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Originally Posted by Sunil:

She was a student
She was 23
Her fault some people say because she boarded the wrong bus
And oh yeah
Six men raped her one by one and then used an iron rod to tear her vagina
Small intestine and large intestine came out
They left her to die on the road
What’s more is that no one even turned to look at her
No one even bothered to throw a shawl on the ill-clad ill-fated girl
She can never live a normal married life again
She Went into coma five times since 16th December
She was unconscious
Critical and hasn't been able to stop crying
But don’t worry
She wasn't your sister
She wasn't your daughter
But she could be. The brutality has to stop right here guys
These people deserve capital punishment for their heinous
Perverted act


Delhi Rape: Sorry Damini...


Delhi Rape: Sorry Damini...

By Dr Suhael Ahmed

(Dr Suhael Ahmed is a Maxillofacial surgeon from Mangalore. He can be reached at

Dec 30: Every Indian, including the central and state governments and the Women’s Commission needs to say sorry today to Damini. Not only to the unfortunate Delhi rape victim, but also to the innumerable Daminis who have gone through the horrific and traumatizing experience of being raped in the past.

We have all woken up today because of the magnitude of this incident. A young educated woman, although accompanied by a male friend and not so late at night (9:30 pm) in the heart of the capital city of world’s largest Democracy was left to defend herself against 6 demons.


And then the blame game starts.

Delhi chief minister wanted the police commissioner to be sacked after the incident. She squarely put the blame on the area police who she says should take the responsibility.Couple of officers were sacked too just to pacify the angered public.


Now consider this. A couple boards a bus. Six men in the bus including the driver, who were on joy ride tease the girl. Her male friend objects. Scuffle breaks out. They hit the male with a iron rod. The girl puts up a fight, bites the hand of the main accused, Ram Singh. This agitates Ram singh who is already intoxicated. The 6 men rape her turn by turn, cause her severe injuries with the same iron rod which tears apart even her intestine.They completely undress both the girl and her male friend and push them out of the bus.


Now what could the police do here. How can the local area police be blamed completely. If anyone has to take blame, it has to be the chief minister herself. Being a woman herself, she should have taken cognizance of earlier numerous crimes in her city and made effort to bring about changes in the system. After all nobody has better access to worlds 10th most powerful person as she has.


The main accused Ram singh had once appeared on a TV programme, 'Aap Ki Kacheri' hosted by ex-IPS officer Kiran Bedi. Singh wanted compensation from bus owner for the injury caused during a bus accident. In the programme his employer had mentioned that he was a drunkard and a reckless driver. Eventually he did not get compensation. Even after such a background, his latest employer was a school. Everyday he picked and dropped school children by the bus. So no lessons learnt there.


We have ourselves to blame to a large extent.


Now that an innocent life is lost, all we can do is light candles and take a walk.


There should have been a change in the system earlier. Now, if at least this incident doesn’t bring about change, nothing else would.


The change has to start from within. We need to teach male children at home as well as in schools about how to behave with a woman. Also, our insensitive parliamentarians need to be taught how to talk about women in public.


Every state needs to have in their cities, at least one all-woman police station, so that women victims of harassment or any other crime can report and give statement to a woman police officer.


Women's Commission should have a separate dedicated cell for supporting victims of sexual abuse.

There is already lot of talk about fast track courts. Other than having speedy justice, the rape accused and convicts' names with pictures should be put up in every bus station and railway station of their respective cities. A small corner of the stations should be dedicated for this purpose.


Lets see how we improve ourselves from here on, or is this just a momentary outburst of emotions?


For now, lets silently pray for the departed soul and say “Sorry Damini”.


India is a vast and complex subcontinent.  The technocrats, politicians and Bollywood have been trying to portray a new and vibrant India.  However, beneath the mirage lurk brutal violence against women, repression of women, evilness and sickness of a male-dominated society.  Some Indians say India is worse than Saudia Arabia.  My Indo-Guyanese friends thank god and their foreparents everyday for the Brits taking them to Guyana.   

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

those rapist ba-tards should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

...and publicly  impaled and  and have  their genitals & eyes  torn  out by vultures  while  they are  still alive...

