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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Lionel was a good man, he worked very hard for the PPP only to see them later turn into criminals.

He was a well trained member of the PPP underground and had many interesting stories to share about some of his activities during that time, never a dull moment.

RIP lio.

How do you know this?


Lionel Peters struggled against the PNC government in the 1970s and worked for the PPP among communities on the Corentyne

October 19, 2010 · STABROEK NEWS


Dear Editor,

I write to authenticate the claims made by Mr Lionel Peters, in letter captioned ‘Guyanese are entitled to know the truth about their sordid past’ (SN, October 9), about his role in the struggle against the dictatorship since the 1970s, as well as in uplifting the lives of people in various communities on the Corentyne.  I prefer not to comment on his take on events relating to how the late Mrs Janet Jagan became prime minister and subsequently the presidential candidate of the PPP/C.  Others who were present during the deliberations of the Central Committee are better positioned to corroborate or negate Lio’s claims.  Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran has stated emphatically that Lio’s report on the deliberations is inaccurate, and I have no reason to dispute Mr Ramkarran’s version of events.

What cannot be disputed, however, is the important role played by Lio in organizing activities to build support for the PPP (as a youth from the 1970s) as well as his loyalty to the late Dr Cheddi Jagan. Lio seemed to have had a personal problem with Janet, as I picked up in between the lines in conversations with him. He felt Janet did not like him.

I am not a supporter or member of the PPP or a friend of Lio, but I am somewhat familiar with his role in the PPP and it would be unfair for the public not to acknowledge and recognize his important contributions in the struggle that brought the PPP to office in October 1992. All of his claims of organizing people on the Corentyne are correct. And yes, he was a regular victim of harassment, intimidation, and physical abuse by thugs and goons of the dictatorship frequenting the police station for his pro-democracy activities.

I know of Lio because I interacted with him (on political issues) during the 1970s before leaving to further my studies in NY and during my regular summer visits to Guyana from 1981 (almost annually during the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s) till his departure from Guyana around 2002 (subject to correction). He was always committed to the PPP until his break in 1997 when he joined Hoyte to campaign against Janet because of his difference with her. He returned unofficially to the PPP supporting President Jagdeo right after Janet’s resignation in 1999 and later also became upset with Jagdeo leaving Guyana as a broken man who had done so much for party and country but was never rewarded.

I know of Lio delivering Mirror newspapers for years on the Corentyne and in the Georgetown area, as well as working for GEC on the Corentyne.  He subsequently became a news reporter for Mirror and later on an investigative reporter. He organized youths and sports activities and defended Cheddi and the PPP to the end in discussions with various people all over the coast. During my visits, he invited me, a fellow reporter and political activist, to accompany him to news conferences and to softball games he organized. He was very dedicated to his job and in my estimation few in the PPP worked as hard as he did.

I recognized between 1993 through 1995 in conversations that Lio was disenchanted with his exclusion from a role in government, although he would deny he was interested in government employment.  He indicated to me that he had given enough of his time to the PPP and that he would leave politics and enter into “business” or further his studies at UG, and had so informed Cheddi.  High officials in the PPP told me Lio had become a victim of his performance at the Mirror. Cheddi and Janet could not do without his services at Mirror and as such they could not appoint him to another position although Janet did not seem to have a fondness for Lio. President Cheddi told me he wanted Lio to continue with party activities.  Some years earlier, during an interview before he became President, Cheddi had also intimated to me that Lio and others did not need to study at university and that he (Cheddi) “could teach them” about politics, economics and journalism.

I have not seen Lio for several years and have been told he is not in good health.  I wish him well and hope he writes more often. The nation needs to know about his role and bitter experiences fighting for the freedom of Guyanese during the anti-dictatorial struggle.
Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram

Originally Posted by Nehru:

My condolences.. May his soul rest in PEACE.


Was this Guy a singer??

Nerhu just like Baseman....

they do not know the Real People who built the PPP.


Lionel Petres does not sing in de rumshop or dem bad place.


Nehru confused....he got he hand in de wrong place

pull yuh hand out...

le abee see yuh hands now....


Lionel Peters is not the man singing in de Rum Shop.....

Different Person......that man is Peter Dass


Lionel Richie is not a PPP supporter either....


Nehru since yuh hear about Peter Dass

lets listen to one of the songs he copy

and lets remember Lionel Peters

and all the PPP supporters

who fought against Corruption

both inside and outside the PPP

Rest in peace....Lio



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Lionel was a good man, he worked very hard for the PPP only to see them later turn into criminals.

He was a well trained member of the PPP underground and had many interesting stories to share about some of his activities during that time, never a dull moment.

