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I’m sure that this post will make headlines tomorrow. My account has been deactivated since before elections because of various reasons and I still feel a little uneasy to reactivate it for now but how ever I still feel that It is about time and long overdue to make this post! First and foremost I would like to thank my comrades for having faith in me during the campaign trail, I would also like to thank everyone who called and sent me letters and flooded my Facebook accounts with encouragement notes during the campaign trail and after, It was the best experience during my political career and I will be forever grateful to our leaders. Also I would like to thank our supporters who supported me all over Guyana and I will never forget your kindness u have given me so I can feel so comfortable in your various regions and communities, many thanks to my husband and my parents who supported me through the toughest time during the campaign Trail, without all of u I couldn’t have been as strong as I am today, with that being said, In this post I would like to clear up one very important comment that I was attacked continuously during the campaign trail a comment that the APNU felt it very important to tarnish my name and my reputation, I have been called so many names that I’m racist woman, I’m fat and so much words it’s impossible for me to remember them, but the persons who are close to me knows exactly who I am and what I have made up of, there is no part of me shows that I’m a racist my mother Gangadai Singh who passed away 23 years ago is of Indian Decent a very hard working lady that use to work to make ends meet she was my light and I wish every moment that she was here with me, my father Clement Rohee is mixed ( his father is “Black” and his mother is “white” ) let me don’t go further very long story. The one thing that my parents have taught me during my child hood never think ure better than someone, and I never did and will never do so, but I can’t stop other people thinking otherwise that is fine. Now back to my comment that I made on Facebook that APNU used during the campaign trail, I will stand the consequence as I write this, the comment that I wrote was a comment that I made under a number of comments one year prior to the campaign trail, it was a comment that I made out of anger which I totally regret that I made at that time. I know sometimes we tend to get very emotional when people say bad things to our family and at that moment I was very emotional, I was not aware that this comment would be copied and sent to various media houses and I was shocked when I saw it, I regret saying it and I regret disappointing my African brothers and sisters out there, Im deeply sorry, Saying this today makes me very happy because I’m bold enough today to face u after months away, once again I’m very sorry, I must say this because I know people are still very angry out there with this comment and I hope that it settles your mind, Most of u I do not know, out there so it’s very impossible for me to get your forgiveness but at least I know u will read my post and digest it and for that I thank u. during this campaign I have become a very strong person I know APNU tried to make me weak or tried to make me uncomfortable in my own country, I have become stronger I grew up in a home that I saw my father fought for his party, I admire him and I will continue to fight along or without him, his driving force is what makes me what I am today, his driving force is what made me a successful woman , so there is nothing that can make me whimper and cuddle in the dark because I have become very strong. I will continue to make a difference in women lives and I will continue with my program to help make your life better this is my dream and this I promise u.
Today the PPP have chosen there list of MPS and I must say that the list is a very strong list, and I’m very happy that each and every single of these MPs will be representing us with vibrancy and will bring to the parliament new energy, why was I not on the list ? Because my commitment to my family and work will not allow me to the time to be at parliament! I hope that stands well with u! so for closing I wish to thank each and every one of our MPS best of luck and success in the near future! GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is the same woman who said on FB that she "suffered" under Burnham when flour was banned and she "remembered well" how her mother couldn't make roti.


Her friends put her on blast because she wasn't born yet when Burnham was President.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
A good statement by Rima. Hopefully she would return to the political arena in the future.


HOLY COW! Indians are so bereft of F-ing brains that Rima Rohee is now the future of the PPP.


Any sensible Indian would join the PNC.


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