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Former Member

It was a national Disgrace as to what some are calling rigging in Iowa. Instead of falsely claiming foreign interference, this party needs to get its act together and stop disgracing themselves.

Every candidate declared victory 

Are these the people who want to govern America ? GECOM can do a better than them. This is a national disgrace.

MAGA. Trump in 2020 !!!!!

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Like dem Democrats get you all stressed out. 7 hours ago and you were up pacing from your kitchen to the living room not knowing what to do. Nah worry Bhai, you follow the genius idiot who cannot differentiate a windmill from a wind turbine and a fence from a wall. What a genius! This man would have put Einstein to shame.


This alleged rigging appears to deliberately keep Bernie out ? 

The last time they cheated Bernie, his base stayed home and handed Trump a delicious victory. 

Are we seeing a repeat of the Democrat party doing the same to Bernie again ? With Biden underperforming, declaring this an international disgrace is an understatement.

This is worse than coronavirus !

Quote by President Trump:

"If the Democrats can’t run a #caucus that they had four years to prepare for, how the hell can anyone think they could actually run the country?" Donald Trump, Jr., tweeted.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

I understand Hillary Clinton is hoping to get Berney out of the race for some apparent reasons. Could it be that she wanted to push for Biden or make room for Bloomberg to go against Trump? The Clintons are still powerful and can have a hand on the Democratic outcome.   

Bam ! You hit the nail on the head. Biden failed very badly in Iowa.

There are forces behind this alleged rigging.

Prince posted:

I understand Hillary Clinton is hoping to get Berney out of the race for some apparent reasons. Could it be that she wanted to push for Biden or make room for Bloomberg to go against Trump? The Clintons are still powerful and can have a hand on the Democratic outcome.   

Hillary still pissed that Bernie delayed endorsing her in 2016. Now there in bad blood with pretty girl Tulsie. Tulsie recently joined the Bernie camp.  

The Clintons may be able to shape the Democratic candidate.  However, that’s where it ends. Any Hillary candidate will suffer her fate.  

Prince posted:

I understand Hillary Clinton is hoping to get Berney out of the race for some apparent reasons. Could it be that she wanted to push for Biden or make room for Bloomberg to go against Trump? The Clintons are still powerful and can have a hand on the Democratic outcome.   

Yes.  That’s exactly what’s happening. Repeat of 2016.  Same strategy at play will deliver the same outcome.  These people are power drunk.

Bibi Haniffa

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