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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Mits: In his budget presentation, the minister saw rising bank reserves as good for the economy.


Rev: Did the Minister say "rising bank reserves was good for the economy ?"




did he say rising bank reserves may be good for banks because they can provide enhanced liquidity--which is good for banks--helps avoid solvency issues ?


If the Minister said rising reserves are good for the economy--then he needs to take a refresher course in Money & banking 101.



Mits: Rev, please explain how money which is being accumulated in the banks and not being put to work creates jobs and reduce unemployment?


Rev: It's the private sector that creates jobs--and I haven't read about businesses not getting loans from banks in Guyana.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

This is an interesting question.

Well, you are the economics Phd---the Rev is just a businessman---why not take a stab at some answers.


We can have a lil discussion---the Rev has some ideas he can share.



There are a lot of ideas on this conundrum in Google. If you do a search you will notice a lot of "academic bullshit." Why don't you take a stab at it? 

Originally Posted by TK:

There are a lot of ideas on this conundrum in Google. If you do a search you will notice a lot of "academic bullshit." Why don't you take a stab at it? 




You said to Mitwah, "this is an interesting question."


Well! The Rev is curious to know what your take is--not what the blowhards on google have to say.


Come on TK---give it a shot---what are you afraid of ?


By the way, if Ashni Singh actually said "rising bank reserves was good for the economy", then the Rev may have to question whether he earned or bought his Phd.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

There are a lot of ideas on this conundrum in Google. If you do a search you will notice a lot of "academic bullshit." Why don't you take a stab at it? 




You said to Mitwah, "this is an interesting question."


Well! The Rev is curious to know what your take is--not what the blowhards on google have to say.


Come on TK---give it a shot---what are you afraid of ?


By the way, if Ashni Singh actually said "rising bank reserves was good for the economy", then the Rev may have to question whether he earned or bought his Phd.









I actually make a living on it; therefore I dont need to repeat myself here. The answer will no doubt be in my book. How do you think I can pay my bills and live in dignity for which no one can point a finger that I take in a kick-back tax?  


Unemployment in Guyana: numbers, implications, recommendations

February 21, 2010· By ·




Frequently, there are reports ofGuyanabeing the beneficiary of either impressive sums of monies or favourable developments from multiple sources.  The donors, partners, and creditors includeNorway, theMiddle East, the EU,India, andChina, among others.  The buzzwords of the day – MOU, LOI, bilateral agreement and joint venture – punctuate reports.  Each new announcement introduces warm and comforting feelings; signals of movement and progress.  But how does all of this translate on the job front?  More precisely, what is the story for those wanting to, and looking for work?


It might be appropriate to start with a few questions.  What happens to the high school graduates who do not progress immediately to higher education?  How many of them – if they so desire –can find gainful employment?  What are the prospects for unemployedUniversityofGuyanagraduates?  Further, what is the picture for those who do not complete either high school or university?  When massed into a single figure, what is the aggregate number of the unemployed from over the years with or without schooling, limited or negligible skills, and whether young, in prime working years, or older?


Rev, show us the numbers. Like you say the numbers don't lie.


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