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POLICE have issued a wanted bulletin for US-based political commentator and ally of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), Rickford Burke.

According to a Friday evening release, Burke is wanted for questioning in relation to a number of offenses including inciting racial hostility, sedition, seditious libel, using a computer to coerce and intimidate, inciting provocation of a breach of the peace, and inciting public terror.

The Cyber Crime Act was passed under the previous APNU+AFC government and assented to by former President David Granger. Despite public outcry against the potential of the sedition clause to silence critics of the then-government, former Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan in 2018 had maintained the clause was necessary.

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Guyanese police issue wanted notice for New York-based anti-government activist

Friday, 3 December 2021

Chairman 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration Committee (New York), Rickford Burke delivering remarks at Newark, New Jersey. (file picture)

The Guyana Police Force on Friday issued a wanted notice for New York-based anti-government activist, Rickford Burke, who has consistently labelled the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration racist, suggested the need for war and more recently has called for the partition of Guyana.

Police say that Mr. Burke is wanted for several listed and unlisted offences. They include the excitement of hostility or ill-will on the grounds of  race in violation of the Racial Hostility Act; sedition, use of a computer system to intimidate in violation of the Cyber Crime Act; seditious libel, inciting the provocation of the breach of peace, and inciting public terror.

Several months ago, Mr. Burke had complained to New York Police that Attorney General Anil Nandlall had allegedly perpetrated aggravated harassment against him.

In August, 2021, senior representatives of United States law enforcement agencies had visited Guyana and had held talks with the Attorney General on a range of areas. Those included deportations and β€œthe prosecution of fugitives who may have committed offences in either Guyana or the USA, or in both countries.”

Mr. Burke, who has been meeting with a number of American lawmakers, had earlier this year organised a march and rally at which several leading members of the People’s National Congress Reform had spoken. About two months ago, he had also organised a protest against Governance Minister Gail Teixeira and Prime Minister Mark Phillips during their visit to New York.

Mr. Burke’s central focus continues to be alleged racial discrimination by the mainly Indo-Guyanese backed PPP against Afro-Guyanese.


Dem fellas at the Backdam using the computer to incite and intimidate the PNC.

Dem should be wanted too.

I think Black people should opt for Partition, they deserve their own country. I hope they do it quick before Sydney King is called home. Also Forbes prodigy Granger, should see the Golden Arrow Head flutter in the Afro land and space that a wind unlike no other keeps it high in the sky.

Guyana is a lost country, not of circumstances but of bigotry.

May the best bigot win. And may they be tolerant of the besiezed.

Last edited by seignet

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