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@Rochelle posted:

I'll be attending his event this evening. Looking forward to it!

When is the swearing in of Granger?

The man Burke so much into his Black Power shyte he exposes his racism. Does he think he will pull wool over Nancy Pelosi eyes?  Does he think he has more say than the US foreign services and the US ambassador?  Does he have more influence than the Carter Center?  Does he have more influence than Bill Clinton who admitted the US made a catastrophic error giving the PNC a blank check pre-1992.

That banna Burke think he is big and bad in the White Man country.  Just watching the display on TV today, Black Bullyism. The PNC Blacks pumped up over BLM.


This is all about a group of Guyanese Blacks bullying an entire nation. This bullying started under Burnham and this dirty action was continued by Hoyte and now Granger is teaching blacks that it's OK to cheat, rob and disrespect the laws, constitution and the will of the people.

I have news for the shameless people backing this racist and illegal cabal, it ain't going to happen. This time na laang time, dis na day before time.

Kulie of today are not like Kulie of yesterday, Let Granger try to swear in illegally and he will have to face the international community and the Majority of voters who elected the PPP.

Fire in de wire. Hey hey hey.  


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

This is all about a group of Guyanese Blacks bullying an entire nation. This bullying started under Burnham and this dirty action was continued by Hoyte and now Granger is teaching blacks that it's OK to cheat, rob and disrespect the laws, constitution and the will of the people.

I have news for the shameless people backing this racist and illegal cabal, it ain't going to happen. This time na laang time, dis na day before time.

Kulie of today are not like Kulie of yesterday, Let Granger try to swear in illegally and he will have to face the international community and the Majority of voters who elected the PPP.

Fire in de wire. Hey hey hey.  


The BLM movement is also trying to bully Americans with the help of some Politicians who are looking for the black vote.


I don't have a problem with Rickford.  He is doing his job. What I got a problem with are the black racists who will use these issues to do racial harm to poor defenseless Koolies who do not have the resources to have access to firearms, ammunition, explosives, and private security to protect themselves from racial hate violence. Koolies of Guyana do not have the type of racial unity needed to defend themselves against racial attacks from a united racial group.  As a result, it is like the Indian army on the Chinese border.  One Indian soldier verses 50 China Chinaman soldiers. 

Last edited by Prashad

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