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Rodney was an obstacle to PPP/PNC one-party dictatorship


I refer to PPP apologist Sultan Mohamed’s letter “Dr Roopnaraine will become the WPA fall guy,” in which his main theme was that Dr Roopnaraine will testify to the COI that the WPA was acquiring arms with which to oppose Burnham’s socialist dictatorship. Mohamed and the PPP would like Dr Roopnaraine to say that the WPA was not doing so, so that the COI cannot find any shred of justification for the murder of Walter Rodney, as the Burnhamites would like. Never mind that the lawful response from the State was to charge and prosecute Walter for arms possession or treason.
However there is another reason why the PPP would not like the WPA to say it was resorting to armed struggle, and that is to obfuscate the PPP’s complicity with the PNC during its socialist experiment. While the African-led multi-racial WPA was trying to remove Burnham’s African-led PNC from power, the Indian-led Communist PPP was supporting the PNC as shown below:
1. In mid 1970’s the Cuban Communist Party ordered the PPP to merge with PNC. Cheddi Jagan, cognizant of Indians’ cry of betrayal, instead adopted “critical support” for Burnham’s PNC. Almost all the Marxist cadres of the PPP, led by Ranji Chandisingh, defected to the PNC in 1975.
2. In 1977, when Burnham was under pressure from the WPA, the PPP proposed a National Front Government with the PNC.
3. In 1979, the PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with the PNC.
4. In 1980, the PPP betrayed a group of men on the West Demerara causing the PNC to arrest and charge them.
5. In 1979, the PPP ordered its members and supporters not to cooperate with the WPA, not to attend WPA meetings, and not to march with the WPA.
Soon after Walter Rodney was assassinated on Friday 13th June 1980, the Jaganites and the Burnhamites commenced secret power-sharing talks.
PPP supporters must ask themselves why the PPP did nothing to remove Burnham’s socialist dictatorship but was, rather, bent on joining with Burnham.
PPP supporters who were always puzzled at the ease with which Burnhamites joined the PPP after 1992 should now see that the Jaganites and the Burnhamites were all feathers of the same bird, some brown, some black.
PPP supporters should also know that when Mr Desmond Hoyte took over in late 1985 he said enough of the Socialist nonsense. He did the following:
1. Scrapped the power-sharing talks between the Jaganites and the Burnhamites aimed at creating a one-party socialist state patterned after Cuba and the Soviet Union.
2. Removed the ban on flour and dhal. Removed all import restrictions. Set the economy on the free enterprise path.
3. Removed restrictions on the media.
4. Charged, prosecuted, and jailed former Burnham’s PNC henchmen including House of Israel leader Rabbi Washington.
5. Hanged the kick-down-the-door bandits who were organized and controlled by some PNC strongmen.
6. Held free and fair elections in 1992.
7. Expelled senior functionaries in his party who opposed free and fair elections.
8. Ended party paramountcy.
Since taking power in 1992 the PPP did the following:
1. Resumed party paramountcy.
2. Freed House of Israel leader Rabbi Washington.
3. Inducted Burnhamites into the cabinet.
4. Took in self-confessed House of Israel thug Joe Hamilton and made him a Parliamentary Secretary.
5. Replaced House of Israel thugs with private drug militias.
6. Made the Police Force subservient to organized crime and drug traffickers.
7. Condoned widespread police torture of poor and powerless people.
Just as Dr Walter Rodney had zero tolerance for Burnham’s PNC he would never have allowed a PPP/PNC one-party socialist dictatorship. Walter was also quickly eroding the ethnic bases of the PPP and the PNC and he was uniting the Guyanese people. United African and Indian masses would have meant the end of Jagan and Burnham’s PPP and PNC.  He had to be not merely removed but be made an example of for any who dared to challenge the authors of racial polarization and dictatorship politics in Guyana. Hence the plan to blow his head off, as well as that of Dr Roopnaraine.
Sultan Mohamed may well remember the PPP’s antics in front of a well-known ROAR member’s home during the 2001 elections, a PPP organizer pointing a gun at him at Prospect, EBD, and hurling bottles and rotten eggs at him, and the killing of the father of a PPP organizer who had defected to ROAR. I am sure the Sultan remembers all this.
Malcolm Harripaul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

More horsehit from the PNC apologist.  Since when does Malcolm Haripaul opinion matter and is fair and independent.  He hustling for a back bench in the PNC 24 after 2016.