RIP lio.

How do you know this?

He indeed was a good person and a true Jaganite.  My deepest and sincere condolences to his family.


“The 1980 Guyana Constitution is Illegal” – Lionel Peters

Dear Editor,

The Constitution of one’s country is sacred and paramount And ought to, should be and must be â€Ķ upheld, observed and supported in every way by all its subjects. It is treasonous to defy your country’s constitution for it represents the “The Holy Grail of everything Guyanese”.

The current document that is presented to us as a Constitution was promulgated through a referendum in 1978 that was massively fraudulent.

We as Guyanese, all know the truth of that exercise to get the consent, rejection in that vote for the House/Mouse in 1977/78. The nation did not entertain the proposal by the PNC/Burnham undemocratic regime to perpetuate themselves upon the Guyanese nation. We were already living under the “Declaration of Sophia” and the “Paramountcy of the Party” which in itself were the products of very fraudulent elections in 1968 and 1973.    

But that was not sufficient for the ruling regime at the time. They wanted absolute, undiluted power over Guyana. As though God had put up a king, which as we now know, through bitter experiences, is exactly what the fraudulent 1980 constitution has made of the Guyanese Presidency.

Not only did I not try to exercise my franchise for the very first five times in my life in Guyana but I actively organised bottom house meetings, some with over three hundred villagers present, in the Williamsburg/Hampshire Villages on the Corentyne against the referendum.

The turnout {in support of that Referendum} was a paltry 10 percent. That was a resounding national, public rejection. Therefore anything emanating out of that exercise would be unlawful, illegal and hence, null and void, in legal parlance. Thus, the current Guyana Constitution of 1980 is unlawful, illegal, and null and void and ought to, should be and must be resisted, rejected and dismissed forthwith by all decent minded Guyanese.

This constitution represents the “Chalice of Indignities” in the life and existence of Guyanese both at home and in the Diaspora. Our mantra from now on should be: Out of evil cometh evil; The Referendum of 1978 was rejected and therefore its handmaiden, the 1980 Constitution is rejected. Anything stemming from that illegal constitution is illegal, as is the Presidency of Guyana.

I have actively opposed all its presidents (the current 1980 constitution) from Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan, Samuel Hinds, Janet Jagan, Bharat Jagdeo and now Donald Ramotar!

Our Independence constitution of 1966 is our legal and lawful constitution!

I am prepared to suffer the consequences of my patriot, principled position and stance. One man of courage makes a majorityâ€ĶAndrew Jackson.

Lionel Peters

Yours Sincerely Lionel Peters. Tel347) 633-1562 Email:


See comments:

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

My condolences.. May his soul rest in PEACE.


Was this Guy a singer??

Nerhu just like Baseman....

they do not know the Real People who built the PPP.



I will refrain from corresponding in respect to the man Lionel who I came to know via the AFC in 2011.

I can understand . Meanwhile ponder where have all the good people and Jaganites gone from the PPP/C?


Madrassies are progressive people and free thinking. Cheddie grinned and silently practiced prejudicial tendencies toward them. Janet, on the other hand displayed outright contempt for them. Most of them out of the party-Ramsammy, the poor fella he is out too but he doan know it yet.


In 1957, Cootain privately challenged the Jagans on their approach to the independence movement. After that meeting, the man was sidelined the rest of his political life.


The Jagans always felt threatened by intelligent ppl-such kinds of ppl have morals. The Jagan lack that attribute. It is evident today by the ppl they had empowered. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

My condolences.. May his soul rest in PEACE.


Was this Guy a singer??

Nerhu just like Baseman....

they do not know the Real People who built the PPP.



I will refrain from corresponding in respect to the man Lionel who I came to know via the AFC in 2011.

No one expects any contributions from you on the subject of PPP Builders who left because their party was hijacked by the likes of you for thieving reasons. In fact, let me amend that, we expect total disrespect (like that of Nehru) from a bastard like you.


