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Robert Corbin.

Robert Corbin.

[] – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament and former Priest of the House of Israel, Joseph Hamilton has claimed that former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin had supplied the body with arms and ammunition (9mm pistols) to terrorize Opposition elements during 1978.

Hamilton, who took the stand at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI) said Corbin was at the time in charge of the youth arm of the then governing party – the People’s National Congress – and had coordinated violent activities between the two bodies.

Hamilton, who was at the time a Priest at the House of Israel said instructions were that the only two ‘sacred cows’, [persons who they were told not to harm] were Founding Leader of the PPP Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Co founder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), Eusi Kwayana.

This means that the late Dr. Walter Rodney was marked for harm, he later reasoned. Hamilton reasoned too that the PNC chose not to harm the two (Cheddi and Eusi) because to harm Jagan would spark possible ethnic conflict and Kwayana was at the time seen as a respectable black Leader.

He recalled that the House of Israel which he claimed was a religious body that used the bible as the foundation for its teachings was first approached by the then ruling party in 1978 for support to disrupt WPA activities which had become daily agitation and threat to the government.

Joseph Hamilton

Joseph Hamilton

He said after a while it was feared that the WPA would retaliate following physical attacks on its members, disruption of several public meetings by seizing equipment, terrorizing and threatening supporters.

It was at this point that Corbin gave some six 9mm pistols to members of House of Israel upon request which was rotated among its membership, Hamilton chronicled.

He said the Party made it clear that everyone else could be harmed except Jagan and Kwayana adding that the body was always in close coordination with the PNC, particularly its youth arm when carrying out orders that came from party leaders and liaised by leaders in the House of Israel including Emerson Simpson, Robert Williams and Edward Washington.

Hamilton recalled among other things how the House of Israel was self-reliant and supported and funded itself through several ventures and activities.

He will continue his testimony on Tuesday, June 03 where he will make his recollections in relation to ‘Father Dark’s’ 1979 killing and other details relevant to Walter Rodney’s death.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Robert Corbin.

Robert Corbin.

[] – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament and former Priest of the House of Israel, Joseph Hamilton

Joe Hamilton was a street thug under the PNC, but is now an MP.  A promotion.

Does the PPP think that people will not notice this?  This is exactly saying that the most unsavory elements of the PNC are now withe the PPP.


And some people claim that the PPP dont have anything to apologize for?


Please note that when Hoyte was able to get the Burnham faction under control he ridded the country of the House of Israel.


The Burnham thug faction now is in alliance with the PPP, while the WPA is with the PNC.  Why doesn't shock me?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks at congress place needs to come clean....


I agree and the PPP must clean up the party by removing House of Israel elements. It goes both ways.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks at congress place needs to come clean....

Haha. Nice try. All HOI hooligans now working for PPP. PPP free HOI leader after Mr Hoyte jail them. Mouth open story jump out.  PPP using HOI to scare East Indians. 


Some of you think that the PNC should be absolved of their wrongdoings in connection with the HOI just because one of its members chose to join the ruling party. This is atrocious. Hoyte was fighting the Green faction to secure himself in power. It had nothing to with decency. He rigged elections and later on in his career launched operation "mo fiah, slow fiah" against the Indian population of Guyana. They man was violent and violence he supported to achieve political ends. Think about the  support he gave to notorious bandit, Linden London, aka Blackie.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks at congress place needs to come clean....


I agree and the PPP must clean up the party by removing House of Israel elements. It goes both ways.

This is exactly what Jalil has been saying all along, yuji.

Jalil is hopping mad that former PNC thugs and rascals are now comfortably ensconced in the PPP hierarchy.

If you look beneath Jalil's "vulgarity" you will see he has deep-seated genuine grievances against the PPP.

Jalil is absolutely angered to see what the PPP is doing now, the same PPP he gave his youth to in hard and bitter struggle.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you are so concerned about one HOI member in the gov't. then you should be even more concerned about those in the AFC who are directly linked with criminals from Buxton to Agricola.

Who are these AFC members and who are these criminals from Buxton to Agricola?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Stop doubting like a guilty old lady who badgers her accusers with stupid questions to get away with the truth

I caught you lying again. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The PPP must get rid of the House of Israel elements. Combined with an apology from the PNC, Guyana can move forward.

Tell me why should the PNC apologize when the people who they have to apologize about are now with the PPP?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you are so concerned about one HOI member in the gov't. then you should be even more concerned about those in the AFC who are directly linked with criminals from Buxton to Agricola.

Put it this way, you can insinuate, and be unable to provide proof about,


We know two things.


1.  Several HOI and ex GDF people like Norman Mclean are with the PPP.


2.  The PPP let a thug connected to the Leguan and Agricola massacres walk free.


The PPP smells just as nasty as the PNC and Joe Hamilton just reminded people about that.  Apparently Joe Hamilton feels more comfortable with todays PPP, than he does with todays PNC.  Is it that the PPP is more like Burnham's PNC?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you are so concerned about one HOI member in the gov't. then you should be even more concerned about those in the AFC who are directly linked with criminals from Buxton to Agricola.

