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Dave posted:

The police station gates were padlocks from 5 PM. The bandits used to drive by and shoot up the police station.

The one that seemed weird was when those crooks (terrorists) attacked  the Eve Leary Police headquarters. Even that Police headquarters had to hire security guards to protect them from those terrorists who the PNC used to give critical support to. Imagine a police station needing to hire less able security guards to protect them. Isn't that laughable? Just review the audio between Felix and Basil Williams on how inept the predominantly PNC police force was in countering the terrorism back then. At some point it stopped and Guyana got back to a relatively normal state. Whoever was responsible for quelling those terrorists activities should be praised not rebuked. If that person happens to be RK, then he is a hero in Guyanese terms, not a villain.

Dave posted:


End of Government: Militants and Phantoms

Selected and Arranged by Rakesh Rampertab

© 2001

Not going to include the entire but it is a chronicle of the lawlessness of the PNC. Yet some people chose to harp about the PPP while are completely silent about these events.

Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

The police and Army failed Indians and majority of Blacks. It was RK and his troop that brought stability in Guyana. The PNC used the criminals to create chaos in Guyana. 

Law abiding citizens ( Blacks and Portuguese ) had to abandon their homes in Buxton and seek a safe place else where. 

Banna, you and Django never live through these moments in Guyana. I live it, and was a victim. I patrol the streets day and night to protect my family and law abiding citizens so they can sleep in peace.

Do you know what its like, to sit on your Veranda with Guns guarding your property, having a guard at the gate opening for one customer at a time to enter your business.

The police station gates were padlocks from 5 PM. The bandits used to drive by and shoot up the police station.

Majority of Indians that live on  the border of Buxton surrounding  Annandale and Vigilance  abandon their homes also, the Bostonians loots their stuff after they left.

Brian Hamilton ( Gas station owner of Buxton ) was assassinated and his Video recording of the crimes was remove by Nigel Hudge .

Ayo rest ayo self , ayo knows nothing.

What year was this.

1997- 2004

There was a poster here who is based in Canada, guy named blackbeard. He had told me some very scary stories offline. Things he saw and live through around the same time u specified.

Bai, Dave is well informed on what goes on in Guyana. He doesn't sugarcoat things. He also criticizes the PPP where there is deserved criticism. While I don't care for the PPP, I stand on their side because I truly despise the PNC. 


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