They should also fire all the corrupt politicians who are covering it up. The men were drunk and on a joyride, they lured the couple to the bus and then savagely attacked them.  

Originally Posted by alena06:

   These bastards are not human!!

They should be hanged and new laws on the books for violent rape making it a capital offense and, once convicted, execution should be automatic.


Furthermore, India needs to look at itself and how they treat each other.  Violence against women is one aspect of a society indifference to each other.  People in India and emotionally selfish, they only see suffering and feel pain when it's theirs, not the next person.


When I read this, it reminds me of what my parents and some of the survivors of the Wismar massacares related where a few Indian young girls died after being gang raped and mutilated by marauding Afro terrorists.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

   These bastards are not human!!

They should be hanged and new laws on the books for violent rape making it a capital offense and, once convicted, execution should be automatic.


Furthermore, India needs to look at itself and how they treat each other.  Violence against women is one aspect of a society indifference to each other.  People in India and emotionally selfish, they only see suffering and feel pain when it's theirs, not the next person.


When I read this, it reminds me of what my parents and some of the survivors of the Wismar massacares related where a few Indian young girls died after being gang raped and mutilated by marauding Afro terrorists.

Dude, I only recently read the wismer report and will try to repost it. Five people died at wismer and I do not think the report mentioned any of them as a consequence of being raped. And why defile this thread with this stupid digression? WIsmer can be classified as an instant of ethnic cleansing  and not a massacre site. That is simply hyperbole and it detracts from the more pressing issue of the low level internecine war between the races that is ongoing.


India has a problem with the worth of women. I posted numerous articles to that effect here over the years and we discussed it relentlessly. 60 minutes had a piece showing the holy city of Benares as an open marked for trading young girls to Arab perverts. Further, they show little concern for  de fib devices, one can find an ultrasound machine on every street corner. They are used to identify and eliminate female fetuses because the society see girls as a curse or burden on the family.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

   These bastards are not human!!

They should be hanged and new laws on the books for violent rape making it a capital offense and, once convicted, execution should be automatic.


Furthermore, India needs to look at itself and how they treat each other.  Violence against women is one aspect of a society indifference to each other.  People in India and emotionally selfish, they only see suffering and feel pain when it's theirs, not the next person.


When I read this, it reminds me of what my parents and some of the survivors of the Wismar massacares related where a few Indian young girls died after being gang raped and mutilated by marauding Afro terrorists.

Dude, I only recently read the wismer report and will try to repost it. Five people died at wismer and I do not think the report mentioned any of them as a consequence of being raped. And why defile this thread with this stupid digression? WIsmer can be classified as an instant of ethnic cleansing  and not a massacre site. That is simply hyperbole and it detracts from the more pressing issue of the low level internecine war between the races that is ongoing.


India has a problem with the worth of women. I posted numerous articles to that effect here over the years and we discussed it relentlessly. 60 minutes had a piece showing the holy city of Benares as an open marked for trading young girls to Arab perverts. Further, they show little concern for  de fib devices, one can find an ultrasound machine on every street corner. They are used to identify and eliminate female fetuses because the society see girls as a curse or burden on the family.

 In the  Wismar pogrom, I am certain that  there were multiple  cases of rape & sodomization of victims including the brutal defilement of at least one infant.

In this instance, where the spotlight is rightly  focused on India and Indian patriarchal /male dominated society and their cavalier response/  attitude of officialdom, we need to be reminded that no one and no society is void or immune to such scums & deviancies. 

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

   These bastards are not human!!

They should be hanged and new laws on the books for violent rape making it a capital offense and, once convicted, execution should be automatic.


Furthermore, India needs to look at itself and how they treat each other.  Violence against women is one aspect of a society indifference to each other.  People in India and emotionally selfish, they only see suffering and feel pain when it's theirs, not the next person.


When I read this, it reminds me of what my parents and some of the survivors of the Wismar massacares related where a few Indian young girls died after being gang raped and mutilated by marauding Afro terrorists.

Dude, I only recently read the wismer report and will try to repost it. Five people died at wismer and I do not think the report mentioned any of them as a consequence of being raped. And why defile this thread with this stupid digression? WIsmer can be classified as an instant of ethnic cleansing  and not a massacre site. That is simply hyperbole and it detracts from the more pressing issue of the low level internecine war between the races that is ongoing.