Hustle, hustle.


Haripaul is an opportunist just like all the other Krulli who runing to the PNC today.


Just because Jagan did not allow his corrupt ways, he crying sour grapes now.


Well he should have stayed since he and Jagdehoe would have been good bed fellows, corrupt alike.




Attention all paid PPP Bloggers! Please respond to the following:

In mid1970’s the Cuban Communist Party ordered the PPP to merge with PNC. Cheddi Jagan, cognizant of Indians’ cry of betrayal, instead adopted “critical support” for Burnham’s PNC. Almost all the Marxist cadres of the PPP,led by Rani Chandisingh, defected tothe PNC in 1975.

In1977, when Burnham was under pressure from the WPA, the PPP proposed a National Front Government with the PNC.

In1979 the PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with the PNC.

In1980 the PPP betrayed a group of men on the West Demerara causing the PNC to arrest and charge them.

In 1979 the PPP ordered its members and supporters not to cooperate with the WPA, not to attend WPA meetings, and not to march with the WPA.

Soon after Walter Rodney was assassinated on Fri13thJune 1980, the Jaganites and the Burnhamites commenced secret power sharing talks.


I like Malcolm.  But he has got to remember that those were the cold war days.  The Cuban government wanted a united left in Guyana.  This was because they felt that the fight between left wing parties in Guyana was eventually self defeating for all on the political left.  Also, at the same time, all around the world the right was uniting.  For example, people like Nixon were buddies and meeting with Francisco Franco who only a few decades ago was being supported by Nazi Germany. 



Originally Posted by Wally:

I like Malcolm.  But he has got to remember that those were the cold war days.  The Cuban government wanted a united left in Guyana.  This was because they felt that the fight between left wing parties in Guyana was eventually self defeating for all on the political left.  Also, at the same time, all around the world the right was uniting.  For example, people like Nixon were buddies and meeting with Francisco Franco who only a few decades ago was being supported by Nazi Germany. 



The mere fact that the PPP hung tight to the Cuban communist party, which brutally crushed all of its opponents, shows how hypocritical they are.


A PPP in power would have been no more democratic than the PNC was, and as we can see the PPP doesn't hold elections if they aren't sure of the results.  2011 was a shock to their system, and subsequent events scare them even more.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I like Malcolm.  But he has got to remember that those were the cold war days.  The Cuban government wanted a united left in Guyana.  This was because they felt that the fight between left wing parties in Guyana was eventually self defeating for all on the political left.  Also, at the same time, all around the world the right was uniting.  For example, people like Nixon were buddies and meeting with Francisco Franco who only a few decades ago was being supported by Nazi Germany. 



The mere fact that the PPP hung tight to the Cuban communist party, which brutally crushed all of its opponents, shows how hypocritical they are.


A PPP in power would have been no more democratic than the PNC was, and as we can see the PPP doesn't hold elections if they aren't sure of the results.  2011 was a shock to their system, and subsequent events scare them even more.

Me mamoo keep saying the same thing all the time. 

Originally Posted by JB:



Attention all paid PPP Bloggers! Please respond to the following:

In mid1970’s the Cuban Communist Party ordered the PPP to merge with PNC. Cheddi Jagan, cognizant of Indians’ cry of betrayal, instead adopted “critical support” for Burnham’s PNC. Almost all the Marxist cadres of the PPP,led by Rani Chandisingh, defected tothe PNC in 1975.

In1977, when Burnham was under pressure from the WPA, the PPP proposed a National Front Government with the PNC.

In1979 the PPP proposed a National Patriotic Front Government with the PNC.

In1980 the PPP betrayed a group of men on the West Demerara causing the PNC to arrest and charge them.

In 1979 the PPP ordered its members and supporters not to cooperate with the WPA, not to attend WPA meetings, and not to march with the WPA.

Soon after Walter Rodney was assassinated on Fri13thJune 1980, the Jaganites and the Burnhamites commenced secret power sharing talks.


The PPP was a member of the Socialist International (the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Guyana and a couple other communist parties).


I do not think the PNC was a member o that group and its fraternal relations with China and North Korea (on the other side of the Soviet-led Communists) bear this out.


