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A drone pilot hobbyist in Dallas stumbled across a river of blood coming from a large meatpacking plant. The small drone plane had a camera equipped, which captured images of the red river, suspected of being made of pig blood from the plant
"I was looking at images after the flight that showed a blood red creek and was thinking, could this really be what I think it is? Can you really do that, surely not?" the pilot tells sUAS News. "Whatever it is, it was flat out gross.Β  Then comes the question of who do I report this to that can find out what it is and where it is coming from."
The pilot, who has asked to remain anonymous, was put in touch with the Texas Environmental Crimes Task Force, who began monitoring the plant for violations. "Any time there is some type of discharge into the Trinity River… especially from an environmental standpoint, this is a real concern," Health and Human Services chief Zach Thompson told sUAS News. "I think they discovered a secondary pipe again is my understanding, so the question is who installed the pipe and why was it there."

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Originally posted by cain:
Which makes me wonder what else comes out of that plant?

This drone thingy gonna take off now with all sorts of Peepin Toms taking advantage. If Iman find a drone over my airspace is vex Iman would get vex yo know and if It's low enough, dat Peepman owner gonna be losing a drone.

Suh wha you plan to do, bring it down with you sling -shot or one of D2 bow & arrow? Wink
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by cain:
Which makes me wonder what else comes out of that plant?

This drone thingy gonna take off now with all sorts of Peepin Toms taking advantage. If Iman find a drone over my airspace is vex Iman would get vex yo know and if It's low enough, dat Peepman owner gonna be losing a drone.

Suh wha you plan to do, bring it down with you sling -shot or one of D2 bow & arrow? Wink
He can't be chasing the old lady in her undies all over the back yard anymore. And there is no need for drones for this. The new satellites are able to tune in and resolve images to a couple of cm anywhere from their perch a couple of hundred miles up.

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