India has a problem with the worth of women. I posted numerous articles to that effect here over the years and we discussed it relentlessly. 60 minutes had a piece showing the holy city of Benares as an open marked for trading young girls to Arab perverts. Further, they show little concern for  de fib devices, one can find an ultrasound machine on every street corner. They are used to identify and eliminate female fetuses because the society see girls as a curse or burden on the family.

 In the  Wismar pogrom, I am certain that  there were multiple  cases of rape & sodomization of victims including the brutal defilement of at least one infant.

In this instance, where the spotlight is rightly  focused on India and Indian patriarchal /male dominated society and their cavalier response/  attitude of officialdom, we need to be reminded that no one and no society is void or immune to such scums & deviancies. 

That was an explosion of the British Pirate's gunboat culture.




The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!









Rev, you are too full of yourself, referring to yourself in the 3rd person. Don't pass judgement on Jagdeo, his ex-wife knew he was an anti-man and went along with the farce of a marriage because Guyana was not ready to accept a batti man as president. Varshnee if anyone, was the one who was disrespectful, flaunting her men in front of the anti-man face.  Anti-man or not, Jagdeo's action in taming the PNC and moving the country forward is to be commended. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Varshnee if anyone, was the one who was disrespectful, flaunting her men in front of the anti-man face.  


So Varshnee was disrespectful, huh ?


With that sort of attitude the Rev won't be surprised to see you shower praises on the monsters who raped and killed that Indian girl---you'll likely blame her for being too attractive.


Listen BGurd! If Barath did not deliver the goods in the bedroom--and he clearly did not--early in his marriage he locked his wife out of the bedroom--but if he did not deliver the goods---his wife had every reason to find contentment elsewhere.


Blaming the women--it's all Varshnees' fault---that is typical of men who disrespect women and abuse them.


Hope you didn't fall from a tree BGurd. You have a loving mother, right ?







Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Rev, you are too full of yourself, referring to yourself in the 3rd person. Don't pass judgement on Jagdeo, his ex-wife knew he was an anti-man and went along with the farce of a marriage because Guyana was not ready to accept a batti man as president. Varshnee if anyone, was the one who was disrespectful, flaunting her men in front of the anti-man face.  Anti-man or not, Jagdeo's action in taming the PNC and moving the country forward is to be commended. 

So the Jagabat wasn't disrespectful by kicking Uma out the bedroom and then replacing her with Kwame in front she face?

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:




That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


When they both want the same thing there will be problems

Jagdeo should have given that lady at least 4 kids.  It is not too late for Jagdeo to make a come back she still could get at least 2.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!








Like this super snake Rev Al switch sides and is now maybe working for Ramotar.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!








Like this super snake Rev Al switch sides and is now maybe working for Ramotar.


Most of us agreed that Jagdeo was not the best president for Guyana in his last term.

His wife and their bedroom problems should be left there; in their bedrdroom. It's this simple: If a husband and wife cannot cohabit; then they should part ways. Staying together and airing their dirty laundry was not in their best interest. They might as well be on the Jerry Springer show. Rehashing their past is not going to make anything better.

If the wife thought she was abused(which is known a fact), she should have removed herself from that situation. She was not forced to stay.

At the same time Jagdeo should not have used his position to pressure and punish her. Both individuals have their faults(he more than her). Sorry, this is my opinion.






Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!








Like this super snake Rev Al switch sides and is now maybe working for Ramotar.


Most of us agreed that Jagdeo was not the best president for Guyana in his last term.


His wife and their bedroom problems should be left there; in their bedrdroom. It's this simple: If a husband and wife cannot cohabit; then they should part ways. Staying together and airing their dirty laundry was not in their best interest. They might as well be on the Jerry Springer show. Rehashing their past is not going to make anything better.

If the wife thought she was abused(which is known a fact), she should have removed herself from that situation. She was not forced to stay.

At the same time Jagdeo should not have used his position to pressure and punish her. Both individuals have their faults(he more than her). Sorry, this is my opinion.






Jagdeo is an uber crook and formalized the industrial strength corruption in place in the PPP administration. His consolidation of wealth from a pispoor flunkey of Hoyte to one of the richest men in the land is proof of that.


