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Roach and rat had a feast pun politicians gifts

Dec 25, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-politicians-gifts/

Christmas Eve two workers at de Waterfalls paper outsmart de boss man. Dem walk in de office wid grapes in a plastic bag.

De boss man see de grapes and ee mouth run water right away. He beg fuh a couple and ee get it.

De grapes taste suh good dat he ask de one wid de grapes how much she buy. She tell him she buy a pound fuh $600. De boss man give she $2,000 to buy three pound suh he could share round de office.

De worker lef she one pound pun de desk by she computer. To dis day, de boss man still looking fuh she and de grapes.

Almost de same thing nearly happen at Freedom House, yesterday. Rohee send a box of nuts neatly wrapped to de Opposition Leader.

He decide he gun share de box of nuts Christmas Eve, something he never accustom to because he always selfish, greedy and always want everything fuh heself.

But dis time de only reason he decide to share, according to de Chat-3, is because he ketch a rat in de box. De rat did done start eat and nibble up some nuts.

Jagdeo sit down and pick out all dem nuts dat de rat nibble up and then share de rest to he colleagues. Dat is wha de Chat-3 tell dem boys he do.

Rohee was one who end up eating de same nuts. Dummy was de odda one.

Soulja Bai hear how Jagdeo share nut suh he send to ee baker fuh some mixed cakes to share out to he people. De cake come late Christmas Eve and Moses collect dem.

When Moses open de box wid de cakes he see a set of roach run out. He nah seh nutten. He just cut out de piece wha de roach nibble and give Soulja Bai to share out.

When Soulja Bai see how de cake jib up, he realize something wrang wid de cake suh he ask Moses wha happen?

Moses seh nah nutten to worry about. Is some fine roach run out de box when it come.

Soulja Bai get more speed to share it out to he people.

Talk half and enough said here; don’t think about trusting any politician.


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