The WPA was a South-south nationalist leftist movement with no affiliation to the socialist (2nd world - the first world being the Western capitalist democracies). So it adopted a more of a South-South underdevelopment position with links to the African and post-independence Latin American.


The PNC tried to buy in to that club with Burnham's Non-Alignment push, but it basially did not have a proper ideological home and was basically autocratic.


This crop of PPP is oligarchic.


The history of Guyana is an orgy of leftist thinking by the rulers. The majority of the country did not buy into that and instead race was the differentiator. The rightist D'Aiguar and Balram Singh Rai and others were peripheral players. The populace migrated and turned to an underground economy. Guyana is heading nowhere meantime and the Diaspora folks that loiters on this Board come with their sanctimonious sentiments and knowledge of what's right.


The issue is racial mistrust, pure and simple. Make that disappear and then differences in policy and self-interest will become the norm. I see Guyana remaining a cesspool for socialist thinking wrapped in an oligarchic behavior. We will not have parties with a democratic structure and free enterprise thinking will remain at the mercantilist level - buy low and sell high and the hell with industrial enterprise.

Originally Posted by Kari:



The PPP was a member of the Socialist International (the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Guyana and a couple other communist parties).



Not so, Kari. The PPP was a member of the International Movement of Communist and Workers' Parties, with HQ in the former Soviet Union. That movement was a collection chiefly of communist and self-styled Marxist-Leninist Parties.

On the other hand, the Socialist International comprised social democratic and labor parties, the so-called moderate left or reformists. Its HQ is in the UK. The SI is still functioning and doesn't admit communist/M-L parties into its fold.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Kari:



The PPP was a member of the Socialist International (the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Guyana and a couple other communist parties).



Not so, Kari. The PPP was a member of the International Movement of Communist and Workers' Parties, with HQ in the former Soviet Union. That movement was a collection chiefly of communist and self-styled Marxist-Leninist Parties.

On the other hand, the Socialist International comprised social democratic and labor parties, the so-called moderate left or reformists. Its HQ is in the UK. The SI is still functioning and doesn't admit communist/M-L parties into its fold.

Thanks for the correction Gilly. Whatever name they go by you know what I mean - the club of communist parties, that for instance invite 5 members annually for R & R in the Baku region of the USSR.


The point I'm trying to make is that all the leftist animals in Guyana had differe3nt stripes that make them unnatural partners, and thus they co-existed uneasily in Guyana. The PPP, PNC and WPA were all different leftist groups. However underlying the first two was an autocratic or oligarchic nature. I don't know Rodney well other than he was a pan-Africanist. I was out of Guyana when he was surging. He might have been similar to Maurice Bishop of Grenada.


Nothing can justify the denial of democracy and human rights in Guyana during the Burnham/Hoyte years. Whites in South Africa used the same anti-communist arguments against Mandela and the ANC to justify apartheid. Anti-PPP forces in Guyana keep using the same ammunitions against the PPP because they think it still has propaganda value. It does not.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Kari:
The PPP was a member of the Socialist International (the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Guyana and a couple other communist parties).

[kari obviously has no idea what he is talking about here, but insists . . . Gilbakka has done the BB a service exposing this fool]


I do not think the PNC was a member o that group and its fraternal

relations with China and North Korea (on the other side of the Soviet-led Communists) bear this out.


The WPA was a South-south nationalist leftist movement with no affiliation to the socialist (2nd world - the first world being the Western capitalist democracies). So it adopted a more of a South-South underdevelopment position with links to the African and post-independence Latin American.


The PNC tried to buy in to that club with Burnham's Non-Alignment push, but it basially did not have a proper ideological home and was basically autocratic.


This crop of PPP is [autocratic, and] oligarchic.

The history of Guyana is an orgy of leftist thinking by the rulers. The majority of the country did not buy into that and instead race was the differentiator. The rightist D'Aiguar and Balram Singh Rai and others were peripheral players. The populace migrated and turned to an underground economy. Guyana is heading nowhere meantime and the Diaspora folks that loiters on this Board come with their sanctimonious sentiments and knowledge of what's right.

[and, it naturally follows that u, Kari, are the most idiotic "loiterer" here . . . nah suh bai?]


The issue is racial mistrust, pure and simple. Make that disappear and then differences in policy and self-interest will become the norm. I see [PPP] Guyana remaining a cesspool for socialist thinking wrapped in an oligarchic behavior. We will not have parties with a democratic structure and free enterprise thinking will remain at the mercantilist level - buy low and sell high and the hell with industrial enterprise.

