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[] – Attorney General, Anil Nandlall has been implicated in the sex scandal involving Speaker of the National Assembly and founding Member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Raphael Trotman.

The AFC made this revelation today, Friday, September 26, during a press conference with its full leadership team, which included its Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Cathy Hughes, Trotman and others.

General Secretary of the Party, David Patterson told the news conference that the AFC is in receipt of information that Johnny Welshman – the 22 – year – old who alleged that Trotman raped him ten years ago – was directed by a “senior government official” to seek the representation of Attorney – at – Law and PPP Guyana Elections Commissioner, Jaya Manickchand.

When asked who the senior government official is, Patterson said it was Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall.

“Mr Trotman, following the receipt of the information, contacted the Head of the Ministry and a Member of Parliament via telephone and asked for an explanation. The Senior Government functionary, at the time, denied any involvement. A short time afterwards, the government functionary returned a call to Mr Trotman confirming that an official in his office did meet with Mr Welshman and who further directed him to Jaya Manickchand,” Patterson explained.

He further noted that the AFC received information that Nandlall was directly involved in the falsification of the allegation leveled against Trotman and the overall scheme to tarnish his reputation.

“I never molested any child”

Meanwhile, Trotman, in brief remarks, again denied the allegations.

“I have never in my life committed in any acts of a sexual nature that is illegal. I have never molested a child – male or female – and I have never, as a matter of fact, even as Counsel represented any person charged with similar offences.

“At no time did I ever and I will never in my life do anything to hurt any child or commit any offence of a sexual nature. That’s all I want to say.”

Trotman maintains that he will not resign as Speaker of the National Assembly.

“Welshman has psychological difficulties”

The young man at the center of the allegations, Anthony Welshman

The young man at the center of the allegations, Anthony Welshman

AFC Executive Member, Moses Nagamootoo said the Party is concerned about the young man’s state of mind, as he is “clearly in a state of considerable psychological stress.”

Nagamootoo is of the view that the young man is not afforded “proper treatment.”

“Judging by his public statements and most recently his Facebook posting, particularly in relation to Jesus being his legal advisor and having nowhere to sleep, clearly demonstrate that Mr Welshman is in a state of considerable psychological difficulties.”

Jaya Manickchand

Jaya Manickchand

Meanwhile, the AFC also lashed out at Manickchand, stating that she was also part of the scheme to “entrap Trotman into paying hush money to suppress his alleged involvement in a most heinous crime thereby securing from him an admission in his participation of the alleged crime and confirming that he had something to hide in the payment of the hush money.”

Manickchand has since admitted to contacting Trotman on behalf of Welshman; however she maintained that he [Welshman] did not retain her services.

Several text messages released by the AFC, shows Manickchand attempting to convince Trotman to reach “a quick” settlement with the young man.

According to the AFC, Trotman in response to Manickchand recommended that Welshman make a report to the police.

According to the AFC, their information also suggests that the young man was promised a job upon his return to Guyana from Trinidad and Tobago and that he has reopened his bank accounts since his return.


[] – Attorney General, Anil Nandlall has been implicated in the sex scandal involving Speaker of the National Assembly and founding Member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Raphael Trotman.

The AFC made this revelation today, Friday, September 26, during a press conference with its full leadership team, which included its Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Moses Nagamootoo, Cathy Hughes, Trotman and others.

General Secretary of the Party, David Patterson told the news conference that the AFC is in receipt of information that Johnny Welshman – the 22 – year – old who alleged that Trotman raped him ten years ago – was directed by a “senior government official” to seek the representation of Attorney – at – Law and PPP Guyana Elections Commissioner, Jaya Manickchand.

When asked who the senior government official is, Patterson said it was Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall.

“Mr Trotman, following the receipt of the information, contacted the Head of the Ministry and a Member of Parliament via telephone and asked for an explanation. The Senior Government functionary, at the time, denied any involvement. A short time afterwards, the government functionary returned a call to Mr Trotman confirming that an official in his office did meet with Mr Welshman and who further directed him to Jaya Manickchand,” Patterson explained.

He further noted that the AFC received information that Nandlall was directly involved in the falsification of the allegation leveled against Trotman and the overall scheme to tarnish his reputation.

“I never molested any child”

Meanwhile, Trotman, in brief remarks, again denied the allegations.

“I have never in my life committed in any acts of a sexual nature that is illegal. I have never molested a child – male or female – and I have never, as a matter of fact, even as Counsel represented any person charged with similar offences.

“At no time did I ever and I will never in my life do anything to hurt any child or commit any offence of a sexual nature. That’s all I want to say.”

Trotman maintains that he will not resign as Speaker of the National Assembly.

“Welshman has psychological difficulties”

The young man at the center of the allegations, Anthony Welshman

The young man at the center of the allegations, Anthony Welshman

AFC Executive Member, Moses Nagamootoo said the Party is concerned about the young man’s state of mind, as he is “clearly in a state of considerable psychological stress.”

Nagamootoo is of the view that the young man is not afforded “proper treatment.”

“Judging by his public statements and most recently his Facebook posting, particularly in relation to Jesus being his legal advisor and having nowhere to sleep, clearly demonstrate that Mr Welshman is in a state of considerable psychological difficulties.”

Jaya Manickchand

Jaya Manickchand

Meanwhile, the AFC also lashed out at Manickchand, stating that she was also part of the scheme to “entrap Trotman into paying hush money to suppress his alleged involvement in a most heinous crime thereby securing from him an admission in his participation of the alleged crime and confirming that he had something to hide in the payment of the hush money.”

Manickchand has since admitted to contacting Trotman on behalf of Welshman; however she maintained that he [Welshman] did not retain her services.

Several text messages released by the AFC, shows Manickchand attempting to convince Trotman to reach “a quick” settlement with the young man.

According to the AFC, Trotman in response to Manickchand recommended that Welshman make a report to the police.

According to the AFC, their information also suggests that the young man was promised a job upon his return to Guyana from Trinidad and Tobago and that he has reopened his bank accounts since his return.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP can be very vicious.

 the AFC received information that Nandlall was directly involved in the falsification of the allegation leveled against Trotman and the overall scheme to tarnish his reputation.


I'm confident Raphael Trotman will be exonerated.

Anil Nandalall has been implicated in a lot of skullduggery lately. The truth will out.

Nandalall and the feral Manickchand will cause the PPP to lose many votes soon.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm confident Raphael Trotman will be exonerated.

Anil Nandalall has been implicated in a lot of skullduggery lately. The truth will out.

Nandalall and the feral Manickchand will cause the PPP to lose many votes soon.



Gilly.. as i mention before this set up reeks,it will

backfire on the PPP,their motive is to delay the

no confidence motion,so their target is the speaker.





The PPP are a bunch of sick puppies their fingerprints are all over this.


But what this goes to show you is that the PPP would use anyone to go after their political opponents. The PPP will use anything including Roger Khan for their own self preservation.


The PPP as an organization has demonstrated time and again what scoundrels they really are Manickchand and Nandallal have absolutely no bloody class.


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