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Former Member

How do you decide that my thread belong to social? Was I chatting about making sugarcake?


It's was about our National Stadium and my observation.

Source: Cobra


I have witness threads like mine posted here many times including you, and stayed on political. What happen to all the Happy/sad Friday thread?


Everyday you making yourself lower in standard.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP establishment of the Providence Stadium has given Guyanese much excitement and a sense of relief under a stressful life of the unrecognizable PNC regime. For once I have seen Guyanese in a happy state of mind after the Guyana Amazon Warriors won the play off to enter into the second leg of the semi-final.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Yet the esteemed and honourable Administrator / Raymond sees it fit to leave this thread by Kari permanently on the political forum.


Thread -- D_G's 10 most inane threads


Source --

Now who is being "myopic", eh? Physician, heal thyself! Every one of your asinine threads ought to be moved to social, or flat out canned! This is a political forum where you post HUNDREDS of threads having NOTHING to do with politics and reply to them all by your lil lonesome self.


Either you are senile, stupid, demented, a doofus, or a combination. Or maybe grossly self centered with some bizarre need to see your name and Harrison Ford's pic (can we say man crush?) everywhere. As I write there are no fewer than TWELVE topics of yours on the first page, many having nothing to do with politics.


No wonder the contributions have fallen significantly and hardly anyone bothers to come here to wade thru all your shit threads.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Where did you ever get that from my posting? Or you do think there s/b a "whine an bitch" forum for you?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Where did you ever get that from my posting? Or you do think there s/b a "whine an bitch" forum for you?

Was this thread address to you? Your name if RiffRaff? or you just like pot salt?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Keep my name out of your posts you racist low life. Don't want to contaminate myself!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Where did you ever get that from my posting? Or you do think there s/b a "whine an bitch" forum for you?

Was this thread address to you? Your name if RiffRaff? or you just like pot salt?

ID 10 T,  who the heck do u think you answered to in green?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I was supposed to move another thread, not yours...I'll bring it back

 Make a new forum called
"Whine an' Bitch" then move all his threads there.

Next time I call for a new moderator, I will remember that you and Itaname shows interest to take away riffraff job.

Keep my name out of your posts you racist low life. Don't want to contaminate myself!

He gon say he didn't talk to you.

Originally Posted by cain:

He gon say he didn't talk to you.

Never in my time on the internet have I encountered such a bizarre combination of racism and abject stupidity in a person as in Cobra. DG runs a close 2nd in the stupidity department, which is a shame. Cobra is inbred so he has an excuse of sorts.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This thread serves it purpose. Yall do whatever you want with it.

...same thing yuh duz seh after yuh tek dem people money fuh "immigration" papers nah bai?

It didn't take you long to bring people's business into your conversation. You recognized who are idiots and name them, but you never look at what you're for talking things you don't know about. I guess we should have a gossip forum for you specially. I never thought men get into these kinds of gossips. GNI do bring out the best and worst of people.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This thread serves it purpose. Yall do whatever you want with it.

...same thing yuh duz seh after yuh tek dem people money fuh "immigration" papers nah bai?

It didn't take you long to bring people's business into your conversation. You recognized who are idiots and name them, but you never look at what you're for talking things you don't know about. I guess we should have a gossip forum for you specially. I never thought men get into these kinds of gossips. GNI do bring out the best and worst of people.'re the chief antiman on this site bai. Second the motion for you to have your own forum -


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