[sooo, Guyana's political parties are "mercantilist" in their "free enterprise thinking" . . . hmmm? they "buy low and sell high" . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmm!??]

more free-flowing, pseudointellectual tripe by GNI's premier poser and poorly informed tribal 'strategist'


my comments in bold/red

Originally Posted by seignet:

y u stalking the man?

Nobody stalking anybody.


Redux is trying to be heard. His singular task in life is to be relevant. He feels that by being in the same sentence with his me will provide the attention.


Let him's an affliction that's treatable. Nah tek worries....he gon calm down from the rabies with lil counseling.

Originally Posted by Kari:
The PPP was a member of the Socialist International (the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba, Guyana and a couple other communist parties).

[kari obviously has no idea what he is talking about here, but insists . . . Gilbakka has done the BB a service exposing this fool]


I do not think the PNC was a member o that group and its fraternal

relations with China and North Korea (on the other side of the Soviet-led Communists) bear this out.


The WPA was a South-south nationalist leftist movement with no affiliation to the socialist (2nd world - the first world being the Western capitalist democracies). So it adopted a more of a South-South underdevelopment position with links to the African and post-independence Latin American.


The PNC tried to buy in to that club with Burnham's Non-Alignment push, but it basially did not have a proper ideological home and was basically autocratic.


This crop of PPP is [autocratic, and] oligarchic.

The history of Guyana is an orgy of leftist thinking by the rulers. The majority of the country did not buy into that and instead race was the differentiator. The rightist D'Aiguar and Balram Singh Rai and others were peripheral players. The populace migrated and turned to an underground economy. Guyana is heading nowhere meantime and the Diaspora folks that loiters on this Board come with their sanctimonious sentiments and knowledge of what's right.

[and, it naturally follows that u, Kari, are the most idiotic "loiterer" here . . . nah suh bai?]


The issue is racial mistrust, pure and simple. Make that disappear and then differences in policy and self-interest will become the norm. I see [PPP] Guyana remaining a cesspool for socialist thinking wrapped in an oligarchic behavior. We will not have parties with a democratic structure and free enterprise thinking will remain at the mercantilist level - buy low and sell high and the hell with industrial enterprise.

[sooo, Guyana's political parties are "mercantilist" in their "free enterprise thinking" . . . hmmm? they "buy low and sell high" . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmm!??]

more free-flowing, pseudointellectual tripe by GNI's premier poser and poorly informed tribal 'strategist'


my comments in bold/red


“I’m not going to give any blanket apology,” he told reporters at a media conference this morning (Friday, June 13)."


Granger on the death anniversary of Walter Rodney.


Well I hope he understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?


Yes Eusi Kwayana seh that them PNC people destroyed Walter Rodney.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

Last edited by Former Member

FACT  ----



Close Friend of Dr Walter Rodney and co – Founder of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Eusi Kwayana has joined preceding witnesses at the ongoing Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry (COI), professing that the then Government – the People’s National Congress (PNC) – was involved in the late Politician and Historian’s death.


Let the PNC dispute EUSI.  Come on TK and your five handles.  Address EUSI.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

Gilly, long time me nah hear that word - Chul Chul.  By the way my grand ma used to tell me I am chul chul.  Nah me nah rukshun, me just like tantalise fools and unfortunately TK and his five handles like tek on.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

Gilly, long time me nah hear that word - Chul Chul.  By the way my grand ma used to tell me I am chul chul.  Nah me nah rukshun, me just like tantalise fools and unfortunately TK and his five handles like tek on.

You really got dem boys' blood roiling, Kish. I keep laffing me belly out to see how dem tekking you on.

But, seriously, you're reading the Guyana news closely so you have a good launching pad for your scatter-fire.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

Gilly, long time me nah hear that word - Chul Chul.  By the way my grand ma used to tell me I am chul chul.  Nah me nah rukshun, me just like tantalise fools and unfortunately TK and his five handles like tek on.

Amazing how Mr TK affect you AFC people. You invent jumbies and call it TK. Sad. You should be working and dont blame Mr TK. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

no, i happen to disagree


i don't find bigotry funny


he will get the same as i gave rev . . . who was also a 'dead serious' buffoon

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

no, i happen to disagree


i don't find bigotry funny


he will get the same as i gave rev . . . who was also a 'dead serious' buffoon

Empty rice pot (ERP) from Jumbie No. 2.


