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Drugb posted:
Django posted:

You always have confirmed this and that,

Mars is Portuguese,his family were Businessmen in Georgetown,built by "the old fashioned way"

He got black in him with Portuguese.  These were weak folks who felt they were better than Indian and Black. They couldn't handle the work in the fields. 

Look who is talking about weak. You look like you been running from the neighborhood dogs all your life. One would think you are a kenyan distance runner except they would be more healthy looking.

yuji22 posted:

If you have proof, post a picture, until then, he is black. No more smoke and mirrors at GNI.

BTW, Mars is closely related to the PNC family, in fact, he was born into the PNC family. I have confirmed sources and I am taking advantage of my sources from now on.

Mars is a tall and handsome Portuguese and can probably star in a James Bond thriller. I don't know what kind of family he was born into. We hear some pretend to be PPP but also support PNC.   

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

If you have proof, post a picture, until then, he is black. No more smoke and mirrors at GNI.

BTW, Mars is closely related to the PNC family, in fact, he was born into the PNC family. I have confirmed sources and I am taking advantage of my sources from now on.

Mars is a tall and handsome Portuguese and can probably star in a James Bond thriller. I don't know what kind of family he was born into. We hear some pretend to be PPP but also support PNC.

Can be vice-versa too.

Django posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

If you have proof, post a picture, until then, he is black. No more smoke and mirrors at GNI.

BTW, Mars is closely related to the PNC family, in fact, he was born into the PNC family. I have confirmed sources and I am taking advantage of my sources from now on.

Mars is a tall and handsome Portuguese and can probably star in a James Bond thriller. I don't know what kind of family he was born into. We hear some pretend to be PPP but also support PNC.

Can be vice-versa too.

Or The United Farce.

Mars posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

Mars is a tall and handsome Portuguese and can probably star in a James Bond thriller. I don't know what kind of family he was born into. We hear some pretend to be PPP but also support PNC.

Can be vice-versa too.

Or The United Farce.

And just look at that.  All these years many thought you had little-to-no  sense of humor!

Django posted:
cain posted:

My P.I told me that yugli and bibi is the same tranny posting as two porter racists.

Y'all better at speculating than science fiction writers. Soon y'all gon seh Bibi was born on Mars and yuji on UrANUS.

Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

Dummy Mars, did you read and understand the Girl said she never stated that she attended NYU. Or you are simply that STUPID???

His uncanny obsession with me and where I went to school is disturbing.  Meanwhile, I don't and never cared about him and where he went to school.   I'm gonna have to look in my rear view mirrors next time I am on the road.  Some real creeps on here.

Don't reveal information to these folks. They are wicked, especially thatMars d2. 

I knew all along. He proudly proclaims that he is black as D2 and denies that he is black as Mars.

This chap has 100 handles.

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

these ppp fools think that any one that criticize  the ppp is black they cannot get it in their racist mind that there is people that have principles  

Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Straight up mongrel and proud of it.  None of that recessive genes coming back to haunt me. Not because you have never seen me means no one here has ever met me. You make too many hasty generalizations.  As for lies; you make the cliched idea of your picture to illustrate the word seem novel.

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

Shut you racist dalit mouth.

Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

Shut you racist dalit mouth.

Did you brush your teeth this morning ?

yuji22 posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

Dude, I am not I am not portuguese amerindian. I am Indo/white/amerind  as Lenora can affirm. I am brown skinned-colored and don't  in any damn way can be  considered indian or portuguese in appearance

In other words you can be described as a mongrel.  No one here has ever seen you so it is quite likely that you and Mars are one and the same. I noticed similarities in the writing style at times even as you tried to disguise it. The problem with lying is that soon enough your lies will catch up with you.

Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

Shut you racist dalit mouth.

Did you brush your teeth this morning ?

I could forget it and still be fine. The problem here is if you know how to do it well since you probably grow up doing it with black sage in addition to your trench water.

yuji22 posted:
Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

Hello, Lord of Lies, lay off Mars and D2. Aren't there more important issues to comment on? Today's papers say bandits shot a pandit in his home at Prospect, EBD. Doesn't that bother you?

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mars/D2 has a lying trait which is pretty obvious in many posts. He/They need to tone down the lies and engage in a more objective manner.

Hello, Lord of Lies, lay off Mars and D2. Aren't there more important issues to comment on? Today's papers say bandits shot a pandit in his home at Prospect, EBD. Doesn't that bother you?

I have time and time again stated that Ramjattan should be fired, he is useless.

I cry everyday for my Indo brothers and sisters slaughtered by bandits and have ZERO recourse and protection by this racist and useless administration.

My in-laws place in Guyana was broken into and it did not make headlines. I am just holding back in expressing my feelings about this government but I am patient enough and waiting for 2020. They (AFC/PNC) will face one of the biggest backlashes seen in Guyana's history.

Glen Lall will rot in jail in 2021 for stealing $ 250 millions of taxpayers monies. He is refusing to report the actual crimes against Indos in Guyana because of his fear that they (PNC) will send him to jail in shackles if he cannot repay the $ 250 million.

We have to withstand and bear the pressure for another two to three years for the return of our people's protection and freedoms.

BTW Gilly, D2 and Mars are quite capable of defending themselves. 

Honourable Yuji

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bla bla bla....... I am just holding back in expressing my feelings about this government but I am patient enough and waiting for 2020. 

Say what...You holding back????? I would hate to read your wailing when you let loose and crap your diaper.

Last edited by cain
Stormborn posted:

Straight up mongrel and proud of it.  None of that recessive genes coming back to haunt me. Not because you have never seen me means no one here has ever met me. You make too many hasty generalizations.  As for lies; you make the cliched idea of your picture to illustrate the word seem novel.

I met you at the nuff drugb race. 


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