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Dem boys seh … Robeson lock up a man fuh nutten

October 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Poor Donald. He seh that he ain’t getting a chance to prove that he can run de country. He seh that every time he try something is opposition. De man like Brumell fuh de Police Commissioner and he talk to Granger. But because he come up wid de idea Granger ain’t listen to he suh Brumell had to act fuh a whole year.
De thing when it come through mek de man cry. Dem boys seh that he cry because Henry Greene ain’t deh round fuh see how he tun out. And if wasn’t fuh Donald he wouldn’t a get de commissioner wuk.
Donald mek some other changes too. He change Kwame from being a spokesman but he had to wait till Kwame get sick. Dem boys seh that he gun change Brazzy too and that easy because Brazzy sick, too. Gee Nah gun get a new boss because Knee Ass sick too. Is only when people sick Donald can change dem. He still ain’t do nutten to Martin although all de evidence point to Martin thiefing. Perhaps if Martin get sick then he gun tek action.
That is why dem boys seh that Donald got belly but he ain’t got guts. That is why he don’t walk close to li’l children. Dem same li’l children like play wid pin and it ain’t gun be easy fuh one of dem bore he. Brazzy just like that; that is why Donald run to defend he because as everybody know de birds of a feather saying. But he got to explain wha Brazzy mean wid de advertisement that he put out.  Instead of explaining de situation Brazzy confuse de situation even more. Now dem boys want to know wha he mean when he explain bout de Marriott.
And dem boys want to know why Robeson mek de police lock up a man because de man tell he that he party gun lose de next elections. When de police ask Robeson why dem have to lock up dew man Robeson tell dem that he is de Minister and he ain’t got to mek a report. Donald ain’t dealing wid dem things. Talk half and hope Donald change.

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Robeson locking up innocent people when he has a rogue son that may very well end up in jail for his ignorant behavior ... and what happened to that file with the DPP about robeson benn son beating up the girlfried he obsessed with and cant get?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Guyanese need to be taught good manners.Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why there is no follow up on this story?


Granger said Benn is the only likable minister in parliament, and he send this stone face fella to break up the man meeting. It is high time to throw he ass in jail for heckling a big man.  


There is no accusation he disrupted any meeting. Also, the minister can make a complaint. The police, has to make the determination if a crime is committed. This pig headed fool is trying very hard to rise beyond his water boy status to thug in charge. Remember he ran up into NCN and co-opt the authority of what the Guyanese people should listen to. He should more look after that accused rapist serial woman beating misogynist of a son he has if he is has a no tolerance for the criminal bent. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why there is no follow up on this story?

what happened to that file with the DPP about robeson benn son beating up the girlfried he obsessed with and cant get?


Minister’s son rape allegations …DPP perusing file

August 1, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The file concerning the sexual assault of a 27 year old woman, who was also allegedly beaten by Robeson Benn Jr, the son of a prominent government minister, is currently engaging the Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Kaieteur News was told yesterday that the file has been dispatched to the office and will be completed soon.  Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell had earlier stated that the Force was ensuring that ranks carry out a meticulous probe.
Benn Jr has been accused of violently assaulting his 27-year old ex-girlfriend at her apartment in the wee hours of June 23, 2013. The woman had given her statement to the police in the presence of attorney Nigel Hughes. She was also examined by a doctor who has since forwarded his report to the police.
Benn Jr. has since been released on bail after being taken into police custody. In a statement the young man claimed that he was invited into the home by the young woman. It is unclear what he has said in regard to the injuries the woman sustained. The woman was severely beaten to the face, which was left swollen and bloodshot.
The woman said that she was in bed when she heard a knock on the door around 04:00 hours on June 23rd last. She said that she was expecting a relative who was spending time with her, so she opened the door, only to be confronted by her ex-boyfriend. The woman said she immediately tried to shut the door but the younger Benn forced his way in.
She said that after she kept insisting that he leaves, Benn became annoyed and began punching her to her face and about the body, leaving her entire face swollen and her upper body badly bruised. Things escalated and he allegedly sexually assaulted her. The woman estimated that her ordeal lasted about 20 minutes before her ex-boyfriend left.
She claimed that during the ordeal, Benn was brandishing a gun. But in his statement to the police, Robeson Benn Jr denied that any gun was involved. The woman said that after the attack, she contacted close friends who took her to the Alberttown Police Station.


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