yesterday was to stop him from speaking,” she said, adding that his appearance was postponed.

Details of the charges are that between  January 1 and December 31, 2012  with intent to defraud they omitted or concurred to be omitted GYD$77.3 million from the general ledger of the GRDB’s Republic Bank account for Agriculture Life Skills programme. They allegedly committed similar offences January 1 and December 31, 2013, amounting to GYD$9.7 million; between January 1 and December 31, 2014  for GYD$130 million from the said account and GYD$145 million from the same Republic Bank account.

PPP organiser, Dhanlall Dhanraj

After the bail was granted, the accused persons were not passed through the prisoners’ chute of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, but were instead allowed to walk down the stairs. They were not handcuffed or shackled.

After a few moments, they were placed in a cell with several persons who were detained for unrelated offences.

The courtroom was virtually packed with SOCU officials, family members of the accused and officials of the People’s Progressive Party including lawmakers Juan Edghill, Zulfikar Mustapha and Irfan Ali.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The prosecutor said in court this morning in front of Ann McLellan that The charge is for omission of transactions to a ledger.  Not for missing money.  If the money ended up in their pockets as you are claiming, why weren't they charged for that??

Stupid woman, of course there are ledger entries being omitted. The entries were supposed to be made for monies that were received and pocketed by the defendants. What else do you think the ledger entries were for, fool? The time when they go to lunch? I can't believe that people like you claim that you went to QC. You're a disgrace to the standards set by that impeccable organization.

Dirty liar - show me where I said I went to QC. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The prosecutor said in court this morning in front of Ann McLellan that The charge is for omission of transactions to a ledger.  Not for missing money.  If the money ended up in their pockets as you are claiming, why weren't they charged for that??

Stupid woman, of course there are ledger entries being omitted. The entries were supposed to be made for monies that were received and pocketed by the defendants. What else do you think the ledger entries were for, fool? The time when they go to lunch? I can't believe that people like you claim that you went to QC. You're a disgrace to the standards set by that impeccable organization.

Dirty liar - show me where I said I went to QC. 

with a mouth like yours you went to garmont 

FC posted:
Drugb posted:

I don't believe any of us want to support any thiefman. If the PNC find these folks stealing then they should be jailed. What we are concerned about is that they are posturing for political gain. They promised the PNc support base Indians head on a stick. Now they failed to deliver after 2 years with the economy in free fall. Let the chips fall where they may. 

I agree with your statement regarding not supporting thieves. They are innocent but until proven guilty in a court of law. They will have their day in court.

then you jail them 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The prosecutor said in court this morning in front of Ann McLellan that The charge is for omission of transactions to a ledger.  Not for missing money.  If the money ended up in their pockets as you are claiming, why weren't they charged for that??

Stupid woman, of course there are ledger entries being omitted. The entries were supposed to be made for monies that were received and pocketed by the defendants. What else do you think the ledger entries were for, fool? The time when they go to lunch? I can't believe that people like you claim that you went to QC. You're a disgrace to the standards set by that impeccable organization.

Dirty liar - show me where I said I went to QC. 

You stated many times here that you went to QC but if you really didn't go there then I won't doubt you either. Up to the other day, you were having a conversation with GTAngler when he said something about a female prefect treating him badly in detention. You said that it wasn't you but you did treat Frank Anthony a bit rough when he was at QC and you were a prefect there. Many times you also complained about being a part of QCAANY when their members were "all PNC". However, you do behave as though you were educated in a fish market so you could be lying just as you lied about attending NYU. 


"The prosecution’s case is that they committed the offences during each of the calendar years of 2012,  2013, 2014 and 2015. They were not require to plea to the indictable charges."

"Anil Nandlall said the charge does not indicate that they defrauded the GRDB and the “clerical error” was so “minuscule” that it was not picked up by the Auditor General, the auditing firm Nizam Ali and Sons or the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly.

“They are charged not to defraud any sum of money. No sum of money is missing… That is a clerical function. If it is to be preferred, the omission to do so should not be placed at the feet of the Board of Directors,” said Nandlall.

He said a logical question that has to be asked is why only six of the 15 Board members were selected and identified for charges.

“These charges, you have, are selective, in my humble view, they are vindictive,” he added.

However, a senior SOCU official said the amounts connected to the charges were in a hidden bank account uncovered by forensic auditors."


The question is what was the motive for the money to be deposited in a hidden bank account and under who authorization.


You bannas missing the big picture here.

A lot of what we are seeing is mostly people of one race being hauled into court. Maybe they are guilty, maybe they are not. We will see. Certainly the audits are not done by persons of independent minds, and SOCU is led by an Afrocentric group of people intent on fulfilling a mission, which, as far as it seems, is designed partly to humiliate members of the PPP, and create a Black dominant ruling class.     

AS A JUSTIFICATION, there are many Afros who keep saying that the PPP only hired Indos (which is not true based on my unscientific research) for 23 years so this is a reality and this is acceptable. Its like the history of Guyana started in 1992 and nothing the PPP did was ever for the good of this country.

I have said this before...perception trumps everything. This government has given up its social cohesion promotion and the majority of Indians do not believe that this government is serious about uniting the country. The PNC supporters and sympathizers are happy at what they are seeing don't see or don't care about this despite the pretense shown by Granger and company. Its as if the PNC never did any wrong.  They are willing to erase the pre-1992 history of Guyana.

Guyana badly needs an intervention, one that recognizes that as long as the current humiliation continues, Indians will not support any other party but the PPP.  So where does this leave the PNC and its strategy?

Its one thing to clean up the mess of a previous government, but its quite another when this current regime is setting the mechanisms in place to ensure that they are not deprived of power anytime soon.

Maybe, its time that Indians resort to more militant actions to gain respect.

Whatever happens, you knuckleheads here will continue to trash talk each other while Guyana burns.


Bibi appears to be a fraud like the PPP. I thought she claimed to attend QC and and an Ivy League school.  For sure not Ivy League material on display more like community college.

FC posted:

Bibi appears to be a fraud like the PPP. I thought she claimed to attend QC and and an Ivy League school.  For sure not Ivy League material on display more like community college.

In her sick and demented mind, CUNY is NYU.

CUNY is a New York university but not the NYU.

Last edited by Mars

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