Guyana has lost one of its most talented political foot soldiers

August 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Guyana has lost one of its most talented political foot soldiers that fought against the petty bourgeoisie rulers of Guyana.  Lionel Peters (Lio) was a political activist who had a deep radical commitment to the people of Guyana. He came from the working class and throughout his political career, he remained among them. I met Lio in the PYO, (the youth arm of the PPP) over two decades ago but as he told me, he was in the struggle for more than two decades before me.  He told me that his commitment to the struggle was cemented after the murder of the Ballot Box Martyrs in the 1973 elections. Regardless of his trials and tribulations throughout his political life, I found Lio was always respectful of those around him, even to those who wronged him. In his own humbleness, he was a man on a mission; to emancipate the working and exploited class using whatever mean necessary but at a very great expense to his personal self and his family. After 1992, as the PPP started to gravitate to the petty bourgeoisie, Lio was very concerned about this transformation. I particularly remembered his comment on how Laurie Lewis was allowed to infiltrate PPP leadership; notwithstanding he was a principal architect in undermining the struggle for free and fair elections. But the true Lio was revealed in the 2011 elections, when at great risk to himself medically, he said “I want to campaign for the AFC and if I die, I will die a happy man knowing that I died with my boots on fighting for the people.”  It took much determination and courage to execute, but he did it. I was fortunate to have visited Lionel Peters a few weeks before his passing and as usual his first words to me from his bed were, “What is the latest happening in Guyana politics?” I smiled, since even from his bed, he was a politician. We had a long discourse on the no-confidence motion and his final words to me on that topic were, “I hope Moses pass this motion soon, without delay.” As I watched him eat that beef stew on that day, all by himself, I had two thoughts flashing through my mind: “This man really got God on his side” and “Lio will pull through this.” After his hearty meal, Lio then blurted out “Once I get my kidney, I will be going back to Guyana in my wheelchair and will mobilize the people for Moses, the true President of Guyana”. I felt truly sad, since my eyes were telling me, Lio will not leave New York, but my heart was proud of his determination. The bad news came last week when Christina, his wife, posted on Facebook that she was asking us to pray for Lio. I did my duty to Lio and prayed but God’s always know best. Lio was always a teacher before he was a politician. I personally learnt much from him. What I most admired about him was his undying belief in the youths of Guyana. May these few words comfort Christina, and his children Dherri, Sherri, Imran and Javed. Nothing would have made him prouder than to have all his children in the same room again and he did it from his dying bed. Lio has done his duty to his country. Farewell my comrade. May God comfort his family at this time and may his soul rest in peace. Sase Singh

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Meh SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD!! Meh bhai Lio gone to de next galaxy. De man in wan bettah place now. De man chillin out wid de great ones dem. 

Any chance meeting up Cheddie and Janet. Telling dem what fools they were.

Lil swan ah hope if Lionel meet Janet he gives her a swift kick in the ass.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Madrassies are progressive people and free thinking. Cheddie grinned and silently practiced prejudicial tendencies toward them. Janet, on the other hand displayed outright contempt for them. Most of them out of the party-Ramsammy, the poor fella he is out too but he doan know it yet.


In 1957, Cootain privately challenged the Jagans on their approach to the independence movement. After that meeting, the man was sidelined the rest of his political life.


The Jagans always felt threatened by intelligent ppl-such kinds of ppl have morals. The Jagan lack that attribute. It is evident today by the ppl they had empowered. 

 Seignet,in Guyana we called them Madrassies,maybe because

 they came from Madras,from some research i did they are

 Tamils very smart and industrious people,females are very

 beautiful look at some of the bollywood stars.


The Alliance for Change (AFC) mourns the passing of Lionel Peters, one of its foremost fighters, who died peacefully after prolonged illness, in New York Saturday morning.
At the time of his death, Lionel Peters was the Chairman/General Secretary  of the AFC’s New York/New Jersey Chapter and in the past held the position of  Chairman of the Queens Section.  He also served the Alliance For Change as a co-opted member of the party’s Management Committee.
During his prolonged illness and his final days, AFC’s leaders visited him in hospital, and were in constant communication with his wife Christine, and offered support. The party expresses appreciation to Dr. Rohan Somar, Mr. Sankar Nirahu and Ms. Kamla Balbachan-Frank for their timely initiatives.
The party will be represented from Guyana at the funeral services and cremation of the late AFC stalwart, by its leader Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Vice-Chairman Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Executive Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya, all three of whom are also Members of Parliament.
Lionel Peters has had a distinguished career as a Berbice cricketer and courageous political activist that spanned over 40 years. Formerly from Whim Village on the Corentyne, Lionel was to become a leader of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), and an Organiser for the People’s Progressive Party, from which he resigned. He enlisted in the Alliance for Change for the 2006 and 2011 elections, and became one of the party’s militant fighters in the USA.
Before his untimely passing, Lionel Peters had drafted a campaign song and an elections manifesto and celebrated the AFC’s no-confidence motion against the minority government.
AFC pays tribute to this outstanding Guyanese son, and assures him that his struggles for unity and clean governance of his beloved Guyana would not be in vain.
AFC sends sincere condolences to all bereaved persons, including Lio’s wife and children, his mother and several siblings, and grandchildren.
Monday August 25, 2014
Georgetown, Guyana

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

My condolences.. May his soul rest in PEACE.


