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(1) Mitt Romney laid out plan to jump start the economy.


(2) We expect some exciting days ahead leading up to the convention.


(3) president Obama is battling other problems of his own. (not the nation's problem).


(4) We need a change in the white house and a new direction for America.


(5) Romney's VP will be announced days before the convention.


I would trust Mitt Romney since he's a businessman and a politician to bring about change we can believe in. Let me state for the record, that Mr. Romney is running a vigorous and clean campaign to date. He has shown promise and confident to take on America's toughest challenges. He will be the President America was yearning for. Amen!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I would trust Mitt Romney since he's a businessman and a politician to bring about change we can believe in. Let me state for the record, that Mr. Romney is running a vigorous and clean campaign to date. He has shown promise and confident to take on America's toughest challenges. He will be the President America was yearning for. Amen!

dude do you know and understand what Mitt and investors have done to companies they bought , dismantled and sold and left workers in the lurch ? You guys buy into political bullshit ! This country is suffering for a serous systemic problem from federal level to local levels are it is contagious . I'll take my chances with Obama despite his errors and mistakes over any republican who are reason we are in this deep shit today . People just dont learn from experience .

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If you understand the full aspect of business, you will justify what Romney and investors were doing. If Obama didn't promise to protect the rich, he would not have been in the white house. There are three things to focus on: Money, media and politics.

What arrogance? You are asking a man who manages millions in assets if he understands business! On what account is the depth and breath of your wisdom in this area?


The point is that he, as a business man, had his company business to manage. His business was making money and he did so often at the expense of workers. Often, the compnaies, while distressed could have been made viable but there was more cash is splitting up its assets and folding them.


Indeed it is business but do not go touting this as if it is all there is to know in managing the nation. The nations business is saving businesses and creating the infrastructure for growing job.


Romney continues welfare charge, says Obama wants 'spirit of dependence'


DES MOINES, Iowa, and WASHINGTON -- For a second consecutive day, Mitt Romney and his allies accused President Obama of trying to undermine bipartisan welfare reform by removing the requirement that recipients work to receive payments, an attack that has many independent fact checkers, as well as Democrats, crying foul.


In Michigan, Tim Pawlenty remains mum about Romney VP selection


PORTAGE, Mich. -- It's possible that Tim Pawlenty is days from stepping onto a stage before thousands of cheering supporters as Mitt Romney's newly-minted running mate. But you wouldn't know it from his swing through central Michigan on Wednesday, where the former governor appeared at nondescript campaign offices and addressed just dozens of supporters as they snacked on cookies and lemonade.



Hate to burst your bubble. Obama/Biden 2012. TPaw is another loser. Very dull and boring. Took a state surplus and left a huge deficit. He even raised taxes and called them "user fees". At the VP debate, Biden will give him a cutass an send him back to lil infant(kindergarten). He will regret being a VP candidate.


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