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Rick Perry embraces violent Jewish extremists

By Max Blumenthal

Yesterday, I attended Rick Perry’s press conference at the W Hotel in New York City, where the Texas Governor and Republican presidential frontrunner denounced President Barack Obama for supposedly “appeasing” America’s enemies in the Middle East and failing to sufficiently support Israel. The Perry appearance was timed to pre-empt Obama’s speech at the UN in which the President would reject Palestinian demands for statehood.

The most remarkable aspect of Perry’s press conference was the cast of characters that assembled behind the Governor while he spoke. To Perry’s immediate right was Assemblyman Dov Hikind, the former leader of the Jewish Defense League, a terrorist group responsible for bombing attacks on numerous Arab-American targets and a conspiracy to murder Republican Rep. Darrell Issa. While Hikind’s collaborator Victor Vancier spent ten years in jail for firebomb attacks, Hikind was suspected by the FBI of numerous terror attacks of his own. After issuing numerous stentorian condemnations of terror, Perry handed the mic over to Hikind, who exclaimed, “I heard the Governor’s speeches and I said to myself, ‘He sounds like me!’” The two engaged in a sustained hug before a giant media gaggle.

To Perry’s left was Dr. Solomon “Joe” Frager, who was listed on official Perry press material as the organizer of the press conference. Frager is the Chairman of the Jerusalem Reclamation Project, a front group for the Ateret Cohanim organization that steals Palestinian property in East Jerusalem and hands it over to fanatically religious Jewish families. They are the spearhead of Israel’s slow motion ethnic cleansing of Silwan and the Old City. For a glimpse at the zealotry, racism and sheer sleaziness behind Ateret Cohanim’s operation, watch Louis Theroux’s excellent BBC documentary, “The Ultra-Zionists,” which follows Ateret Cohanim’s man-on-the-ground Daniel Luria as he personally orchestrates the theft of Palestinian homes.

Surrounding Perry was a sundry assortment of Jewish Israeli extremists, from Knesset Deputy Speaker Danny Danon, who advocates annexing the West Bank to punish the Palestinian Authority for pursuing statehood, to Member of Knesset Nissim Zeev, a settler from the Shas Party who has proposed “rehab centers” for homosexuals.

None of the reporters I talked to afterwards seemed to know who any of Perry’s “pro-Israel” supporters were, and very few even cared. And nothing I have read so far about the event in the mainstream American media noted that it was planned by a key orchestrator of Palestinian home seizures in occupied territory, or that Perry embraced the former leader of a group listed by the FBI as a terrorist organization. To get a sense of the kind of coverage Perry earned from the mainstream press, read Politico’s Ben Smith, who described Perry’s speech as “moderate” and “centrist.” Meanwhile, the liberal groups that howled in protest when Perry hosted a prayer rally in Houston with Christian right leaders have virtually ignored Perry’s embrace of the Jewish extreme right.

It goes without saying that if an American politician meets with any Muslim or Arab leader, they will invite vehement denunciations from their opponents and face intense scrutiny from the mainstream press. This is why Obama has not visited a single mosque during his entire term as President (former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said Obama was avoiding Muslims “out of sensitivity to the Jewish vote”). When a politician like Perry who surrounds himself with violent Jewish extremists before the national press corps, however, he is lauded as a “centrist” and treated as a serious contender.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Do not decry what has been an opening left by Arab leaders. Every fundamentalist Jew is against an Palestinian state which has been framed ( contrary to the reality) as an Arab potential state hence pro Muslim. Every Fundamentalist Muslim ideology is anti American and not merely anti Israel so the "the enemy of my enemy principle" is easily sold.

Further, even moderate Muslims have a serious problem. The idea of America is as a secular state. Also that it has a legacy of rejection of the monism of religious fundamentalism and that its embrace of religious plurality is a consequence of long suffering at the monism of catholic fundamentalism and later the factionalism of emergent protestant reaction to it.

Muslims cannot being themselves to see there is a possibility of secular ideas having equal footing as religious life and seem at war with other religions. Just go on U-tube and see the preponderance of self approbation of Muslims in the he-hawing with respect to conversion. Christians care no less a about conversions as it is their imperative but they do not care to post similar vids as they are pre eminently confident in their skin that they have a viable and valid message. There is not need to brag

Which politician in his right mind would be seen as channeling the Muslim vote when Muslims will immediately go on a self congratulatory binge that it is the supremacy of Islamic message that is the lure and not the fact the Politician may just be pandering as they usually do or that they may be honestly looking at them as good citizens and a viable voting block rather than as Muslims particularly.

Dont lament the leeway given fundamentalist and often wrong headed Jewish folks are an easier group to deal with by a politician as Perry than a Muslim. Muslims need to overcome the latent sentiment that Islam means incompatibility with devolved federalist democratic creed and especially that America as a secular and religiously plural nation. There is a lack of leadership here.
Originally posted by D2:
Do not decry what has been an opening left by Arab leaders. Every fundamentalist Jew is against an Palestinian state which has been framed ( contrary to the reality) as an Arab potential state hence pro Muslim. Every Fundamentalist Muslim ideology is anti American and not merely anti Israel so the "the enemy of my enemy principle" is easily sold.

Further, even moderate Muslims have a serious problem. The idea of America is as a secular state. Also that it has a legacy of rejection of the monism of religious fundamentalism and that its embrace of religious plurality is a consequence of long suffering at the monism of catholic fundamentalism and later the factionalism of emergent protestant reaction to it.

Muslims cannot being themselves to see there is a possibility of secular ideas having equal footing as religious life and seem at war with other religions. Just go on U-tube and see the preponderance of self approbation of Muslims in the he-hawing with respect to conversion. Christians care no less a about conversions as it is their imperative but they do not care to post similar vids as they are pre eminently confident in their skin that they have a viable and valid message. There is not need to brag

Which politician in his right mind would be seen as channeling the Muslim vote when Muslims will immediately go on a self congratulatory binge that it is the supremacy of Islamic message that is the lure and not the fact the Politician may just be pandering as they usually do or that they may be honestly looking at them as good citizens and a viable voting block rather than as Muslims particularly.

Dont lament the leeway given fundamentalist and often wrong headed Jewish folks are an easier group to deal with by a politician as Perry than a Muslim. Muslims need to overcome the latent sentiment that Islam means incompatibility with devolved federalist democratic creed and especially that America as a secular and religiously plural nation. There is a lack of leadership here.

Then you should address the media who make it a point to paint the Palestinians as Muslims and their conflict with Israel as a Muslim/Jewish conflict when a vast portion of Palestinians are Christians. Like Hannan Ashwari said last week on 'This Week ..." that the Palestians are not interested in a Muslim Palestine and a Christian Palestine like Israel wants to be seen as a Jewish state, She asked if Israel wants to change their name to as he seem so preoccupied by their Jewish indentity. Prior to the ceration of Israel and it's subsequent raping of Palestinian lands, Muslims, Christians and Jews lived there with no more than normal neighborlike issues. It wis where the Jews were rescued to when they were being hunted down during the Spanish Inquistion.
Originally posted by D2:
I am answering a post on a website and not particularly concerned with making a point to the media.

My mistake. I somehow had two thoughts mixed up when I read yours.

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