Was this Guy a singer??

Nerhu just like Baseman....

they do not know the Real People who built the PPP.



I will refrain from corresponding in respect to the man Lionel who I came to know via the AFC in 2011.

No one expects any contributions from you on the subject of PPP Builders who left because their party was hijacked by the likes of you for thieving reasons. In fact, let me amend that, we expect total disrespect (like that of Nehru) from a bastard like you.

As I said, I will refrain from responding to you on this tread, meet me outside Lionel's thread.


Tribute to our dear friend, Lionel Peters


We received the sad news of the death of one of Guyana’s political stalwarts and a very close friend Lionel Peters. Although we knew that he was gravely ill and would depart this life at any moment, yet the shock and grief we felt were great. He was still a young man in the prime of his life when death touched him.
Too soon, too soon was our cry as we shed tears for one of Guyana most gifted and talented political organizers. Those who would rationalize or sublimate sorrow in circumstances like these would offer the comfort that only the good die young. But that is indeed poor comfort, for the AFC in particular, and Guyana in general, have been deprived of a virtuous soul.
Guyana and the AFC have lost a true son of the soil, a political trooper and a dedicated fighter in Lionel Peters. He was a simple man, yet he touched the lives of so many people with his simple message of one people, one love and one nation. He came from within the ranks of the poor and the powerless and he always stood up for then and fought for them, day and night.
The late Lionel Peters was a man with ideals, who believed that there is a great deal to be done for the preservation of peoples’ rights and the much vaunted but infrequently practiced democracy in Guyana. Exceptional and brilliant, he had a natural love for people and country that was greatly admired by all who knew him. His extraordinary organizational skills claimed the admiration of both Cheddi and Janet Jagan and all his former comrades at Freedom House, as well as the late Desmond Hoyte.
In 1974 he joined the PPP’s political struggle to restore democracy to Guyana and in the process he successfully organized several protests and demonstrations. It was a dream come true. For this he was beaten and imprisoned by the police. But he had no fear; not even the fear of death if that was the price he felt he had to pay in pursuit of his dream.  As he once said, “no matter what happened to me, the struggle to liberate Guyana from the hands of the PNC dictators and restore democracy will continue.” He had the ornate skill of whipping up enthusiasm when it was flagging, giving inspiration where it was needed, and providing hope to the hopeless.
Feeling discouraged that the PPP had become disconnected from the people, Lio (as he is known to his friends), in 1996 left the PPP and joined the PNC where he served as a senior political organizer to Desmond Hoyte, leader of the opposition. No one can forget the great risk of unpopularity he ran when he left the PPP. He did not believe in the deliberate marginalizing of the youths of Guyana by the PPP. This is the man who said it makes no sense to talk about democracy if you are not prepared to practice it. Lio had said that politics is his life. Yet he was a loving husband, a caring father, an adoring grandfather, a kind brother, an affectionate uncle and a genuine and dear friend.
Lio was an unpretentious, humble, practical and courageous man. His integrity was beyond reproach.  We really saw his genuine commitment and passion for the working class when he joined the AFC New York/New Jersey Chapter in 2008. And despite his illness, he never missed any of the meetings in the run-up to the 2011 elections and contributed directly to the AFC Action Plan.
Against his doctor’s advice, Lio travelled to Guyana where he conducted one of the fiercest political campaigns for the AFC in the 2011 regional and general elections. Throughout his life, Lio was a fighter and a crusader to unshackle the poor from the PPP yoke of oppression. He was judicious in his deliberations, original in style, and unwavering in his struggle. And for those who wronged him he forgave them. He was much greater than lesser mortals, yet he had his human failings which tell that “no one is perfect.” He was an avid cricket and football fan.
We are inclined to believe that it is time for us to dry our eyes and pay attention to the things for which he stood and for which he worked. It is time for us to recognize that he was outstanding. It is for us to acknowledge that even after the chilled hand of sickness touched him, he fought with the same indomitable spirit with which he fought prior to his illness. As we pray for him and his family, it is time for us to reassure ourselves that he lives, and it is death that is dead, not him.
We sincerely regret his passing but we are grateful and honoured to have been his friend and will always value and cherish the memories we shared because at the end of the day, he was a wonderful human being.  As we mourn his passing, we must dedicate ourselves to continue his work. Lio has done his duty to his country, farewell Sir Lionel. We will miss you dearly, but we will never forget you.
May God comfort his family at this time and may his soul rest in peace.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


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