His lie that he had a wife is simply the curd in his milk of lies. That he abused her is not unexpected. The appeal to let this be a "thing" between  "private" lives is as amoral a request as any. You reflect the moral relativism we see that is pervasive in the culture of this party. They care little for ethical conventions  or moral precepts except when they wish to frame it as the fault of their opponents.


You represent well the culture of this corrupt and morally reprehensible party. That you chose to excuse Jagdeo's gross lie to the people that he had a wife and suggest his abuse of her is a private matter does insult to the life of this wonderful girl we all are mourning on this thread.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!








Like this super snake Rev Al switch sides and is now maybe working for Ramotar.


Most of us agreed that Jagdeo was not the best president for Guyana in his last term.


His wife and their bedroom problems should be left there; in their bedrdroom. It's this simple: If a husband and wife cannot cohabit; then they should part ways. Staying together and airing their dirty laundry was not in their best interest. They might as well be on the Jerry Springer show. Rehashing their past is not going to make anything better.

If the wife thought she was abused(which is known a fact), she should have removed herself from that situation. She was not forced to stay.

At the same time Jagdeo should not have used his position to pressure and punish her. Both individuals have their faults(he more than her). Sorry, this is my opinion.






Jagdeo is an uber crook and formalized the industrial strength corruption in place in the PPP administration. His consolidation of wealth from a pispoor flunkey of Hoyte to one of the richest men in the land is proof of that.


His lie that he had a wife is simply the curd in his milk of lies. That he abused her is not unexpected. The appeal to let this be a "thing" between  "private" lives is as amoral a request as any. You reflect the moral relativism we see that is pervasive in the culture of this party. They care little for ethical conventions  or moral precepts except when they wish to frame it as the fault of their opponents.


You represent well the culture of this corrupt and morally reprehensible party. That you chose to excuse Jagdeo's gross lie to the people that he had a wife and suggest his abuse of her is a private matter does insult to the life of this wonderful girl we all are mourning on this thread.


You start the new year drinking piwari already.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The uncivilized Indian men who raped and murdered that young lady must all be castrated and then publicly stoned to death---they must be put to death.





For too long Indian men have gotten away with disrespecting women---treating them like rags---this nonsense must stop.





They drink their rum and then abuse their women---this nonsense must also stop.






That girlie man Barath disrespected his wife---he was abusive---treated her like crap---when the president of a country can abuse his wife and get away with it---he's setting a bad example.


The Rev will not tolerate any PPP supporter coming here and defending Jags---he mistreated his wife---that's inexcusable.


Who vex, vex!








Like this super snake Rev Al switch sides and is now maybe working for Ramotar.


Most of us agreed that Jagdeo was not the best president for Guyana in his last term.


His wife and their bedroom problems should be left there; in their bedrdroom. It's this simple: If a husband and wife cannot cohabit; then they should part ways. Staying together and airing their dirty laundry was not in their best interest. They might as well be on the Jerry Springer show. Rehashing their past is not going to make anything better.

If the wife thought she was abused(which is known a fact), she should have removed herself from that situation. She was not forced to stay.

At the same time Jagdeo should not have used his position to pressure and punish her. Both individuals have their faults(he more than her). Sorry, this is my opinion.






Jagdeo is an uber crook and formalized the industrial strength corruption in place in the PPP administration. His consolidation of wealth from a pispoor flunkey of Hoyte to one of the richest men in the land is proof of that.


His lie that he had a wife is simply the curd in his milk of lies. That he abused her is not unexpected. The appeal to let this be a "thing" between  "private" lives is as amoral a request as any. You reflect the moral relativism we see that is pervasive in the culture of this party. They care little for ethical conventions  or moral precepts except when they wish to frame it as the fault of their opponents.


You represent well the culture of this corrupt and morally reprehensible party. That you chose to excuse Jagdeo's gross lie to the people that he had a wife and suggest his abuse of her is a private matter does insult to the life of this wonderful girl we all are mourning on this thread.