Put it this way, you can insinuate, and be unable to provide proof about,


We know two things.


1.  Several HOI and ex GDF people like Norman Mclean are with the PPP.


2.  The PPP let a thug connected to the Leguan and Agricola massacres walk free.


The PPP smells just as nasty as the PNC and Joe Hamilton just reminded people about that.  Apparently Joe Hamilton feels more comfortable with todays PPP, than he does with todays PNC.  Is it that the PPP is more like Burnham's PNC?

You need to help Granger fix the PNC.  I think you will be a good addition to their inner circle.  I don't always agree with your slant, but you are "redeemable" and someone to work with.

Originally Posted by baseman:

You need to help Granger fix the PNC.  I think you will be a good addition to their inner circle.  I don't always agree with your slant, but you are "redeemable" and someone to work with.

In 2011 when I was very harsh with both the APNU and the AFC in how they were campaigning, I remember you opined that I wanted PPP soup.  You were supporting the AFC then.


I don't like any party in Guyana.  If I lived there I would be one of those people who wouldn't decide which one, APNU or AFC, I would vote for until the last minute.


All I know is that it wouldn't be the PPP in its current form.  Maybe if Cheddi didn't die (and Janet died)  it might have been a consideration, but not these lunatics.  Without Janet around Cheddi might not have been that bad.


AONU doesn't like people like me.  I don't tow the party line.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You need to help Granger fix the PNC.  I think you will be a good addition to their inner circle.  I don't always agree with your slant, but you are "redeemable" and someone to work with.

In 2011 when I was very harsh with both the APNU and the AFC in how they were campaigning, I remember you opined that I wanted PPP soup.  You were supporting the AFC then.


I don't like any party in Guyana.  If I lived there I would be one of those people who wouldn't decide which one, APNU or AFC, I would vote for until the last minute.


All I know is that it wouldn't be the PPP in its current form.  Maybe if Cheddi didn't die (and Janet died)  it might have been a consideration, but not these lunatics.  Without Janet around Cheddi might not have been that bad.


APNU doesn't like people like me.  I don't tow the party line.

No, you should talk to Granger, he needs people like you, honestly.


I have always said Mr Burnham never wanted to hurt Dr Jagan in any way shape or form because to do so mean't that he would then be dealing with likes of an empowered Rai, Bagwan and Rodney. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

I have always said Mr Burnham never wanted to hurt Dr Jagan in any way shape or form because to do so mean't that he would then be dealing with likes of an empowered Rai, Bagwan and Rodney. 

Burnham and Cheddi used to have long conversations late at night.  They remained friends.  They fooled the gullible Guyanese that this wasn't the case.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The folks at congress place needs to come clean....


I agree and the PPP must clean up the party by removing House of Israel elements. It goes both ways.

This is exactly what Jalil has been saying all along, yuji.

Jalil is hopping mad that former PNC thugs and rascals are now comfortably ensconced in the PPP hierarchy.

If you look beneath Jalil's "vulgarity" you will see he has deep-seated genuine grievances against the PPP.

Jalil is absolutely angered to see what the PPP is doing now, the same PPP he gave his youth to in hard and bitter struggle.


Jalil can express himself in a civil manner rather than using vulgarity to make his point. Attacking posters who disagree with his vulgarity to further his cause does not gain support from fair minded posters.


Posters may disagree with me but I call a spade a spade and I express my opinion without fearing that I may offend anyone politically.


Mitwah is another poster who attacks posters family members and with vulgarity. We live in a civilized society and there are better ways for Jalil and Mitwah to express themselves.


I will continue to express my political opinion without looking to please my opponents.


Regarding the House of Israel,the PPP must get rid of them. It looks bad that the former House of Israel thugs are now housed under the PPP's tent.


The PPP must also clean up corruption, get rid of dead weight, balance the racial make up of the party and work with the opposition. After all they are a minority government and they must understand that they accept that reality or call fresh elections.


Rammo must stop living in the shadows of a former President and create his own brand of leadership style.


The PPP is very weak in fighting crime. Black youths must also be assisted since they sit at the bottom of the economic ladder.


The opposition must also put national interest ahead of petty politics. AFC must also address internal corruption and the PNC must offer an apology to Guyanese for the 28 years of dictatorship. 


We must address these issues before our beloved Guyana can move forward.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I have always said Mr Burnham never wanted to hurt Dr Jagan in any way shape or form because to do so mean't that he would then be dealing with likes of an empowered Rai, Bagwan and Rodney. 

Burnham and Cheddi used to have long conversations late at night.  They remained friends.  They fooled the gullible Guyanese that this wasn't the case.

And let me add, Burnham outwitted Jagan at his own game.


That's the reason I always favored Burnham over Jagan.

Burnham was the man!!

