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Clement Rohee rejects Vincent Alexander’s statement

January 5, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
If incompetence was a valued, traded commodity, the APNU+AFC coalition administration would have been well endowed since it appears to be bountiful with that particular commodity. In this connection, Mr. Vincent Alexander wrote about;
1. a “baseless allegation” in one newspaper;
2. being “stunned” in another and yet in another, accusing the PPP of “not responding to an invitation to request to participate in jubilee celebrations!
Let me make it clear from the outset, as General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) I never received any such correspondence referred to by Mr. Alexander and I stand by what I said. The explanation is quite simple.
1. A letter addressed to the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament in care of  Freedom House will not land in the hands of the General Secretary of the PPP; it will obviously be given to the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament should he visit Freedom House.
2. The Leader of the Opposition office is located at 304, Church Street, Queenstown, Georgetown.
3. A letter addressed to the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament should not be confused with a letter addressed to the General Secretary of the PPP nor vice versa.
4. Invitations of the nature Mr. Vincent Alexander spoke about should have been addressed to the General Secretary, People’s Progressive Party, 41 Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, had the intention been for a representative of the PPP not necessarily a Member of Parliament.
As General Secretary of the PPP I have absolutely no reason to lie about correspondence. That is too petty an issue. As far as I can recall Gail Teixeira was identified as the Party’s representative to sit on the University of Guyana Council. If that decision was not communicated to the relevant authority well, that’s another matter. Finally, the PPP General Secretary has not received any correspondence inviting the PPP to name a representative to sit on the Commission of Inquiry into the Education System. Mr. Alexander should take note of these clarifications and comments and make the necessary corrections.
Clement Rohee
General Secretary
The People’s Progressive Party

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