Look bassman (not baseman) - I an a tool, I only rise up when I need to.


I am in this fight to ensure the crooked PNC never get back into power and you are with the crooked PNC.


MY mission


"Whenever there is decay of righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness

then I have no choice but to do my work.


As I said I am the doer, GOD is the decider, the decision maker.


My job is to fight crooked people like the crooked PNC who rigged elections and paint them selves with white wash, rename themselves APNU, throw in two krulli like Roopnarine and TK for window dressing and are baptised as born again Christians.


Well you know Lord Krishna soldiers like me and Arujuna ready fuh these RAVANS.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

no, i happen to disagree


i don't find bigotry funny


he will get the same as i gave rev . . . who was also a 'dead serious' buffoon

Empty rice pot (ERP) from Jumbie No. 2.


Look bassman (not baseman) - I an a tool, I only rise up when I need to.


I am in this fight to ensure the crooked PNC never get back into power and you are with the crooked PNC.


MY mission


"Whenever there is decay of righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness

then I have no choice but to do my work.


As I said I am the doer, GOD is the decider, the decision maker.


My job is to fight crooked people like the crooked PNC who rigged elections and paint them selves with white wash, rename themselves APNU, throw in two krulli like Roopnarine and TK for window dressing and are baptised as born again Christians.


Well you know Lord Krishna soldiers like me and Arujuna ready fuh these RAVANS.

Ok Arjuna. Get to work now. AFC need you. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

no, i happen to disagree


i don't find bigotry funny


he will get the same as i gave rev . . . who was also a 'dead serious' buffoon

Empty rice pot (ERP) from Jumbie No. 2.


Look bassman (not baseman) - I an a tool, I only rise up when I need to.


I am in this fight to ensure the crooked PNC never get back into power and you are with the crooked PNC.


MY mission


"Whenever there is decay of righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness

then I have no choice but to do my work.


As I said I am the doer, GOD is the decider, the decision maker.


My job is to fight crooked people like the crooked PNC who rigged elections and paint them selves with white wash, rename themselves APNU, throw in two krulli like Roopnarine and TK for window dressing and are baptised as born again Christians.


Well you know Lord Krishna soldiers like me and Arujuna ready fuh these RAVANS.

Ok Arjuna. Get to work now. AFC need you. 

The last time I checked I said me nah want nuthing to do with Guyana palaticians.  They are all a major let down.  Me watchin Mr bencock, he look like he will upset Hammie in GT.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
. . . Well I hope he [Granger] understand when the people give him a blanket NO for being a wrong and strong bully?

no sir, you do NOT speak for the "people"


u speak ONLY for your fellow bottom feeding, Indo-supremacist klowns here who regard the suffering of Guyanese (especially blackman) as sport

redux, don't raise yuh blood pressure behind Kishan. He chul-chul and ruckshun, nothing more.

Save your ammo for serious opponents.

no, i happen to disagree


i don't find bigotry funny


he will get the same as i gave rev . . . who was also a 'dead serious' buffoon

Empty rice pot (ERP) from Jumbie No. 2.


Look bassman (not baseman) - I an a tool, I only rise up when I need to.


I am in this fight to ensure the crooked PNC never get back into power and you are with the crooked PNC.


MY mission


"Whenever there is decay of righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness

then I have no choice but to do my work.


As I said I am the doer, GOD is the decider, the decision maker.


My job is to fight crooked people like the crooked PNC who rigged elections and paint them selves with white wash, rename themselves APNU, throw in two krulli like Roopnarine and TK for window dressing and are baptised as born again Christians.


Well you know Lord Krishna soldiers like me and Arujuna ready fuh these RAVANS.

bigotry remains bigotry no matter how much u 'fake contextualize' and how much perfume you throw on it bai


just make sure that u wearing that custom-fitted chastity belt protecting yuh "fair skin patacake" from dem maurading blackman

Last edited by Former Member

Rodney like every political leader had a right to mobilise.  But in PNC Part 1 and PNC p[art 2, they do not believe in such rights.


They exterminate.


TK and Gerhard now with the exterminators.


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