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Former Member

Brad Goodman served as Political Director to U.S. Speaker of the House. He is a former White House Intern, where he served in the Office of Political Affairs. Goodman has worked on campaigns at every level over the last 15 years. He currently is a direct mail vendor for Americans for Prosperity and other non-profits and serves as a senior consultant and mail vendor for candidates. Goodman has also been a design, print and mail vendor for Speaker John Boehner, Senator Mark Kirk, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the Illinois Republican Party, amongst many others. Goodman also served as general consultant during David Granger’s successful run for President of Guyana in 2015.

Goodman’s work has been recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants with multiple Pollie Awards. Brad is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Springfield and a member of the National Political Science Honor Society (Pi Sigma Alpha). He is married to his wife Rebecca and lives in the Chicago suburbs with their daughter.”

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Kentucky tech firm claims assist in Granger win

Jun 19, 2015
0 6

A Louisville Kentucky tech firm is taking credit for the Granger victory thanks to its algorithm that maps physical households with Internet addresses, allowing precise delivery of online ads, according to a Louisville Business First article.

β€œCampaigns usually target undecided voters with mail pieces or door knockers. El Toro does the same thing, but the efforts were online. For the cost of a mailer, the company can deliver 40 to 50 times the information to a home. β€œWe’re the only people on the planet right now that can deliver the digital with such granularity.”

β€œWe implemented a multi-layered campaign and delivered several million impressions to reach voters across the entire country,” Stacy Griggs, president and CEO of El Toro, said in the release. β€œPresident Granger and his team were very digitally savvy and knew that online outreach, especially to the youth of Guyana, would be critical to winning the election.””

Originally Posted by Nehru:



I don't think you and the PPP understand how many elements of various sections of American government and the power establishment came together to push the PPP out of office.


You people were pushed out under the umbrella of being allied to a regime declared a "threat to the national security of the United States"


Do you really appreciate the extraordinary damage done by little peons like Priya?


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