You start the new year drinking piwari already.

do you think that is a rational response to the above or is that only the frame of reference your impoverished mind can beat a hasty retreat to as a universal response to everything? Well, it is a stupid response. Just thought you should know.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Varshnee if anyone, was the one who was disrespectful, flaunting her men in front of the anti-man face.  


So Varshnee was disrespectful, huh ?


With that sort of attitude the Rev won't be surprised to see you shower praises on the monsters who raped and killed that Indian girl---you'll likely blame her for being too attractive.


Listen BGurd! If Barath did not deliver the goods in the bedroom--and he clearly did not--early in his marriage he locked his wife out of the bedroom--but if he did not deliver the goods---his wife had every reason to find contentment elsewhere.


Blaming the women--it's all Varshnees' fault---that is typical of men who disrespect women and abuse them.


Hope you didn't fall from a tree BGurd. You have a loving mother, right ?



There was never evidence he abused her.  She was the one doing the talking while BJ was fending off the murderous PNC terrorists.  You need to stay out of people's personal business as messy divorces transcend race or nationality.  You are being very disrespectful to the Indian lady who was so brutally murdered by lumping it with someone's marital disputes.  As thy say, those who caste stones have the most to hide.


Indian gang-rape suspect may be juvenile

<cite class="byline vcard">By By ASHOK SHARMA | Associated Press –</cite>

NEW DELHI (AP) — A bone test is being conducted to confirm the age of a juvenile suspect in custody for the fatal assault and gang-rape of a young woman, while prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the other five men arrested with him, police said Tuesday.

The six will be formally charged in court on Thursday on accusations that they kidnapped, gang-raped and murdered the 23-year-old woman on a moving bus in the capital New Delhi on Dec. 16, police spokesman Rajan Bhagat told reporters.

Media reports say some 30 witnesses have been gathered, and the charges have been detailed in a document running into more than 1,000 pages.

Outraged Indians have been demanding the death penalty for the six men, holding demonstrations almost every day since the rape. Murder is punishable by death and rape by life imprisonment. But juveniles — those below 18 years of age — cannot be prosecuted for murder.

Another police officer said a bone test is being conducted to determine if the youngest suspect in the case is indeed a juvenile. If the test determines he is 18 years or older he will be treated as a legal adult, said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to disclose sensitive information.

The brutality of this case has made Indians confront the reality that sexual violence is deeply entrenched in the society. Women face daily harassment, from catcalls on streets and groping in buses to rapes. Often police refuse to accept complaints by victims and even blame them for inviting unwanted male attention by dressing provocatively. Families too dissuade victims from coming forward in the belief that it will ruin their reputations.

Activists hope that the savage assault on the young woman, a physiotherapy student, will shake off the taboo associated with sexual violence and make the authorities take such cases more seriously.

The young woman and a male companion were attacked when they got into an off-duty bus in southern New Delhi to go back home. The six men, including the bus driver, took turns to rape her and beat her with an iron bar which they also inserted in her body causing severe injuries to her organs.

The woman, who has not been identified, was airlifted to Singapore for emergency treatment but died on Saturday. She was cremated in New Delhi on Sunday, and the ashes were to be submerged in the holy river Ganges near her hometown in the northern Uttar Pradesh state in accordance with Hindu customs.

Protesters and politicians from across the spectrum called for a special session of Parliament to pass new laws to increase punishments for rapists — including possible chemical castration — and to set up fast-track courts to deal with rape cases within 90 days.

Thousands of Indians have lit candles, held prayer meetings and marched through various cities and towns to express their grief and demand stronger protection for women and the death penalty for rape, which is now punishable by a maximum of life imprisonment. The protests continued on Tuesday.

On Monday, the Indian army and navy canceled their New Year's Eve celebrations, as did Sonia Gandhi, head of the ruling Congress party. Several hotels and clubs across the capital also did not hold their usual parties.


When Sunil started this thread, I am sure it was with the intent to raise awareness of what happened to a fellow human being, a sister, a daughter, a friend... I am deeply disappointed that some posters chose to make this sad and devastating crime yet another political item to suit their agenda. When shall we learn to discern? When shall we learn to be circumspect? When shall we learn to be respectful? Would it be when hatred and violence toward women impacts you directly? When it burns a hole in your heart and your soul cannot heal from the grief? 


I encourage you to respond to my post.


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