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I have always said Mr Burnham never wanted to hurt Dr Jagan in any way shape or form because to do so mean't that he would then be dealing with likes of an empowered Rai, Bagwan and Rodney. 

Burnham and Cheddi used to have long conversations late at night.  They remained friends.  They fooled the gullible Guyanese that this wasn't the case.

And let me add, Burnham outwitted Jagan at his own game.


That's the reason I always favored Burnham over Jagan.

Burnham was the man!!

My mother had a theory that it isn't that Burnham outwitted Jagan.  Its that Jagan was too enamored with Burnham to stand up to him.  Burnham was ruthless.  She saw a picture of the two of them talking to each other in the papers and Jagan had this look of deep admiration and pride for this buddy who he had deep respect for.  Burnham looked at him with his usual contempt that he reserved for people who he thought too simple.


Jagan was an idealist, who allowed the two closest people in his political life to dominate him, Burnham and his wife Janet.


And the rest is history.  Janet and Burnham were two ruthless and nasty characters.  Cheddi wasn't, which is why at his funeral, Buxtonians stopped this funeral procession to pay respects to him, even though the last time they would have voted for him would have been in 1953.  Clearly almost no one present would have remembered then.  The point is even though they didn't like his (Janet's) politics they still respected him.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Come clean congress place.....come clean

You mean like the PPP and their phantom death squads? How many died at the hands of these HOI thugs? We are quite certain the PPP kill count exceeds 400. Should they come clean?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why would an intelligent person want to peddle Corbin's big lie that the PPP killed 400 innocent African young men?  It baffles the hell out of me. 

Where's the proof that the PPP killed 400 innocent black youths?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy is no longer a objective person. He has shown so much biasedness in his postings since he became a sucker for the opposition.

Ow Bhai most time by noon he don't remember what he had fuh breakfast.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why would an intelligent person want to peddle Corbin's big lie that the PPP killed 400 innocent African young men?  It baffles the hell out of me. 

they were mainly anti PPP and they are all dead. The only lie is that agents of the PPP did not do it. Even the PPPites here celebrate Gagraj as a genius for these deaths.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy is no longer a objective person. He has shown so much biasedness in his postings since he became a sucker for the opposition.

 I gather you believe you are objective when you look at those church mice poor folks suddenly becoming obscenely rich and yet not blink as to why!  i do not believe any of the opposition are fully committed to change but as long as they split the vote and keep the PPP a minority or even cause them to lose Guyana will be better. It never saw more democracy in action than in the present parliament. The PPP was forced to engage outside their comfort zones as autocrats for the first time.


Don't you see the thousands and thousands of homes that have been constructed for the poor in Guyana? Don't you see the living standard has improved significantly? All you see is corruption and PPPItes getting wealthy. This is utter nonsense. Many PPPites are still ordindary working class folks. Many opposition supporters have prospered in business in Guyana. Stop your nonsense and speak the truth. Fancy phrases can't mask your dishonest opinions. We can see right through you.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Robert Corbin.

Robert Corbin.

[] – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament and former Priest of the House of Israel, Joseph Hamilton has claimed that former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin had supplied the body with arms and ammunition (9mm pistols) to terrorize Opposition elements during 1978.

Hamilton, who took the stand at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI) said Corbin was at the time in charge of the youth arm of the then governing party – the People’s National Congress – and had coordinated violent activities between the two bodies.

Hamilton, who was at the time a Priest at the House of Israel said instructions were that the only two ‘sacred cows’, [persons who they were told not to harm] were Founding Leader of the PPP Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Co founder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), Eusi Kwayana.

This means that the late Dr. Walter Rodney was marked for harm, he later reasoned. Hamilton reasoned too that the PNC chose not to harm the two (Cheddi and Eusi) because to harm Jagan would spark possible ethnic conflict and Kwayana was at the time seen as a respectable black Leader.

He recalled that the House of Israel which he claimed was a religious body that used the bible as the foundation for its teachings was first approached by the then ruling party in 1978 for support to disrupt WPA activities which had become daily agitation and threat to the government.

Joseph Hamilton

Joseph Hamilton

He said after a while it was feared that the WPA would retaliate following physical attacks on its members, disruption of several public meetings by seizing equipment, terrorizing and threatening supporters.

It was at this point that Corbin gave some six 9mm pistols to members of House of Israel upon request which was rotated among its membership, Hamilton chronicled.

He said the Party made it clear that everyone else could be harmed except Jagan and Kwayana adding that the body was always in close coordination with the PNC, particularly its youth arm when carrying out orders that came from party leaders and liaised by leaders in the House of Israel including Emerson Simpson, Robert Williams and Edward Washington.

Hamilton recalled among other things how the House of Israel was self-reliant and supported and funded itself through several ventures and activities.

He will continue his testimony on Tuesday, June 03 where he will make his recollections in relation to ‘Father Dark’s’ 1979 killing and other details relevant to Walter Rodney’s death.

Known facts, Corbin is an oppressor of the majority of the Guyanese human rights.


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