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May 23, 2016 Source

Exports of rice to Europe have surged this year, making up for the loss of the Venezuelan market but farmers have seen lower prices for paddy compared to the same period last year.

According to data provided by the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), total exports for the period January to March 2016 were 93,531 tonnes compared to 88,285 tonnes for the same period last year.

The figures show that 63,890 tonnes of rice went to Europe the first three months of this year compared to 19,426 tonnes for the same period last year. Whereas Latin America – mainly Venezuela – accounted for 45,971 tonnes of exports for the first three months in 2015, the figure this year is only 12,710, reflecting the loss of the Venezuelan market following the end of the barter arrangement under the PetroCaribe fuel deal. For the first three months of this year, exports to Caricom totalled 16,886 tonnes compared to 20,831 tonnes for the same period last year. The GRDB did not provide the value of the exports this year compared to last year.

The price for paddy has been an increasing worry for the farmers as they have complained about the low figures they are receiving from the millers.

In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015.

The GRDB information showed that the Santa Fe farm in the Rupununi owned by Barbadian investors produced a yield far in excess of producers in other parts of the country.

In the spring crop of 2015, Santa Fe sowed 628.3 acres of rice and produced 93,120 bags of paddy. This translated into a yield per hectare of 148.2 bags and a tonnes per hectare yield of 9.4. No other part of the country produced anywhere near this yield.  Golden Grove/Mahaica which sowed just over 1,041 acres for the crop produced a yield of only 108.7 bags per hectare and a tonnes per hectare yield of 6.9.  West Berbice’s acreage of 19,646 tonnes yielded 89.5 bags per hectare or 5.7 tonnes per hectare.

For the spring crop of 2016, Santa Fe was again a good performer even if at a lower yield but was edged out by Baiboo/Cane Grove. Of the 245 acres sown by Santa Fe as of the 25th of April, a yield of 118.8 bags per hectare or 7.5 tonnes per hectare was achieved. Of 2,388 acres sown by Baiboo/Cane Grove as of April 25th, a yield of 119.1 bags of paddy per hectare or 7.6 tonnes per hectare was achieved.

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"In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015."

But Nagomootoo promised them $9,000 per bag!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015."

But Nagomootoo promised them $9,000 per bag!!!!!!!

Question for you,who fix the pricing for paddy in Guyana the Government or the Rice Millers.


You need to ask your PNC boys that.  I am sure they will tell you.  But since I know the answer here is how it goes.  The growers sell their paddy to the millers who in turn sell the milled rice to the Rice Board for a price that is set by the GOVERNMENT!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You need to ask your PNC boys that.  I am sure they will tell you.  But since I know the answer here is how it goes.  The growers sell their paddy to the millers who in turn sell the milled rice to the Rice Board for a price that is set by the GOVERNMENT!!!!!!

That price is driven by market forces,click on link for current pricing

After your analysis point out who are under paying the farmers.

Mr.T posted:

Well it didn't take long for the PPP to blame the government for the world price on rice .

The PPP guys can only fool the farmers,i have a friend [green card holder over 20 yrs lives in Guyana]who plants close to 100 acres of rice will get some info from him and do an analysis.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015."

But Nagomootoo promised them $9,000 per bag!!!!!!!

If Nagamootoo made promises for prices he was a fraud.  If the rice farmers believed him, they are idiots.

This is what happens when a private industry becomes dependent on the gov't.

1.  They become subject to political manipulation.

2. They lose sense of market realities.   Whining for Venezuela is pure nonsense.  Higher prices were paid when oil was $100/barrel.  Now its at less than $50.  As is the Suriname farmers, who took over, are being paid less.  This because the determining factor for the rice price is the oil price, which has dropped sharply.

The rice industry has to understand that it is a commodity, and prices will reflect market realities. Given that Guyana is a minute producer they will always be price takers. Either the Guyanese rice industry adjusts to those realities, or they get out of the business of producing rice.

Now you can resume your "black man a starve ahbe", but it doesn't solve the problem.  You can also listen to Jagdeo's lies.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015."

But Nagomootoo promised them $9,000 per bag!!!!!!!

Well, he left them holding the bag!

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"In Region Two, the price ranges from $2,300 – $2,400 per bag in 2016, as compared to its $2,000 – $3,000  in 2015. In Region 3 the price ranges from $2,400 – $2,800 as compared to $2,000 – $3,200 in 2015. In Regions 4 and 5, the prices range from $1,800 to $2,500 as compared to $2,700 to $3,000 in 2015. The figures also showed a drop in Region Six as the price ranged from $2,200 to $2,400 as compared to $2,600 to 2,800 in 2015."

But Nagomootoo promised them $9,000 per bag!!!!!!!

Well, he left them holding the bag!

I think you are Bibi.


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